Virtua Fighter 4 first impression.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Feb 24, 2001.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Ice, my problem with TTT is not with the game.
    It's with the crowd.

    No matter what ppl say abt it 'unskilled, no t3d movement and such', I've always said namco must have done something rite to have soo much consumers falling madly in love with it.

    My only gripe is when TTT players starts to come outta the woodwork and COMPLAIN ABT THE FLAWS OF VF, a game which they DO NOT attempt to learn.

    And Frankly, I'm very sick of all this 'unimpressive graphics, TTT more realistic, TTT on PS2 got better graphics comment, TTT more real moves' comments.

    It's only a rolling demo. It means NOTHING~~~!!!!
    And no matter what the new gameplay VF4 will bring, I'm confident lotsa vfers here will learn it, learn to work around the engine and end up loving it.

    And Frankly, I am very F@#KING sick of the TTT crowd.
    Maybe you have more VFERS to play with.

    I'm alone here, with ALL MY GAMING FRIENDS SAVE FOR ONE who actually plays vf. And whenever they see my play VF, they spit in my face. Asking me to perform ten hit strings and stuff, WELLL WE CAN'T! And when I managed to yomi, they flip on TTT doing hits after hits declaring 'more combo, more fun, deeper engine, better graphics!!!!!!'

    I'm confident abt the strenght of VF over Tekken.
    But it's the numbers.

    U know the silly thing? The higher the sales are or the more the players are, the better the game is. That is the match stick people use to judge the quality of a game.

    Maybe it's has to do with the crowd I'm with. When the demo came out yesterday, most of my friends DLed just so that they can make fun of it.

    And yes, they all prefer Tekken of VF.
    Comments such as 'look, it's a PPP+k again, look, it's the linear battle again, look it's the 4 hit combo again, TTT on the PS2 looks better cause I say so'.

    And the ultimate 'WHEN TEKKEN4 COMES OUT, VF4 WILL BE DEAD'.

    It's about respect. Us vfers will take the time to play Tekken, learn Tekken, enjoy Tekken.

    See the general Tekken crowd doing that????

    In fact, take a trip to on Ice, U must remember what that SRK means/images/icons/smile.gif) and see the SF crowd response to the rolling demo of VF. They've already buried it!!!!!!!!!!

    No fireball my ass.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I agree with Jason here.
    Once the dam game comes out, We'll be learning, exploring and learn to work around the engine.

    I have to ask you though, what do u use to measure if a guy is a newbie or an old timer in vf?
    From the amt of dayz he played VF?
    Or the time the player spents on VF?

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re:Chang Quan!!!!!!!!!.

    Actually, last night be4 my and my buddy went to bed, we were discussing abt the monk and how he fights and stuff.

    We both thought it's funny how Sega managed to create a character, whose skills is supposed to be a 'secret'.

    Then we came to the same conclusion.

    It's A GAME.

    Of course, when the game comes out, I'll be learning the monk, hide will still be trying to learn Akira.

    Then we'll be playing for the pride of both countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course, it's a game. So, all in the name of good fun.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by SummErs on 2/24/01 08:49 PM.</FONT></P>
  4. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    i agree with 100% of summers' post (the longest one).
    the tekkeners' attitude is one of absolute ignorance.
    am i generalising? of course, but i aint seen ONE tekken player give virtua fighter a REAL chance, and, like summers, i have played (and indeed enjoyed) tekken a whole lot. i was WILLING TO GIVE IT A CHANCE AND SEE IF IT *IS* SOMETHING I MAY LOVE TO PLAY.
    how many tekkenites do you know, ice, who have given virtua fighter a REAL chance? if it is more than none, then consider yourself fortunate.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I hope I don't have to deal with the air combos we had in VF2.

    I've gone past the stage where combos are the big factor in winning.

    I'm really into yomi, ura and oki now.

    And yeah, I'll miss the terrain and the E button.

    Oh by the way Ice, I'm not flamming u in my last post to u.
    I'm just frustrated by the things I read and the ignorance around me.

    Sorry if u felt so.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  6. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member

    I know quite a few Tekken players who'll readily admit VF is a both deeper and better game. They're not all ignorant. uk_kid: Ryan would be one of them, and he obviously masters both.

    - Jan
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If you notice, Tekken Tag Tournament does not have 3D environments... In fact, TTT would be compared to VF2, because the backgrounds don't move on the same plane as VF3 or DOA2... but One reason I've learned about why people say TTT has better graphics is because of all the particle lighting effects that TTT has or the tekken series, where fire comes out of everyone's fists... I'm just excited to see that monk performing my form!!! VF4 is gonna kick ass... I'm not saying TTT is a bad game, but I prefer VF over Tekken. I don't believe in button mashing some combos... People just don't like complex games, in which the VF series has a deep learning curve. Oh well... who are the real gamers? SEGA fans, or SONY fans? it comes down to those 2 options...
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey Summers, no offense taken, I think I understand where you are coming from. I'm a fan of VF, KOF and 3rd Strike, so I am very familiar with being in a situation where the games I play are looked down by the people around me.

    But I do think it's a little unfair to point the fingers solely at Tekken players. There are many, many "gamers" who criticize VF unjustly, and these are not just fighting fans either. Note, however, that I do think people are entitled to their opinion and there are certainly many negative things to say about the VF series. It's just too bad most of the stuff said about the game are wrong, in the same way a lot of the stuff said about Tekken is wrong too.

  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should not have pointed solely at Tekken fans.
    Yes, the kof fans n sf fans too.

    Yet, Tekken is always the game that gets compared to VF.
    Thus, my natural reaction to point my fingers at Tekken fans.
    I have yet to hear a DOA2 player say bad things abt VF.
    Plentiful from others.

    Strangely enuff, all they boast non stop abt are
    a)TTT on PS2 is better
    b)more characters
    c)more moves=more combos

    Really Really Really Really sick of it.
    U HAVE to be in my shoe to understand.

    Sounds abit extreme huh?
    Sad fact is, it's all true.
    If I'm not playing kof, SF or Tekken, I'm a loser here.(gamming wise)

    It's a thing which I am REALL FUCKING ANGRY ABT.
    Sorry for the negative tone.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    My observation tells me this.
    Many PS owners stick to their Sony designed machine like the holy bible.

    Of course, there's the casual gamers.
    But we have to leave them outta the discussion. Cause they buy the machine which they percieve to have the most value.
    And I always recommend the PS2.

    DVD, lotsa games, what can go wrong for them?

    Then they[P1] look at Sega games, look at the sony giant, gives Sega the finger.

    Usually, Nintendo and Sega owners are there for the 'GAME'.
    Not the machine.

    Once again, this is my observation.
    Cause among all my friends, I only have 2 other people who are Sega fans and more importantly, 'hardcore gamers'. We play all sorta games, Not just games available for the PS2.

    Strangely enuff, anti sega pro PS2 users all jump in joy when they realised Sega is doing games on PS2.

    So it's not shouldn't be about Sega or Sony.
    It should be about games, Which to and which not to play?.

    Obviously, this new generation of gamers, almost all have forgotten abt gameplay, only grahics remains.

    Suddenly, everyone is a fucking critic. Firing off machine specs here n there as if they mean anything.

    It's the games. Not the machine.

    Of course, with a powerful machine, the automated assumption equal good games.

    Know why Onimusha is selling so well on the Ps2?
    It's a GOOD GAME.
    It's one of the RARE GOOD GAMES ON THE PS2.

    Of course, I have to admit and agree. My idea of a good game is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from others.
    I hated FF8. Loved FF9.
    Others prefer 8.
    FF6 is still the best.(gameplay wise)
    Some like TTT.
    Others like me prefer VF.

    So naturally, I'm no judge to decide for others.

    However, here's an interesting fad.

    The new generation of gamers demand graphics.
    New, Beautiful,Flashy,60fps and such.

    Nothing wrong.

    Hand them a good game with lower polygon count, low ' NOT SO NEW BEAUTIFUL LIGHTINGS AND EFFECTS', 30fps.
    Good luck in trying to get them to even consider looking at the game.

    U better be good at the Monk/images/icons/smile.gif
    We need an expert right off the bat!~!!!!!~!!~!!!!!
    He looks sooo cool!

    VF4 graphically unimpressive my ass. We're soooo used to the 128bit era, nothing shocks us anymore. Of course vf3 had more impact.

    Cause back then, model three was the only 'super' board.

    PS: hardcore gamers like me will get all machines. Cause We just need to play em' games.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  11. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Re:Monk-fightingstyle: Rakan-Ken

    For people who didn't know this before:
    'The male character shown in the clip looks like a traditional Chinese Buddhist monk. He is bald and has a long robe draped over his body. He is relatively young and is proficient in the martial arts style of, Rakan Ken. This fighting style is one of the disciplines that have been passed down for many generations as part of the general Shaolin teachings.'
  12. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Honestly, i find it a sad thing that tekken did copy so many things from VF-series(for me it's a sign of no respect towards the AM2 masterpice).For example: big recovery time after blocking roundhousekicks(low),was implemented in TTT(Jin:uf,LKLKLKKK or uf,RKRKRKRK,Paul:d+RP,K...). But also little things like turning his back towards an enemy, or a similar Evade-step system, or the idea of juggles(VF1),or rising kicks from crouch which hit on a goes on and on.........

    Don't misunderstand me, tekken is a 3D fighter who differs more from VF then other 3D fighters (starting from the button-configuration), but still many features who people like in tekken where taken from Vf.
  13. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    But why does everybody including the press create this big match: VF v.s tekken. The games are very different if you look at the aspect of realism: the fighting styles implemented in VF are all 'quite to very' realistic, while tekken invents Mishima-fighting style and mixes it with real fighting styles like capoeira.
    Looking at the different moves(I practice Aikido and watch sumo) I am facinated by the realism in VF, but if you look at the sumo in tekken, it's an insult for that fighting style.AM2 would never implement such a clown in this way(jumping on one foot hehehe).Okay you've only got 2 new fighters per sequel but those are top-notch(balanced against the competition,very realistic and more)

    If you make an overall comparison between VF and tekken(innovation,realism,graphics-improvment,...):
    I think it's quite clear which 'game' has got more overall class.
    For me you shouldn't even compare this two games: the producers behind this two games(Suzuki v.s Nakatani) follow different paths in trying to convince the audience.....
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    haven't u heard?
    The media made the olympics a war without bullets.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just curious but I haven't seen any opinions or letters or anything about this:
    Does it bother you all that it's coming out on PS2? Regardless of a possibility that it might come out on DC (hypothetical), VF has been such a SEGA only game, and now that Sony's getting it, regardless of the fact that DC's wont be made anymore, they're giving away the VF series! Does it bother any of you? (i'm not taking into account the arcade release, i'm talking strictly console here).

  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Might bother some. Depends on who you ask (obviously). However, I'm sure it's going multi-platform in terms of a port.

    I honestly think that we're gonna end up seeing the game on Gamecube, probably even X-Box. Sega's focused as a Third Party Developer now in terms of console software and I think they'll soon stress the message of being an overall third party developer. VF being one of the flagship names for them, it's probably gonna end up going to all the consoles they think it'll sell decently on.

  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The fact VF4 is on Naomi 2 in the first place along with the announcement of the PS2 translation are definitely Sega’s business decisions than the “vision†of Suzuki.

    I agree with this statement, when sega annouced the whole thing about VF4 being on Naomi2 we all at that time were wondering wether a custom board would be made or it would be on Naomi2. The past 10 years of Sega history would suggest that Sega would create something custom, this just falls in line with what Sega has been doing for years, however what Sega has been doing is also losing alot of money, so I think that a number of decisions will be made based on keeping Sega alive. VF is a flagship of Sega for fighting games, so why not update the look and make it a money maker. I would be curious to compare the amount of money Tekken and Soul Calibur made in home unit sales and arcade revenue around thw world vs. VF. It would not surprise me to even see SC make more than VF. VF4 is evolutionary definately not revolutionary, the gameplay maybe, but the graphics are in line with the fighting games of today not the custom designed machine and revolutionary graphics that sega has been pulling for the last ten years.

    VF1 came out when 2d fighting games were popular.
    VF2 came out when Tekken 1 was around and there was a huge difference.
    VF3 came out before tekken 3 did, and was around when tekken 2 was out, the current home system was a Sega Saturn and a Sony playstation.

    Each iteration of VF to VF3 had a big impact vs the current generation of games. I think if Yu Suzuki had an unlimited development budget, we would see the same happen with VF4 a huge jump in graphics from the current 128-bit generation. Yu Suzuki will make the best with what he's got though im sure.

  18. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Not to mention that Virtua Fighter was always milked for all it was worth in merchandise and iterations. I'm sure this is not a complete list, but this is what I can remember in terms of software alone:

    Virtua Fighter 1:
    -Tiger Handheld Game
    -Game Gear (sorta)

    Virtua Fighter 2:
    -Mega Drive (see Pic's combo video)
    -I think this was also made to a handheld game

    Virtua Fighter 3:
    -Tiger I-Zone or whatever it was called

    And I'm dead sure there are others as well, like I said in the above. Anime and toys were to be expected. Java Tea promotions as well. But I listed the software because we're probably gonna even see a Mega Drive version of VF2 (don't wanna call it VF2) for GBA as well as multiple ports of VF4. This is given however popular VF4 becomes, but I'm sure it'll be pretty popular in the East at least. In the West, it may or may not. Depends. I'm talking about on a huge scale. I mean, SNK didn't have that much of a chance in the West as far as I can tell. But given that VF4 is being given a lot of attention in terms of the PS2 audience and that it seems like the gameplay might have a new audience in mind, we'll have to wait and see (naturally).

    It's definitely being hyped, and it's definitely getting attention. It's probably got deals with other hardware platforms already.

  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Andy, by the "evolutionary not revolutionary" comment I take it you mean the graphics? No one really knows what the gameplay is like yet, right?

    Finally, as a correction to your time lines, it's more like:

    Virtua Fighter 1
    Virtua Fighter 2
    Tekken 1
    Tekken 2
    Virtua Fighter 3
    Tekken 3
    Virtua Fighter 3tb
    Tekken Tag Tournament

    Namco has never taken the initiative in this particular race, and things probably won't change with the 4th generation.

  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    hehe, now that you bring it up. I just posted a rant in the general section on arcades.

    I mentioned that Namco was like the Burger King of the arcade industry. For better or worse, doesn't really matter for me, it seems their style works for them.

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