Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yes, and if people kept playing the game they enjoy rather than taking a break for a few years like in this community, there'd be more people playing it. VF really isn't that popular to begin with, and not playing because other people aren't playing can only ever be part of the problem. Don't enjoy it anymore? fine move on. No need to make a big deal of it. Otherwise, why ever stop?

    You only need one other person to play. To be honest, most people online are crap and don't even need that. They'd be better off playing the CPU and learning not to just push buttons.

    The real ridiculousness is that people who have barely scratched the surface of what we have are announcing that they're giving up and leaving a community that had never heard of them and they had never interacted with.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Bare mans signing up to quit the game.
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Bingo! [​IMG]
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of talk in a way of "if you love the game you should play it" and not care about the newer versions. There is a sort of undertone to the entire thing that you're not a -real- VF fan if you don't. In comes a car analogy.

    How popular do you think VF would be in Japan right now (where it's already declining) if they were still playing ver b/c in the arcades?
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Jeez guys, how long has VF5FS been out in arcades? Think about it, shouldn't a game be "allowed" to make some money in the arcades before it's released on consoles?
    How about the fact that if they do announce that a home port is being worked on that less people will plunk down their money and instead just save and wait for the home port.

    Give the game at least a little bit of time at the arcades before saying that it's never coming out on consoles.
  6. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    As negative as my attitude is about this situation VF5FS has only been out for 2 1/2 months.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    You make it sound like an arcade game doesn't make money when the console version comes out. How many of the top ten most played fighting games in Japan have console ports? How much did T6BR slow down after the console ports came out? Or VF4/EVO years ago? What reference do you have that announcing or releasing a console port slows down arcade traffic?
    Do you have any proof or precedent of that? That home console ports destroy arcade revenue? Because I just don't see it. Even Fuudo said that he first started playing VF on console. And KSK (of 3S fame) said that lots of younger players start out playing console at home before they first go to the arcades to play fighting games. He said that console is a starting point for many players.
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Naturally if that were the case, it would be tough to find a vf5 version b/c anywhere much like after vf3tb and club segas around japan would close.

    Do what you enjoy doing no matter what anyone else says. If you like vf, play it. If you like horseshoes, play horseshoes. I carried the torch for years here with a community of 2-4 players long before even VFDC and I had a blast doing it. If I had time and there was a VF scene like I wanted, I would play every day. Thats just not the case right now.
  9. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    That explains everything.

    Tekken 5 DR most likely wouldn't have existed had Namco not released the console of the original T5 4 months after it hit arcade.

    Which leads me to estimate that we may not hear an announcement of FS coming to console for at least another 4 months. The only reason it felt like FS has been out for so long was because R preceded it.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Haha, I've got the same evidence you have for most of your posts: nothing.
    My bad, my post resembled one of yours too much. Here, let me fix that:
    There, you can disagree with my opinion. My bad for speaking like it's an actual fact.

    Hey man, do what you like, piss/moan/cry/burp/giggle it still doesn't change the fact (yes, this one's a fact) that NO VF game has EVER been released simultaneously at arcades and on console. Ever.
    A console port will eventually come out. What makes me so sure? It's just a hunch. I could be wrong... but I'm probably right.
    When? We will all know when Sega announces it.
    Be patient.
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Consoles = Player Matches
    Arcade = The Real Ranking Matches


    Get your weight up in the crib then you go conquer the arcades.
  12. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Tfam's point makes sense tho. A console release (wait, IMHO) HAS to cannibalize SOME of the market share the arcade would otherwise get.

    --and yes, you can make an argument for it being an avenue to bring more traffic to the arcades as well, but I THINK the offset would be to the arcade's detriment all told.--

    And while its not completely analogous, a good example from another, very similiar but slightly different form of leisure-time activity of discretionary income would be movies in the U.S. The increasingly short lead time for DVD releases has hurt the BOX-OFFICE REVENUES. People just arent as willing to pay that premium to watch a movie in theaters when they know in wks to a month or two they can get it on DVD.

    yes, plenty still go, and enjoy it, and they still make money at the theaters, but not like they used to, back when the "good ole" VHS release was going to go to your local thriving walk-in movie rental store in 6-8 months.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I don't think it's quite the same as DVD's. A lot of people see a film a single time and never watch it again. You're also unlikely to go see something in the cinema after watching the DVD.

    There are lots of comparisons that can be made, but the truest will always be Tekken 6 BR. It was released on consoles not too long after the arcade release of BR. Have the numbers Tekken is pushing in arcades dropped in Japan? It sold well, but i don't think it's stopped people going to the arcade.

    Maybe there was a dip in VF arcade popularity after the recent console releases? That would explain sega's reluctance, but i've not heard of anything like that
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Thank you KiwE!

    Obviously we all know VF would be as dead in Japan as it is in the West if the Japanese were still stuck playing version C. -- for what seems like (and actually could be) an eternity. So how the hell does happily eating SEGA's old, rotten table-scraps make you a "real" fan??? It only makes Western players look like immature scavengers that will gladly except whatever peanuts they decide to throw us.

    Fuck that.

    Why do people want to buy a VF5 FS strategy guide when there's no guarantee they'll ever even get to play the game??? It just fuels SEGA's arrogance. If they don't port FS to console, even if it was as bare-bones as possible, then I hope they just go out of business so we can forget this crap once and for all...

    Honestly, VF fan or not, defending SEGA, after almost 4 years of total inattention to the US and Europe, is quickly becoming ridiculous. Make all the excuses you want, but it's only a matter of time until even the most die-hard VF fans will get bored playing version C. -- it will happen. Adding in SEGA's incompetence, it'll happen even faster. It's a virtual certainty, eventually anyone still playing ver C., knowing they're 3 or 4 versions behind the real thing, will give it up and move on.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    The irony of the movie business is despite DVDs, quality bootlegs, the recession, and rising costs in production; films are making more money than they ever have before in the theater. Could they make more if these things didn't exist? Yes, but their profits continue to surpass previous standards despite.
  16. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more. Support is a two-way street. Sega can't ask us to support them when they have shown no willingness to give us what we want.

    I'd rather play a good fighting game then not play a great fighting game.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Sega asked us to support them? Personally I don't support Sega just the playing of VF5 becuase I'm not bored with it yet. If ypu are then quit your belly achin its not going to do any good.

    Or do you think Sega is reading these boards? Talk about poor market research considering how few posters there are.
  18. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    They probably look at SRK and other sites (not here) and hear all the VF bashing... But even still, there are a bunch of other sites that do talk positively about VF and how they wanted R and now FS...

    If they do check this site out, it would be nice to know that they do, and are listening... Again, I know Ono and Harada check out both SRK and TZ respectively, and Harada even listens to that "Avoiding the Puddle" podcast... What does Sega do??? You can read D.K.'s blogs, if you know Japanese... Can we follow him on Twitter or whatever site??? Not even sure... Either way, he's not saying anything to us that speak anything other than Japanese...
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    What a corny post.

    No one here is writing a letter to SEGA. Actually you're in the VF5 FS thread trying to get brownie points from someone for the fact that you still play ver C., so what are you posting about anyway. What are you adding to a discussion about FS???

  20. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    People are pissed because they mistakingly believe that FS has been out longer than it really has.

    And unlike Namco, they can't announce with confidence a console release at the same time they announce an arcade one. It's too risky in their eyes.

    FS will be coming out on console. But an announcement won't be coming anytime soon.

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