Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    FS is kinda, err, it's weird.

    You guys aren't missing much.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Are you in Japan playing it? If you are would you mind giving your thoughts on what you've seen or played? Like how Reno wrote an excellent 'first impressions' article for 5FS?
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    It looks great, except I think the high damage strings are to powerful. That and the wall game looks like murdur, still i'd like to get my hands on it and learn.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Tony, <3 you to death but I think you're out on a limb here. First of all, situations and circumstances have pretty much (imo) governed Sega's console specific releases of VF - not a company policy which can be read between the lines in your post. There was a time when Virtua Fighter always was cutting edge in graphics (others might have passed now) and needed a new console for every release basically and lots of work.

    For starters, VF5 was a day one launchtitle for the PS3. So it couldn't be released any earlier cause it needed the PS3 console. However, what's important to note is that you knew it was coming long before it arrived. FS is not right around the corner or anything cause... well... there hasn't been any announcement (duh). It's not like the series couldn't need a bit of PR and if you think they'll take a 500page document of request from this site without hinting at if it's in development and so on they have the worst buisnessmodel of all time. I bought a PS3 day one cause sega had lied about it being exclusive and that virtua fghter would never go online amongst other things and ended up with a subpar version. VIt should also be said that I believe that putting out an upgrade to a gameseries (like evo/fs is) requires less effort then making / porting an entire new game. Evo was launched for the homemarket about 3 months after it was in the arcades in japan. Evo actually also changed things purely graphicwise.

    # Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, arcade (November 2002)
    # Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Playstation 2 (March 2003 Japan, August 2003 US)

    Tekken 5 DR also took a long time to arrive, but people knew it was coming. According to this it took 2.5months to convert for ps3:

    I also agree that, when it comes to fightinggames, a homerelease doesn't matter. Look at arcadia mag for games above vf in popularity with homeports (like Tekken BR):

    Just saying nothing is clearcut. What will amuse me though is that when VF6 gets announced (some) people will go "Oh they didn't give us VFS cause they were waiting for THIS to come along". Fool me once, no big deal (VF4:FT), fool me thrice though?

    VF4:FT was the best version of VF4 and it never saw the light of day here in the west (I was lucky to have played it) - what makes you people think you'll get to play the best version of VF5? Being a pessimist/whiner is being negative with no reason of being so. This is NOT the case if you don't think you'll get to play VFS ever, I really think it's the sane thing to think right now. There are already two existing series upgrades that never got to play post vf4 era. Remember that.

    Each to his own, peace out. It just saddens me how Sega fucks things up. Do you remember when they were as big as nintendo? Megadrive? Saturn? Do you ever think about if VF was put on for instance playstation 1 the game might have been equally big or bigger then Tekken at this point?

    Man I'm depressed now =(
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    And you are bitching and moaning about the games distribution. What exactly about the actual game have you added?
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    If time permits I can try to do that. The semester is starting up soon, and I'm going to be busy with my Japanese studies, but I will try.

    Truncated version:

    No zero frame throws: me happy

    Jeffry feels like shit, just everything feels blah

    Vanessa's new stance (DS 1K+G) feels like just a another gimmick, but at least she has a normal (read as useful) K+G, and 2P+K is a cool move now (for combos at least), and wow on 4P+K/1P+K

    Holy shit, Akira was scrubified even more, he is fucking good and easy.

    Sarah in general is looking strong and is fun to play, though 2P+KK still has some whiff issues from when I played. Also 3PP= me likey

    Aoi... once my favorite character, I dunno, something just feels off with her.

    Goh is also funky, but his P+K is a hilarious move (a quick upper cut), Tsukami feels weird (I'm not sure how to enter into it, but when playing against the computer and I was grab the animation was all wonky). PKP feels useless, but his K seems as good as it was back in evo.

    Blaze is still a blast to play, and his jump P is quite possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. His wall jump stuff feels finnicky and slow, and seems like a good way to get counter hit by a wall, but his rocket K is now a mid knee, and I was able to get a back throw off his rocket catch throw (which I never did in regular vf5)

    Wolf... I had no idea what to do with Wolf, though his 4P combos are much easier to do. Dunno what to do after 9P+K as it kinda splats them into the ground. Apparently Burning Hammer is a just frame like PGS, cause whenever I attempted I would only have him say "YEAH" (the 3rd wolf voice actor from VF5), TKS is awesome though, as it shifted to that catch throw shit.

    Jean and Taka both feel far more intuitive compared to the rest of the cast, even though I've never played them before. I don't know how to explain it, but damn, bravo Sega on making those two. Taka's BT P+K shifts to his catch throw thingy (much like Ganryu's ff2), and the range on his 1P+K (like wolf's old 3P+K) is woah... but that could have been a fluke as I hit cpu Akira from a great distance during his 124P animation... but it still feels very far.

    Of all the characters, Taka and Blaze look the most appealing.

    I need to learn combos and start watching vids (which I haven't done much since last June-ish).
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for your feedback Sebo, if you have the time plase share your insights concerning vane's OS too [​IMG]
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    So I was at the arcade again today because the "dormitory orientation" was actually on a different day, and while mashing away with an expression of studiousness trying to figure out all the commands for Taka, the friendly arcade attendant I met the other day game me a "present" in the form of "Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown COMMAND BOOK," what a nice lady.

    So I took some notes in it (be warned: a lot of the following will either be redundant with the changes made during R [I really stop paying attention to Vanessa then], and is only based off of a few rounds against cpu, so please take the following with a grain of whatever grain you want.

    Vanessa; forget what you know about stance shifting, P+K+G attacks are all gone, and aside from 44K+G variation, the only way to change stances (to my limited knowledge) is to manually change it via P+K+G.


    P; very different animation, reduced range
    PP; high into a mid, P3P is gone
    PPK; the kick is now a high, not a special high, no longer that stupid low (though sometimes useful)
    6P and all strings pretty much operate the same
    66P_PP, more or less the same, didn't really use it
    4P, didn't really use it, I can assume it is the same old attack but with a new animation
    2P/3P; bleh, same
    1P; didn't really use it, probably still OMG-BROKIN!

    K_KK; same like the VF5R one?
    6K; new animation, much more damage
    66K; reduced range, I don't like the new animation at all
    46KP; bleh, same old
    44K; her old 4K+G, only means of going BT still, oh, and BT still sucks
    2KP; same old
    1K; reduced range
    3K; meh
    P+KP; different animation, different float effect in combos
    4P+K; wah! A pretty good attack, works kinda like jet upper, but I still miss her reversals
    1P+K; neat little faux-low
    46P+K; I don't really remember, still listed as a sabaki
    2P+K; like Jeffry's dunk hammer move thing
    3P+K; same it's been since evo
    K+G; a useful full circular high for once!
    6K+G; better animation, the range feels better, probably usable now
    66K+G; "spinning sobat," if I remember correctly, it's this move that does that stupid camera angle shit. Decent range, hits mid
    44K+G; same like always
    2/3K+G; the same, still nice tools
    1/9K+G; leads to her new stupid stance, low and a high attack, the high is at least a half circ
    G2_8P; same as always, though I got elbowed afterwords, some it might be -14 or -15 now? Also, I was unable to get the timing down to float with P.
    6P+K+G; also in OS, this is a shoulder strike; from the look of it, it looks like it would be best used after a wall splat or something. Heavy stagger on hit, not sure if it evades highs though.

    P; all strings seem the same, only now she has a Jacky style 6PK, but she's had that since R. right?
    4P; looks like her old 1P+K, still has a high kick, and can go into intruder
    1P a nice low that she needed in OS
    3P now has a weird head crumble on MC
    KP; now a high... ;~; can go into intruder
    66K now floats higher on MC
    P+KK; didn't use, sorry
    1K+G; still has bomber strike!

    New stupid stance;
    4P+K+G; apparently you can enter via this while on the ground, but I never got into that way, just used 1/9K+G
    P is just a taunt?
    K is the mid
    2K is the low (apparently, it has a hit throw?)
    P+K is the sabaki
    K+G is just her normal DS K+G
    You can move out of it, supposedly with 4/2/6/8 and or + P+K+G

    I think they also removed low throws from OS, but I'm not sure

    More to come for other characters that I give a shit about.
  9. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Wow, this is more than initially expected, thank you so much for taking the time to type all that! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Good info, i like hearing that Sarah is strong [​IMG]
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I guess I'll be having nightmares of sarah whipping my ass again. Greeaaatttt.

    I suppose there are worse things to be dreaming about.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Kiwe, I can't argue with you on this. You're right. Specially about FT. How or why the fuck they never released it on consoles is beyond my comprehension.
    VF4 did good in sales and so did VF4Evo (at least that's what it looked like) so for them to not release FT on consoles is really hard to understand.
    All VF fans have more than a right to be angry but it doesn't really help matters any. Sega isn't really listening to us and isn't in touch with it's fans they way that Capcom is.
    I wonder how did SF fans get Capcom to listen to them after so many years? I really don't know.

    What I do know is that VF5FS will be released on consoles. Do I have any proof or facts to back this up? No. Just a very strong feeling. I could be wrong... but I'm probably right [​IMG] [​IMG] *nudge* *nudge*
  13. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Flamingo slide (the new 6P+K+G stance) has an attack calling "wild cat(?)" that is a high ass attack. She jumps backwards hits you with her ass and yells "YAHOOO."

    The utility of it... I have yet to see.

    But yeah, the new Sarah is both tricky and extremely fun (I have no idea how Sega was able to increase that fact from where it was before) to play.
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Is that anything like Jeffry's butt butt attack in VF5?
  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    They got a guy from the "otherside" to work with Capcom (Seth Killian). He's like the ultimate liaison... Look at MvC3 and SSF4. There were a bunch of changes and tweaks and characters added all because Capcom listened, and I'm pretty sure Seth is part of that reason (other than Ono)...

    Seems like Sega needs someone like him (and Ono) really bad... Does Sega of America or Sega of Europe even say anything to Sega of Japan in reference to VF5FS??? Do they even know about the game??? I see people saying things in the forums, but from the outside looking in, it looks like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing... That's just me though...
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
  17. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


    However, if I remember correctly, run K+G has a "dynamic camera angle."

    I'll post up in the Jeffry thread when I solve my current money issues (not enough for arcade ;_;).
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Just saw a vid where she changes stance using her OS shoulder ram. Still, stance change antics was one of the things i loved about Van. Why remove it? R.I.P in Peace sweet switch back blow [​IMG]
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Kind of looks like Sega of America is looking for THAT GUY. If you look at their careers section.
  20. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Forgot to mention, 6P+K+G also switches stances (available in both stances). So she has 6P+K+G/P+K+G as her ways to switch stances (aside from 44K+G shit).

    For me the biggest issue with the new Vanessa is that you can no longer inashi punch attacks that would knock you down or launch. No more twitch reaction yoho reversals to a ringout...

    Also, she automatically does her old P (no options available anymore). While they stripped do that, DS 6K's hit throw gives you 3 options, P+G breaks the arm, 4P+G does a cool back kick, and 6P+G throws them down after a somewhat lackluster animation.

    I haven't seen 46K CH launches anywhere when I played her. Still can't get used to her. Aoi on the other hand, after playing her like crazy today, is awesome as always (can't come up with any new combos though, and 6K+G only works on wall splat). Also, 33P goes under so many mids, it isn't funny.

    I put a lot of time into Jeffry only to just throw away my card in frustration. Lets just say I wish Sega would have kept either R's 9P+KP or 2K+G, but no. 1P+K is ass and can be evaded on reaction due to it's slow animation (working on trying to P+K+G/reverse it with Aoi). Also after playing a few decent Lions (holy shit, 1K!) and Eileens, makes me with Jeff had some more tools and more mids that can hit them...

    I hate Jean's guard breaker combo thing. Jean in general is tough, but I've found that Aoi's P+K+G is a nice answer to most of his charge attacks.

    Taka, while fun at first, is kinda bleh.

    Goh is pretty cool, generic yakuza tough guy type, but kinda fun nonetheless. 4K is now a hit throw, 6K>33P combos are still possible though 3KP>3PP is possible, simple and damaging. 236P+K headbutt has too short of range, you're better off throwing than trying to use a slow attack on a blocking opponent.

    3P+K is his body check thingy, leads to meaty stagger near a wall (like Jeffry's headbutt from R/FS). Old P+K is 4P+K+G, old 43P+K is 2P+K+G. Tsukami throws aren't very Judo like anymore, but they do lots of damage and look mean. I wanna learn more of him after/when I get bored with Aoi.

    Haven't touched anyone else over the past few weeks.

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