Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TaC, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You what? Does that change to Inashi affect Jacky and Lei Fei as well? It's a good change if it means i can punch Lei Fei in his stupid face when he's in that stance.

    Looks like Aoi's 33P is back to VF4 levels of evasiveness. I'm sure i've seen the hit throw from normal hit as well.
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Sebo how about the loss of OS p,k,p? Don't you miss that special high option just a tiny bit?
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    33P hit throw works just fine on normal hit. With the evasive properties, you'll most often land it on mC anyway. And it feels more evasive than it did in 4 because of VF5 hitboxes...

    Not sure about how Jacky's and Lei's shit would work. The only Jacky players I play against are PPPPPPPPPPPP, CPU, or very defensive/moral (and don't have the creativity to use neutral inashi).

    As for PKP... I didn't notice it was gone (which should say how much I used it to begin with).
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Anybody here going for it??? If not then L_A, get that job now!!!
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Shiiet LA got a badass job already. He's who I wanted to be when I grew up. Hah!
  6. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Thanks WP! It's true though, I love what I do and i'm thankful to have ended up doing it.

    As for the sega thing, I cant imagine it would be a very good investment in anyones time. Suppose there were a liaison type job for Sega US/Sega JP (like Seth Killian has for capcom), I couldn't imagine it being a very fun thing to do given how hard headed sega has been until now. If anything, that person would probably end up taking the blame from frustrated fans and when it comes time to relay the message back to HQ, Sega just wouldn't do anything to make the fans happy due to one reason or another. What sega is looking for is an intermediary (fall guy) that they can divert the frustration of the fans towards rather than it popping up in letters or on a facebook page. Sounds like a really stressful job to me. :p

    I think the problem sega needs to address is actually changing their mindset. Capcom and Namco have always listened to the fans worldwide and thats what Sega needs to learn how to do before appointing a liaison.
  7. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    What they have a liason for the community position at soa
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Could you like... you know... Put in an application, earn an interview and tell them that face to face? LOL

    You're completely right about the mindset thing. They seem 100% focused on money and go about making it the wrong way 90% of the time. Screw the fans. Screw common sense. There are some exceptions, but generally sega seem rather ignorant.
  9. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Yeah they're beyond stubborn when it comes to giving what the fans want... Sega's just now getting to understand what the fans want with games like Sonic 4 and Bayonetta; however, they still lose alot of fans of the older series because of games like Sonic Heroes, and not releasing games worth releasing (remember VF4FT)... Posting in the Sega forums don't really mean much either, because the workers there that do post don't even play (or know) half of the stuff mentioned... It's almost as if they're only there to talk about Sonic and maybe "random Sega game #34"...

    If SNK can listen to its fans, especially with the whole netcode issue, then Sega definitely needs to step their game up and listen... Fans are asking, and Sega sees it as pestering... I would hope that the "liason" they do hire ends up as more than a fall guy... I actually hope he does a better job than Seth Killian... I also hope that he (or she) can bridge the ongoing gap not just between the fans and Sega, but between Sega of America (and Europe) and Sega of Japan... I mean people have been asking for the next Shenmue, Eternal Champions 3 (part 2 was great), Guardian Heroes (hope it comes out for xbl/psn), and a host of other games, but does Sega of Japan (or any other ones for that matter) even know about it??? And if so, do they even care??? If not, that's really dumb on their part-- I mean do they really have a "Fox and the Grapes" mindset???
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Have SNK fixed the online for Garou? If not they're still in my bad books. No better than Sega imo. Both companies i think it would be better if they died and were brought out by someone else.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    SNK's doing better than Sega though right now I believe... KOFXIII seems to be their VF5FS right now (in arcades but "will" be released for console "someday", but I think they have a better chance of survival...

    SNK does release some classic games people care about... Granted, some are on ps2, and wii, but its still better than not getting a VF3 ported to another system... Or better than still not getting VF4FT several years later (legally and on a current gen console)...
  12. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    At least SNK gives us stuff... Sega acts like we don't exist or sumthin'. Plus KOF 2002UM is supposedly comin' out on 11/3 for XBLA.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Nah, i'm not having that. How would you feel if VF5FS was released in 9 years time barebones with shitty netcode? People would not be happy. Thats what Garou was. My message to these companies: Do it properly or fuck off and die.

    The KOF they released on xbl/psn had crap netcode as well. Don't even think they bothered to translate the win quotes.
  14. GetSelious

    GetSelious Well-Known Member

    You could of got the PS2 versions or get on your computer and play with people the old fashion way marly but yes UM98 for the 360/psn felt so bad to such a good game
  15. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    Yeah I can't deny that the XBLA versions of KOF98 and Garou were shit, but NGBC was pretty damn fun and even had a good netcode. I feel the same way as you about Sega... not so much SNK.
  16. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You can play Garou with great netcode on GGPO. [​IMG]
  17. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Jacky's neutral inashi doesn't seem to work against Eileen's 6P+K, so unless 6P+K is no longer a mid punch, the inashi only works against high punch attacks, and probably only against non-knock down ones.

    More or less he feels the same.

    Also loss of elbow staggers on crouched opponents, while nice on the defender's point of view, it sucks that 6PP no longer knocks down after blocking a low. (talking about Aoi)

    Ying-Yang stance and all the movement options from it are awesome.
  18. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Okay, Jacky and Vanessa's inashi only work against high punch attacks, not sure now if that does or doesn't include ones that knock down (46Ps). Also, trying to twitch reverse Wolf's 63214PP (by ducking immediately after the first hit and then going neutral)... I've had no luck. It does work well against Jeffry's P+K stuff as P+KP/P+KP+K+G are both inashi-able.

    DS Vanessa is more or less the same (except now she has one of the best anti-scrub stances ever): decent range, meh on punishment (PK really helps), designed to frustrate the opponent (loss of 46KP floats reduce overall damage), requires mC/MC a lot if you want damage but still lacks in the wall department. Though having a 14 frame high elbow floater (4P+K), regardless of needing MC, is awesome. Also the huge damage boost to 6K is amazing.

    Aoi's 33P, with correct timing goes right under Vanessa's 66K.

    I think this comboed a few times (with Aoi): MC (wall) 6PPG~P. Maybe it requires crouch, but it is pretty meaty for it's simplicity and speed.

    Either buffering has been made easier or I underrated my dexterity, doing true DLC/SPoD/etc is really easy to do on either side of the screen. Also, 46P 2P 6P:p does crazy damage for what inputs it requires. I just miss the old animation...

    Eileen's 6P+K+G3939393939393939393939393 dance step is still in.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I was been stated that Jacky's Pak sao only works against non-knock down punches.. thats why the Slide shuffle parries now. understandible given the fact the one-inch blow is automatic. No harm done really. He seems to have gotten his speed back and his K+G seems a bit faster.
  20. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Instead of the stagger there is now more consistent frame advantage, right? Isn't that better overall?

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