Virtua Fighter 5 Location Test in Japan Information and News

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Pai_Garu, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5 Kage information from translated by nin. Please note this information is just from a two day location test and may be prone to error or subject to further change.


    Shippuujin ([4][P]+[K]+[G])
    The backward cartwheel, which has this command in VF4, has now been removed and replaced with this stance. The stance has Kage leaning behind in a pose resembling the drawing of a sword (iaikiri), similar to Ukyo from the Samsho games.

    You can also enter the new stance with:
    - [P][P][4][P] (hold)
    - [4][P] (hold)
    - [4][K] (hold) (back-turned shippuujin)

    Shippuujin [P][P][P]
    Three chops, where the second hit will cause a slam. The third hit looks like the two-handed chop [3][P]+[K] from FT, but is a bit slow so won't combo hit. Returns to normal stance after the move.

    Shippuujin [K]
    Looks like the back turned Jumonji stance kick. Seems like a mid attack and will cause a stumble when it hits. Returns to normal stance after the move.

    Shippuujin [P]+[K]
    A short ranged chop, seems like a punch sabaki and causes a crumple after sabaki hit.

    Shippuujin [2][K][K]
    Two low kicks. If you stop on the first hit, you recover back turned in normal stance. The second hit will knock down and recover in normal stance. Appears to be half circular.

    Shippuujin [6][6]
    Dashes forward and says "yukuzo!" (die!)

    Shippuujin [4][4]
    Small back hop (height of a small jump) and says "tou!"


    The standing [K] (and [P][K]) have a new motion now, similar to Vanessa's Offensive style [K].

    [2][K]+[G] has a new motion too.

    Jumonji [P]+[K] will not crumble on normal hit, not sure about counter hit.

    Jumonji [K]+[G] only crumbles on counter hit. Same combos can be done (like [K]+[G][P][P]).

    You can now do the fastest timed knee on Aoi and Pai after the TFT!

    The dragon punch in [3][P] > [P] > [2][P]+[K] > DP seems harder to connect now.
  2. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    hikarutilmitt said:
    Yeah, considering every non-Asian character in VF speaks English I'd say it's a safe bet that he speaks English.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I was at the location test. I'm saying he does speak perfect English, from what I heard.
  3. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    You can now do the fastest timed knee on Aoi and Pai after the TFT!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does this mean they no longer float higher than all other characters?
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Awesome stuff, Myke. Big thanks to nin for translating!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:
    You can now do the fastest timed knee on Aoi and Pai after the TFT!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You know, it seems like they make TFT easier and easier to use every installment since VF4. In VF2, CD buffer was not too hard, but you had to have some sense of timing for the knee. In VF3 they made CD buffer really tough, and even for the easier 4K+G combos, you needed good timing.

    In VF4 you had to do 1PKG cancel correctly to get max damage on most characters. In Evo they gave Kage a new 3K and K+G so you could do 4PK, 3K/K+G, brain dead easy. Then in FT they let 2K+G hit in the same situation to get more damage, and now you don't even have to time anything for lightweights.

    Not complaining, just an observation.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Raptor1017 said:
    Does this mean they no longer float higher than all other characters?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No I doubt that. If that were the case, then I'm sure you'd hear about this major change from everyone who played at the location test since it would obviously affect every lightweight combo.

    To me it just sounds like they've tweaked the properties of the flight trajectory for lightweights during the TFT.
  6. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "To me it just sounds like they've tweaked the properties of the flight trajectory for lightweights during the TFT."


    i bet 5 bucks this is it
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    You know, it seems like they make TFT easier and easier to use every installment since VF4.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Change from [4]+[P]+[G] to [6][3][2][1][4]+[P]+[G] in FT?

    I still see some famous Kages getting a [4]+[P]+[G] every now and then, when there's no reason at all to use that throw.

    Anyway, seems like Jumonji has been toned down some, maybe to encourage use of the new stance? I'm wondering if you can still go Jumonji after [P][P][4]+[P]... maybe hold [P]+[K]+[G]?

  8. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    You know, it seems like they make TFT easier and easier to use every installment since VF4.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Change from [4]+[P]+[G] to [6][3][2][1][4]+[P]+[G] in FT?

    I still see some famous Kages getting a [4]+[P]+[G] every now and then, when there's no reason at all to use that throw.

    Anyway, seems like Jumonji has been toned down some, maybe to encourage use of the new stance? I'm wondering if you can still go Jumonji after [P][P][4]+[P]... maybe hold [P]+[K]+[G]?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think u can go jmj by pressing [P]+[K]+[G], and [P][P][4][P] is just normal attack u cant go into jmj, if hold it goes to the new stance. just my guess.

    consider from this site
    u can stil go in to jmj by using, kage's elbow([6_][P]), [4][6][K]hold,[3][K]+[G]hold,[P]+[K]+[G],backturned [P]+[K]+[G]hold.
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akiralove said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    You know, it seems like they make TFT easier and easier to use every installment since VF4.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Change from [4]+[P]+[G] to [6][3][2][1][4]+[P]+[G] in FT?

    I still see some famous Kages getting a [4]+[P]+[G] every now and then, when there's no reason at all to use that throw.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Either I misread Dandy's post or you did (or your followup doesn't strictly address his concern). I took Dandy's post to not mean the input of the TFT but the combos within the TFT as being easy. And he's right.

    In VF2.1 they tried to make it harder to combo the knee by changing the CD length depending on the weight class. In VF3 they made the timing very strict and even certain brain dead combos not utilizing the knee required decent timing.

    In VF4 into the present incarnation it seems to be presented as a gift. Maybe I've just lived with the TFT>knee for so long its a sleeper but it seems way too easy for such a powerful (not only talking about damage potential) throw into combo. I liked the days where at least a little work was required.

    And I'll never buy the idea that a half circle motion makes it hard. you'd have to show me the inputs of the top kage players messing this input up before I'd ever admit to that. My guess is that b+P+G is still so ingrained that they input it in clinch situations and then curse themselves later; which is the fault of the player not the difficulty of the move.

    It will be interesting to see what changes are made when they release a stable version.

  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    heheh...Kage's new move looks like some bruce lee skip side kick.
  11. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Well, I remember we had a long discussion before about the TFT command being changed. The input does indeed change the way the move is used, whether because of conditioning to use 4P+G or input speed. There are situations vs a fast opponent where the input of a move comes into play whether you realize it or not.

    But that is concerning usage of the throw itself, not the combos. I don't really have a problem with things being easier to perform, I would rather the meaningful things (like defensive techniques) be difficult rather than combos or moves.

    When a move's input is difficult, it should be designed in a way that it would be overpowered if it was easy. I think the only move that does not follow this is Akira's DLC, and even that has reasons to be difficult, they just aren't very good. /versus/images/graemlins/indifferent.gif
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I won't argue about the speed difference between simply pressing b and doing a half circle but I don't think it adds to the difficulty of the move, just the utility of it in certain situations. I would rather VF move away from the dial-a-combo mentality while at the same time increasing the difficulty of the out of control (IMO) defensive techs.

  13. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    Hey guys,
    Are there actually any good clear movies about for the tests that went on a few months ago?
    Thnaks in advance!
  14. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    hrmmm i don´t think so, the clearest ones i saw were sarah vs lei fei and akira vs shun
  15. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    For people that complains about Kage's TFT move, I think the answer to solve this is pretty simple: don't alter the move itself but just increase the reversal time to avoid it; this way it would be less abused but at the same time if successful then it's the opponent's fault for being slow to react.
  16. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Trojan X said:

    For people that complains about Kage's TFT move, I think the answer to solve this is pretty simple: don't alter the move itself but just increase the reversal time to avoid it; this way it would be less abused but at the same time if successful then it's the opponent's fault for being slow to react.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't "reverse" throws, you escape them. Those are two different things. TFT is probably the most escaped throw in the whole game; you can't say it's abused, unless you can't escape throws at all.
  17. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Trojan X said:

    For people that complains about Kage's TFT move, I think the answer to solve this is pretty simple: don't alter the move itself but just increase the reversal time to avoid it; this way it would be less abused but at the same time if successful then it's the opponent's fault for being slow to react.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't "reverse" throws, you escape them. Those are two different things. TFT is probably the most escaped throw in the whole game; you can't say it's abused, unless you can't escape throws at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you for the correction with regards to "reversing" and "escape" but you're missing the point. Many people always complain about the TFT and wished the move was harder to pull off or something was done to make the move “fair†in some form or way. I know the devastation that can be inflicted once the TFT is pulled off and, believe me, I am by no means an amateur of the game, but in the end of the day many people talk about this move in a negative way rather than positive or not at all; e.g. some people on this thread. So, to make everyone happy, all SEGA have to do is increase the escape time of the move and if people can't get out of the move before full execution then the victim knows that it is their fault/problem for failing to escape from the move therefore they cannot complain about it.

    Regarding the fact whether the move is abused or not: well to be frank that TFT move is extremely useful and it is something that many Kage players would be silly not to pull off if given any opportunity to do so. Every time the TFT is pulled off the victim always feel a major sense of "oh crap i'm gonna die!†or “the possibility of losing this match is greater†- why do you think SEGA changed the execution movement to pull off the move on the joystick? My solution is to leave the move execution alone and simply increase the escape time instead, for reasons mentioned above.

    How to increase the escape time: you can have two forms of escapes, one is normal (at the beginning of the move) and the other is at the near peak of the move – this means that the second escape opportunity need to have a different animation. Anyhow, this is my idea and I think it’s a good one.
  18. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Trojan X said:

    For people that complains about Kage's TFT move, I think the answer to solve this is pretty simple: don't alter the move itself but just increase the reversal time to avoid it; this way it would be less abused but at the same time if successful then it's the opponent's fault for being slow to react.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't "reverse" throws, you escape them. Those are two different things. TFT is probably the most escaped throw in the whole game; you can't say it's abused, unless you can't escape throws at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'd vote for Shun's [P]+[G], but then we're not voting are we! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  19. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Increasing the escape window for TFT wouldn't nerf it - it would kill it, nobody would be using it any more, because it'd be so easy to escape (on reflexes). Compared to previous versions of VF, throws are very easy to escape in VF4 - leave the escape window alone. They've changed the motions, OK - that makes a slight frame difference mechanics-wise. But the HCB motion itself makes no difference at all - it's still easy to do, maybe you'll go from 20 out of 20 to 19/20 if you mess it up once in a while. If they really wanted to nerf it, they'd make it like FGS - 1 frame inputs HCB regular juggling TFT, normal HCB for FT's b+P+G.
  20. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GLC said:

    Increasing the escape window for TFT wouldn't nerf it - it would kill it, nobody would be using it any more, because it'd be so easy to escape (on reflexes). Compared to previous versions of VF, throws are very easy to escape in VF4 - leave the escape window alone. They've changed the motions, OK - that makes a slight frame difference mechanics-wise. But the HCB motion itself makes no difference at all - it's still easy to do, maybe you'll go from 20 out of 20 to 19/20 if you mess it up once in a while. If they really wanted to nerf it, they'd make it like FGS - 1 frame inputs HCB regular juggling TFT, normal HCB for FT's b+P+G.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Naturally, killing a cool move is something that no one wants so you've made a good point there. Hmm... Maybe move activation adjustment is the right way to go.

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