Virtua Fighter 5 Location Test in Japan Information and News

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Pai_Garu, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    No there is not 6 way evade in VF5. The only additions were 9 and 3 direction dashes. Otherwise you'd have the traditional 8 and 2 evade. Except that it's possible to have a failed 8/2 evade but 9/3 dashes always come out the same way.

    Regarding nitaku's, as updated in my first post, nitaku between mid/throw in small advantage situations are gone. Such as block P-> throw/mid. This means that the game will shift towards more define guessing situations, like when a throw is guaranteed, and P is guaranteed.

    From all the data that's been given out. It seems that now when a large advantage is given, meaning when someone is at a large disadvantage, he will have to guess between throw escape, or guaranteed fast attacks, like P. However, the addition of the forward evades, and side stumbles, adds another layer of guessing to this. With addition to a really dangerous failed evade animation. It seems that at throw guaranteed situations, it's a much much harder guess for both sides.

    For example, Jacky get's MC P'ed and he have to consider if he wants to:
    - Evade Throw escape, risking doing a failed evade or being side combo.
    -Guard, risking being thrown.
    -Attack back, risking launched, or side combo.

    So now the nitaku game have become much more complex, and a much wider variety of guessing.

    The grapplers are definitely not negatively affected by the changes, in fact, I anticipate the grapplers pose more of a threat, especially against the light weights.
  2. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    tianyuan2k2 said:

    infinite reversal should be more fun. imagine two aoi player keep doing reversal to each other by mashing buttons extremely fast. so after 40+ sweaty secs, one of them failed to input the correct reversal command at last moment, the vftv yelled "command miss!" thus that player took 20 damage and lost that round... that will be hilarious. oh no, huge damage reversal shouldn't exist, or everyone will have to choose between characters who have huge damage reversals or the ones that can reverse them.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I know I've see that somewhere before. Let me think....Oh Yeah. It's called Guard Impacting. I'm glad that will never happen in VF.

    VF doesn't need another "counter the counter" option. The counters are so risky that they are not used that often as it is. That idea would revolutionize DOA though. I bet they didn't put it in DOA4. Anyone want to take that bet?

    From everything I've seen so far it looks like VF5 will be the most graphically pleasing fighter to date. I am somewhat disturbed by the reports of Aoi and this bikini. VF doesn't need near-naked women. Bare mid-riffed females are fine but I hope they stop there. Not that I don't like looking at naked or near women. I just think that kind of thing is a cheap ploy to get attention. One that is too often overdone. There are more than enough options for naked chicks in video games.

    I am officially going to marry Vanessa.

    Don't tell Pai.
  3. Luddie

    Luddie Well-Known Member

    I know it doesn't matter at all, but the transliterations of <img src=""> and <img src=""> at kikizo are wrong. It's tennai and tengai

    And could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with the image tags?
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they used the wrong readings, but meaning stays the same. Meaning "Inside the Store" and "Outside the Store."
  5. Luddie

    Luddie Well-Known Member

    Yes, as you can see, I only said that the transliteration is wrong /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member


    VF5 is now a true 3d fighter, meaning that it's possible to attack from the front, back, sides each with unique possibilities.

    The new diagonal dashes can be used to get to the opponent's sides, or even behind them, during staggers or possibly large advantages.

    The stages now have a new type with shorter fences around the edge of the ring. Making it possible to ring out with certain knockdown moves.

    The disadvantages of most blocked moves stayed the same from FT for now. Since the throws are slower, alot of the previously throwable moves are now uncounterable.

    Most of the floats have been lowered, making damaging combos less possible.

    It seems that for alot of the characters, their useful moves differs much more depending on foot position as compared to FT.

    Movement speed differs between characters now depending on their sizes.

    Concerning the lp's, alot of reports are now saying that it differs depending whether you executed it from standing or from crouching, as theorized by Reno.

    The range of standing [P] and the range of throws seems to have been shortened, possibly making them less effective.

    Character Specific


    Shrm, on normal hit and crouch hit now staggers similar to goh's shrm.

    [4][6][P]+[G] now launches. It's possible to get [P]->yoho->dblpm afterwards.

    New move [P]+[K],[P]. Mid to high punch class.

    You can no longer get the normal combos after [4][6]P. No more [P]->dblpm.

    New move, [2_][6][P], similar to Feng Wei's move of the same command in T5.


    From [1][P] is a new high kick follow up, you can no longer do the low kick followup

    [4][6][P]+[G] is a new throw, guaranteed a small down attack (soccer kick).


    JM [P]+[K] no longer crumples.


    New [P][P][P] string that can be delayed, and launches on third hit, which is mid.

    New [K]+[G] move, that is a big kick attack.

    [1][K] is now similar to Akira's, possibly knocks down only on red counter.

    [3][P][P] now looks like a big attack, not throwable it seems.

    [1][P]+[G], if you are slow in inputting [6][6][P][P] by hit checking for wall stagger, you can not hit the combo. It has been weakend from FT.

    [3][K]->[2][K]+[G] has been weakened.


    New [K]+[G] attack. Similar to Pai's [K]+[G] and Lei Fei's [6][6][K]+[G], it's a big kick type attack that leaves Lion back turned.

    New [4][6][K][K], new mid crescent into high kick attack.


    You can change the stance before the match.

    New [4][1][2][3][3][P] in offensive one hit attack.

    It's harder to see which stance Vanessa is in now.

    Lei Fei

    New stance executed by [2][2] from [1][P]+[K]+[G] stance. It looks like Shun's stance where he lays on the ground.

    You can execute [P], [K], or [P]+[K] from there.
    [P] is an attack where he rises up suddently and hits with his body. Knocks down on normal hit and staggers on guard.
    [K] is a low trip kick similar to Shun's.
    [P]+[K] is a head spring double kick that launches really high on hit.

    There is a new topless costume for Lei Fei.


    Forward roll is now [6][P]+[K]+[G], so his Basara is now [P]+[K]+[G]. (More like Akira /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif)

    There is a new follow up attack from [4][P] that is similar to Lau's [1][P]+[K][K] from FT. Or you can imagine Jacky's [3][3][K] after Goh's [4][P]


    New axis shifting high attack [8][P]+[K].

    Aoi and Sarah

    So far, the only thing I see people commenting about these two is the fact that Aoi now shows her stomach in one of her costumes, and Sarah shows her panties with one of her constumes.

    Sarah gets a new throw that causes stagger.


    [6][K] can only be combo'ed with red counter.

    He and El Blaze now both have new moves that can only be executed from the ropes/walls of the ring. So maybe they are weakened in stages without walls? It's also easier to ringout now in VF5, so no worries really.


    Aside from an attack similar to [4][6][P] that causes a head crumple, nothing has changed for Lau besides getting older.


    Alot of the motions have changed for Pai, and she doesn't seem like such an abare character now.


    Shun now can drink more due to the longer time between rounds, and he is alot older.

    These info also have been added to the top of the thread.
  7. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    More drinking? Good!
  8. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    Alot of the motions have changed for Pai, and she doesn't seem like such an abare character now.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What do you mean by "abare" character?
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    It's a Japanese term... it has connotations of riotous violence, but I think it Pai's case it's more "hyper," considering the sort of speedy strings she had in VF4.
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Abare in VF context also means non stop attacking. Where the person playing in an abare style doesnt utilize defensive techs, and instead attack out of disadvantaged situations.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Concerning the lp's, alot of reports are now saying that it differs depending whether you executed it from standing or from crouching, as theorized by Reno.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just wanted to comment on this. From a report by a friend of mine in Tokyo, it indeed seems the differences in low punch depend on if you were standing or crouching. He mentioned that Lau's [4][6][P] (closed stance)~ [2][P] ~ [3_][P][P]+[K] would no longer work now because of the changed [2][P] from standing. Maybe it has a longer duration? Time will tell.
  12. stealth_fox

    stealth_fox Active Member

    Interesting info and changes so far, thanks everyone for the updates. I'm wondering, if [3][P]+[K]+[G] is the command for the new evade, what will the command be for crouch throws for certain characters? I don't think they would keep the[1][2] commands and exclude[3], so maybe there's a new command all together for crouch throws.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Does modified low punch work? I.e. [3][3][2][P]?
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Darrius_Cole said: What do you mean by "abare" character?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey man, your not new to the site anymore. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    You should know by now if you have a VF related question, try using the Search function on this very own website. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  15. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Concerning the lp's, alot of reports are now saying that it differs depending whether you executed it from standing or from crouching, as theorized by Reno.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just wanted to comment on this. From a report by a friend of mine in Tokyo, it indeed seems the differences in low punch depend on if you were standing or crouching. He mentioned that Lau's [4][6][P] (closed stance)~ [2][P] ~ [3_][P][P]+[K] would no longer work now because of the changed [2][P] from standing. Maybe it has a longer duration? Time will tell.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I don't know how accurate my theory is, but I'd like to modify it a little bit.

    I think that certain characters have the option of doing either a slow or fast LP, while others are stuck with one choice.

    As an example, I never saw any Goh players execute the slow LP, even if they were standing. However, I saw Wolf players use both versions, depending on whether they were standing or not. From what I can remember, no Pai players that I saw used a fast LP....

    So I think Sega designed it so that certain characters have one or the other, while other characters can use both. Who knows though.
  16. CarpeNoctumXIII

    CarpeNoctumXIII Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    Does modified low punch work? I.e. [3][3][2][P]?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second this question. Will it work for characters that are stuck with the slow one, or that can do the slow if they want to, like Wolf(as you mentioned)?
  17. tianyuan2k2

    tianyuan2k2 Well-Known Member

    new low throw direction will be Up P+K+G to replace the old down forward ones.
  18. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    nice... btw anybody else having trouble with those files from kikizo? anybody interested in mirroring them so those of us less lucky can get our hands on them?
  19. InspectorTrue

    InspectorTrue Active Member

    I don't think i like the new low punch changes, the low punch was one of the most reliable moves in the game.

    And did Sega slow down the throws of regular characters to make online play possible? Or is it just to give the wrestlers ( jeff, wolf, blaze, goh) a bigger advantage?

    And did sega announce the price for the new wide screen cabinets?

    About the reversal-reversal thing, i think that would be more appropriate in a game like DOA, their reversals are easier to do and have a better success rate.

    i think the only time that can be used in a game like VF is in a special stance with an automatic punch and kick reveral, for example a new stance for lei fei, in that stance if you use a high or mid punch or kick on him, he will automatically reverse you without any extra input from the player, in this situation, maybe there can be reversal parry or reversal block or reversal escape after he reverses you. Looks good, definitely, i just don't know how it will affect the gameplay.
  20. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    InspectorTrue said:

    I don't think i like the new low punch changes, the low punch was one of the most reliable moves in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    not to mention one of the most predicatble moves to yomi

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