Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Save++

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Anarkira, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Four_Wude

    Four_Wude Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    "* Various fixes for minor bugs, including a texture bug."

    Anyone know what these fixes are?
  2. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Pai can't put on her booty shorts with any other top other than the dress /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  3. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    looks like i answered my own question..

    if you don't have an online account,
    i think you have to go create an xbox live
    account on someones connection.

    then you have login to the system.

    once you insert the game, you can
    update it..

    i don't know how to check if the game
    has been updated.

    does it wipe out all your saved games/settings?

    i had quite a few items before i started,
    and now i cant find them..

    by the way, yes, i just bought an xbox 360
    for this game, and am new to it..(i have
    not ever played anything online before either)..

    any help would be appreciated.

  4. Imperfecto

    Imperfecto Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Cool update I guess. I didn't expect something like this.
  5. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    yea im pissed about that 2 chun /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  6. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    This makes me sad /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif We must wait some time, when SEGA will unlock this feature.
  7. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    If they do allow it she'll be able to put her crop top with her shorts, which would basically be a bathing suit, I don't think they'll let that one slide. Unfortunate but probably reality.
  8. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Great update , but they still need add

    * All of the Version C Items, but I'm sure this wont happen till Version D is out
    * Mix and match any items that you want
    * More filtering for online matches
    Location, Connections, and Rank
    * Able to win Items by playing VS. Online
    * Able to use the icons you win in the Quest Mode instead of Gamer Pics
    * Ability to deny an online match when you Create a Session
    * Character Intros
    * VFTV upload feature

    thats all I can think of for now.
  9. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Yes all these features would be good, but at the moment I'm just happy with what we've got. This is a great update and it's free!

    Some characters are a waste of time though - Aoi cannot mix and match ANYTHING, Vanessa can only put Type C bottoms on type A costume and Lei-Fei can only put Type B bottoms on Type A. Some characters are fantastic though - finally Wolf can take his coat off or wear shorts under his gown (Loving my VF2 style Wolf with Blue trousers).
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I'm not exactly sure how online updates work. Is it necessary to have an Xbox Live account? Or can you simply be connected to the internet and it'll update when you load the game?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">once you insert the game, you can
    update it..

    i don't know how to check if the game
    has been updated.</div></div>
    The only way I know of checking it is by loading the game and looking for the new replay save features under the online versus modes, and/or the free downloaded item each character received. akai posted a list of free items per character earlier in this thread.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">does it wipe out all your saved games/settings?

    i had quite a few items before i started,
    and now i cant find them..</div></div>
    No, it should not wipe anything out.

    To me it sounds like you didn't update your game data, but maybe someone elses? You mentioned that you used your game disc on "someones connection". Did you also take your game data as well? You can transfer your game data to a memory card.

    Actually, can anyone verify that this patch only affects the game data, and not some other system file used by the game?
  11. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I believe it is necessary to have an xbox live account... but silver should work fine for updates, which everyone should have anyway.

    Also, there should be somewhere in the dashboard that tells you it's actually downloading an update, and the progress and whatnot, but I couldn't tell you offhand where to look for it.
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    My guess is that you have two different player profiles (one is the offline profile and the second one is the online account?) If this is the case, try signing in with your original account. Your previous VF data should be there with your old items.
  13. RagelessCajun

    RagelessCajun Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I thought it was pretty odd that you couldn't use the emblems online. As far as denying matches, while I think it could be a good idea, it is also ripe to unleash some Pandora's Box level shenanigans. "Oh, you play Lion? I hate Lion...DENIED" "You beat me before...DENIED" "Your rank is too low so I can't level up...DENIED." I know people with laggy connections joining your game is a bitch, but with the limited number of players it is already tough getting a match sometimes. I think this option would make it really tough. Granted, people who do shit like that are scrubs and aren't necessarily worth your time, but after four or five "Unable to Connects" I just want to play.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Which is why I'd rather limit possible challengers to those with good enough latency. If this was possible then I wouldnt need cancellation of matches. To be able to filter that is about the only thing I want. Having latency as search filter would also be important, trying to find a match currently is like wallowing in gray mud. And due to the way the system works, SOMEBODY has to create a session before someone else can challenge, and I fear nobody is doing it since nobody wants to be challenged by laggy people from far-east.

    I dont understand why this feature isnt present as the lack of it is in direct contradiction with this Sega's statement:
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    SEGA’s goal was to concentrate on the core gameplay and make the best, lowest latency, online gameplay possible. Spectator mode and other additional online features can add to latency in online play. </div></div>

    While I sign this for all other features, ability to limit who you play according to latency has a HUGE effect.
  15. RagelessCajun

    RagelessCajun Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I was just wondering, have you ever not hosted before? I never host and when I do a game search, I usually get three results and they are listed in order of connection strength with the best one first and the shitty gray one last. So I'm wondering...Let's say for example that my connection is crap on a stick, and I search for some games. When the list comes up, what will I see? Will I see gray connections because mine is crappy? Or will I see green with full bars because yours is good, and then when I connect, it all goes to hell?
  16. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    If your connection between the opponent is fast, with a small latency time then it will be green. If its slow between the 2 of you then it will be grey. Its not about how 'good' your connection is, its about how fast it is relative to the other persons. So connecting to someone near you will probbaly show up as full green but someone from Australia connecting to that same person (despite them having a competent connection) will be grey. See what I mean?
  17. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure the amount of bars is just results of a simple ping test. So, it's testing speed of the full connection from one xbox to the other. There's no concept of each player having a seperate connection, just the one long chain of wires between the two of you.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    That's what I've always thought too.

    But, and I hate to beat a dead horse here, a short while ago there was some discussion about the latency being asymmetrical, and it depended on who was hosting.

    I had always thought the connection was P2P, and so the latency should the be same?

    Maybe when hosting there's an amount of overhead that must be processed? If one player is able to deal with the overhead better than the other, then it may translate to an inconsistency in the connection quality between the two, depending on who was hosting.

    From my own experience, whether it being playing locals, or playing someone like DubC on the West Coast, I've not once noticed a difference in quality or latency when one or the other was hosting, and we switch up regularly.
  19. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    There is definitely asymmetrical latency. I played Cappo a few days, at high advantages he was able to low k/low p me out of the fastest moves. I'm not sure why this happens, there will be also times where you get a "Spike" which is pretty common but the results can sometimes be devastating.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I'm not saying there isn't asymmetrical latency, all I'm saying is that while I haven't experienced it, I'm trying to understand why it would occur (the "overhead" suggestion).

    That is all /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

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