Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Save++

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Anarkira, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I have experienced the asymmetrical latency thing (or thought I did) with Cappo. But we tried testing it out if it was something related to who was hosting...and for the most part that did not seem to be the issue...

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    im delighted with this update...thanks sega for rewarding your loyal fans, they've clearly listened to feedback.

    i hope they continue to patch the game tho...that interview on major nelson's website suggested otherwise.

    for a future patch i'd love to see the following:

    1. item/cash rewards in ranked online games

    2. auto uploading to server of rank-up/down matches....i say this specifically as it would seem possible for sega to implement this easily in a patch. the current system already auo loads arcade runs to the score tables should be fairly simple to link this into the ranked vs tables and display the replay..

    3. being able to see your friends match stats as they play on the dashboard - eg. Player 1 - Online - playing Virtua Fighter 5 - Online match Lion vs Vanessa 3-2. or perhaps even win streaks?

    again this one would be easy to implement in a patch.

    4. Stop player invites into games from timing out too quickly.

    5. display connection speed as a ping value as well as the symbol

    6. allow regional filtering in the custom match menu when finding games...too many times i get thrown into laggy cross atlantic matches when more local player are available to play.
  3. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    I second that one - i would love to be able to create Player Matches where, in addition to the normal Stage, Round Count, Time Limit and Private Match Y/N there was an additional option "Best out of" defaulting to 1 and incrementable at will.

    I would like to report that, in addition to the repertoried changes brought on with the update, the instant replay fuction at the end of each round has been significantly altered (models dissapear).
  4. romeo_longsword

    romeo_longsword Active Member

    PS 3 player here, wondering a few things:

    1) No chance the PS3 can play online?

    2) PS3 version get updated as well?

    Many thanks all.
  5. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    no to both answers.
  6. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    What I really like about this update is that it's Xbox 360 only for the moment.

    The Dreamcast laughs at PS3 from the grave

  7. negative1

    negative1 Active Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa


    thanx to all that posted here..

    yes, it turned out i had 2 different accounts,
    and one wasn't available on xbox live, so i had
    to create another account...and use that..

    [rest of the post is general impressions of
    xbox live]
    well, i went to a friends house, and used their
    internet account, and signed up for 1 month (although
    now looking at it, they want to charge a monthly fee..
    no thanks)...

    anyways, i was expecting a decent time on it..
    1 i was able to connect 75% of the time (i'm in
    the east coast US)..

    2 played in the evening for about 6 hours straight
    (probably would have gone longer, if i didn't feel
    like passing out)..of course it was all non ranked

    3 i don't have a mic, or webcam, so i didn't really
    hear/see anything bad

    4 EVERY SINGLE AKIRA blew me away....i play sarah/pai,
    and was able to win about 50% of the matches, i had a
    tough time with all the new characters brad/goh/etc..
    so so time with the grapplers, not too bad against
    other sarah/pai....never saw aoi, not even once..a lot
    of other characters didn't seem to show up either..

    5 i noticed that there were a lot of helpful players,
    and got messages mentioning VFDC etc...

    of course, i'm sure there was...but since i'm not that
    great of a player (been playing sarah/pai since vf1,
    skipped vf3/vf4)...maybe i'm not good enough to notice..

    i did get some reversals with pai, and most of the throws
    with sarah...but then again, i'm using the terrible xbox
    360 pad...will be getting a joystick soon..

    i don't think i will get an internet account,
    because 1) i will never leave my place again,
    since there are always players available, i even
    snuck in a few games right before leaving to work
    (i was late anyways)...... 2) are there really
    that many new GOOD players playing VF, i remember
    being the only person i knew that played vf2, how
    things have changed.. 3) i will probably have
    hand cramps, and bleary eyes that will get worse
    4) believe it or not, out of the 50-60 matches i
    played, only 2 players actually played cheap (using
    the same combo, cheap tactics, or low punches only)..

    GREAT job SEGA, and GREAT job Microsoft..yeah they're
    not perfect, but for the casual player, its a great
    bonus...(now if only there were people playing sega
    rally revo, and virtua tennis 3..)

  8. Katsuro

    Katsuro Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 System update feat. Replay Sa

    Sorry if anyone objects to me reviving a pretty much dead topic, but I haven't been able to download the patch yet as my xbox died before I got a chance but I should be getting it back from MS soon.

    Anyway, was just wondering if anyone could post a full list of what costumes each character can swap. I did search for a list but found nothing so sorry if one's already been posted. But if one has been posted can someone paste the URL or something?


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