Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Feedback?

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

By Myke on Jun 4, 2021 at 10:40 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Now that the game has been out for a while, you've hopefully(!?) spent enough time playing it! We here at VFDC have an opportunity to pass on some feedback to SEGA, and to start things off we've got a stack of suggestions inside but we want to hear from you! What are you waiting for?

    el blaze polygon.jpg

    The following suggestions have been collated by @MadeManG74, @Jide and myself, but of course would love to hear what you think as well! What are you waiting for? Start sounding off NOWWWWW!!!!!

    Ranked Match
    • The option to record in training mode while waiting for a match.
    • The ability to change dummy character without cancelling matchmaking.
    • Stage select.
    • Once you’ve successfully matched with someone:
      • to show if the opponent is using Wi-Fi or not
      • Region Icon when matched with someone
      • Option to change to Ping instead of connection bars.
    • To constantly show your connection to the opponent.
    • Region filter on matchmaking
    • Bonus points for completing the first to 2 set
    • An option to set the CPU to the last character you played vs after a ranked match
    • Be able to filter by any rank when searching
    Room Match
    • Invite friends/anyone to your own room.
    • Search rooms via username.
    • Once there are too many lobbies(20?), some lobbies will not show and the user has to search again.
    • Option to filter out locked rooms (can currently filter "for" locked rooms)
    • Option to filter by region
    • Option to filter for "Friend's Rooms only"
    • Ability to play multiple matches simultaneously when more than 3 (4?) players are in the lobby
    • (Infinite) Instant rematch possibility when only 2 players are in the lobby
    • Option to lock ranking + W/L, currently no option to play without losing/gaining points
    • Stage Select between matches in a set
    • Region Restriction on room creation as an option

    • Add Combo Training, above and beyond what's available in the built-in command list
    • Add tutorial to teach additional VF offensive and defensive strategies beyond the basic Tutorial
    • Add Trial Challenges for advanced techniques

    Command Training
    • Bring back Time Attack with Leaderboards for command lists

    Free Training
    • To change character without having to go back to the menu.
    • To change the stage without having to go back to the menu.
    • Show player lifebar to train perfect tech roll.
    • Ability to record/playback options after Guard or Wakeup
    • Online Training Mode - For experts to teach beginners VF.
    • Add option to map the training "Reset Position" function to another button (defaulted to R3)
    • In Playback mode, the "Reset Position" function doesn't work!
    • Extra options for positioning in the ring: parallel to the edge of the ring
    • Ability to save current position as the "Reset Position"

    Offline Versus
    • Make Dural playable
    • Ability to save replays
    • Ability to undo character selection at the Character Select screen

    • Ability to set music playlist according to VF version and stage
    • Mix and match UI, e.g. retro life bars with new UI

    • Rollback netcode
    • Connection strength indicators (bars) can be misleading
    • More Single Player content (ala Quest Mode)
    • Ability to search and view replays online
    • Ability to pause and frame advance forward/backward while watching replay
    • Additional character edit slots


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2021.

    1. charleypk222
      a few face need some fix and update

      add all Final Showdown item and character slot and maybe more in dlc

      i hope after the 2 month ps4 exclusive this game go to other console and have the option of crossplay to rebuild a strong player base for vf5 and the future game , because now all ps5 are backorder and the outdate ps4 are the same price of the ps5 digital make any sense and is something very bad to bring new player outside the playstaion playerbase . thank you
    2. jimi Claymore
      jimi Claymore
      -Add Player Match (although i think room match is going to replace this mode)
      -Allow players to play more than one set (this is important for stormlord battles) or have a battle log and allow people to ask for rematch
      -Show names when searching in Ranked mode

      If is possible, implement ranking lobbies like FS.

      Quest mode is something i'll like to see, but if we can have special sparring is fine.
      I want to see VF 2 3 4 and even 5 models, if that is not possible at least put the IU.

      Pre match animations like FS arcade, we can use this in room matches for the current winner.
    3. Jackira
      *Have ability to change four versions of the stage from every single Virtua Fighter 5 versions (Vanilla, R, FS, US).
    4. TheGoldenMeme
      This is more than what I would've expected to see on this list. Rollback netcode is a must-have for a game like this, if we want to see a consistent expansion of the player pool, not to mention game longevity. Special item win poses are also recommended, imo.
    5. VirtualAndy
      Same with this. Also agreed on the Dural option. I don't care for offline as long we can play as her.
    6. segasonic
      great lists!!

      would love VF2, VF3, VF3tb, VF4, VF4evo, VF4:Final Tuned; VF5; VF5:R, VF5:FS all those stages levels ; and all the skins for the fighters from those games as DLC.

      In the least, please bring VF5, VF5:R, and VF5:FS stage levels and character skins as DLC
      gido likes this.
    7. Tekken_Sux

      PS4 Pro Enhancement

      On PSN VF5 is listed as PS4 Pro Enhanced, but the game is clearly just running at 1080p like base PS4. Are there other enhancments that I'm not seeing or, did Sega forget to enable 4k on the Pro?
    8. Gibon
      Even if they enable 4K on PS4 Pro, it's just going to be some up-scaling nonsense.

      The assets are not 4K.
    9. SDS_Overfiend1
      •New Moves
      •New Character
      • New Backgrounds that have no ring but destructive walls
      • All Customization items plus more
      • Player Match
      • Xbox and PC release. Don’t tell me Shit about Sony having a exclusive right to this game. This game needs to be updated and in the hands of a lot of people. (Look at the streams)

      I know I’m BSing around but since they are listening.
    10. Tekken_Sux
      I guess you don't play games on PC a lot? 4k wouldn't be "upscaling", it would be real 4k, because all the geometry would be rendered at a higher resolution, cutting way down on aliasing and sub-pixel shimmering.

      So even if the textures are low-res, overall the game would look much better at 4k.

      And back to the OT, I think releasing on PC/Switch/Xbox with crossplay would greatly expand the playerbase and give this series some legs. I'm sure Sega is already looking into this, but the more people they hear it from, the better.
      Chazzy_Chef and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    11. Gibon
      Dude, I'm talking about PS4 Pro. PS4 Pro couldn't up-render the game in 4K and maintain butter-smooth 60 FPS. It would be one of the several possible upscaling tricks typical for PS4 Pro.
      These textures don't look too good even in 1080p. Displaying them in 4K would be a smeared mess. SEGA would need to add a 4K texture pack for a potential PC release.
    12. Tekken_Sux
      This is a game from 2005, PS4 Pro could render at 4k easily.

      And you're completely ignoring my point about aliasing and shimmmering. Both of those things would be almost eliminated by running at 4k. Textures wouldn't look better, you're right, but they certainly wouldn't look worse.
    13. Gibon
      No, this is a remake in the Dragon engine and PS4 Pro could not render it "at 4K easily". PS4 Pro isn't a real 4K console.
      Because I'm talking about PS4 Pro, not a theoretical PC port, which would need native 4K textures to begin with.
    14. L_A
      chocolate popsicle item for all characters
    15. ToyDingo
      For the sake of my mental health, I'm going to need Sega to work on that netcode. If I catch one more laggy Lei Fei flipping and dancing across the ring I'm gonna run towards the nearest living thing and punch it.

      That is my one and only request.
      masterpo likes this.
    16. MadeManG74
      Thanks for compiling everything @Myke! Got all my main points across.
      Hopefully they can resolve a few of the relatively small fixes and greatly improve everyone's online experiences that little bit.
      Myke likes this.
    17. rabbit360
      Prevent matchmaking with someone you last fought with in ranked. I got matched with the same guy 4 times in a row and it was awful- delayed, eating inputs.

      On that note, fix the connection indicators so it doesn't always show perfect 4 bar connections when it's obviously not 4 bar.
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    18. Tekken_Sux
      PS4 Pro does play some games at true 4k, though mostly indie games.

      But even though this game is remade in the dragon engine, it doesn't look like the character models are much more complex, and the level of detail in the stages looks about the same as the original VF5 from 2006

      Either way, the PS4 Pro is currently running at the same resolution as PS4. That stinks. Even 1440p, a very common resolution used by games on Pro, would be a huge improvement.
    19. WolfKing
      Fs custom intros from the arcade,
      Full items and costumes from fs
      New items for us
      Wi fi detector
    20. charleypk222
      give me back my win pose from vf5 this is so badass

      KrsJin likes this.

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