VIrtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown - Netcode

Discussion in 'General' started by Shensun, May 31, 2021.

  1. GreatDeceiver

    GreatDeceiver Well-Known Member

    How do you rematch in ranked? The button is always greyed out for me and I can't find a way to "ready up"
  2. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    At least from my end - I can definitely feel the lag in terms of movement and trying to react to things. It definitely feels like FS net code at best (Eastern MA region).
  3. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

  4. Kuraido92

    Kuraido92 New Member

    It's functional but not remotely as fluid as it should be to be considered a real match. Pretty sure there is a server in Finland and Belgium but I'm not experiencing the seamless online some people claim they've experienced.
    Zekiel and Superspacehero like this.
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    RGG Studio is taking feedback through their twitter so anyone here concerned about the online should send it there, That's the best place outside of the producer to request feedback. As long as people are cool about it and aren't being gross about it, make your voice heard.
    SSfox and Jotamide like this.
  6. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    In my previous post I was playing from a JPN account in canada and unfortunately that results in mostly matches with bad connections. Trying out my US account today resulted in WAY better connections... My bad! It's actually pretty solid when you play in your correct region.

    It could still be alot better but I'm no longer heart broken about this release :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2021
  7. OniwabanCL

    OniwabanCL Member

    the VF5US netcode is way better than soul caliber 6 netcode. I played with a friend with a terrible experience with casual rooms on soul caliber 6, but with VF5US the gameplay was really smooth
    Zekiel likes this.
  8. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Ohh you are in sweden too? Yeah i agree with you, that it is functional, but im noticing delay, worse than ps3
  9. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    It's been pretty bad for me for the most part. At best it's maybe similar to VF5FS at it's best which wasn't even good enough for me and still inferior to Tekken 7 PS4 which itself is inferior to the PC version.

    I think part of the problem is the matchmaking. It doesn't know how to categorize a 4 bar. The best and worst connections I've had are both rated as 4 bar. It's also not telling me where there from and if their wired or wifi so I'm unable to filter out the worst connections and the game isn't doing it either. Selecting best connection doesn't seem to make any difference.
    Zekiel, rabbit360, Mr_X and 1 other person like this.
  10. Shin ZAKIRA

    Shin ZAKIRA Member

    I posted my opinion about the whole game in another thread. But I’m posting my net code opinion here for anybody who wants some references.

    The game online quality is better than Soulcalibur and way better than Tekken. I got matched fast and the loading was also fast. Most of my matches were smooth and didn’t feel much lag. Even when I have some weird connections, the delay was consistent.

    For a delay-based net code, it played great.

    Rollback net code would have been better. But taking consideration of the limited time and budget the game had, it’s very understandable the root they took to deliver the game as fast as they could. People talk about rollback net code as it’s magical thing that be easily applied to any game at any time. For those people I would tell to go and check Netherealm GDC talk on how hard and long it was to implement the net code in MKX.

    One thing is wished for is an indicator, wither I’m playing against a person, wired or on Wi-Fi.

    I think Sega’s new method along implementation of rollback method, might bring great results to the fighting genera.

    Hope this will open their eyes in VF6 development.

    Make you send demands to the chief producer Aoki Seiji’s Twitter.
    SUGATA and Zekiel like this.
  11. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I had some good and some bad lags when playing on default settings

    However, changing from “good” to “best” in player search options resulted in excellent connections only while still finding players easily.
  12. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

  13. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    As a community, we are so lucky to have MAX on our side! :D

    Tekken Twitch streamer TheMainManSWE keeps shitting on VF each time he streams for at least an hour or even longer, usually at the end of all his Tekken streams. He said so many out-of-pocket things about VF without any intention to learn the system properly at all. He said if Tekken is like "Chess" then VF is like "Toilet Paper". Wtf, man, what a toxic individual!!:mad:

    He went online with new low-level characters every time and try to bully new players, who cannot play VF, using the most ridiculous ways possible. If we have some good players who live around Sweden/EU (since VF currently has no "rollback" netcode), maybe we should bring out our army of SMURFS into his streams and show him how it's done for the fun of it. :p:ROTFL::ROTFL:
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    Zekiel and Sonic The Fighters like this.
  14. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    Sega need to hurry up and make a statement about the netplay of the game and what are their plans in this departement for the game (suggesting they have plans, and if they don't welp..)
  15. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Not surprised at all. But that might be better for a new topic. If you want, copy that whole post and make a new topic on it, since this topic is about netcode.
    Sonic The Fighters and SSShinji like this.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    After spending a hour on ranked. I've learn the netcode is kinda weak. I'm not heavily familiar with online mechanics as In Delayed or rollback. What I do know is the lag actually effects button input. So even if I try to compensate by doing moves early .. some just won't come out. This is terrible at times. I have 1gb up and like 300 down. If I choose to match with the best connection. Then that's what I should get. In 24 games.. I got about 3 really good connections. The rest had spikes and delays. FS on Xbox live has a better online imo opinion.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
    Zekiel, Sozos, akai and 2 others like this.
  17. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Toughest thing I'm finding with VF online is that timings get *very different* between the lab and online play that basically everything you do in the lab doesn't really translate which is super frustrating. On top of that, the timings are different between different opponents because of the different lag which is even worse :(
    Zekiel, SDS_Overfiend1 and SSfox like this.
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Today I was ready to leave this game alone. I fought a lion dude who was just doing things I know he knows only works online. Problem was I would see everything coming but lag was affecting button commands and had me dropping simple combos. I checked my internet speed for PS4 I was at 637mb down and 149up. I should've been hosting the fight for that damn matter
    SSfox and Feck like this.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Not sure if it's my connection or the netcode but i'm having some issues.

    Can't block lows on reaction and on the rare chance I do they are somehow unpunishable.

    [2][P] seems to be + on block, often opponent will do [2][P] [2][P] and i'd normally DE the second [2][P] but apparently [2][P] [2][P] online is some deadly mixup.

    Vanessa [K][K] (forget the command) spam is impossible to get out of. I thought you block the mid then [3][3][G] the high but this just gets me hit.

    Combo's are dropping all over the place even though i'm inputting them with the right timing.

    I really don't know if it's the netcode or my connection as when I played FS on 360 I had a 300mbps connection and now i'm on 30 - 60mbps.

    Not sure rollback is the answer, i'm sure adding rollback to a game like VF with it's buffer window etc would be a mess.
    SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
  20. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    it's probably the netcode
    SSfox likes this.

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