Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Trailer

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

By Myke on May 25, 2021 at 9:05 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just when you thought it was safe knowing there was some kind of announcement happening on the 27th of May, followed by a couple of leaks that VF5US would be available for free via PlayStation Plus, IGN goes ahead and finishes off the 1-2 combination with an absolute uppercut of a trailer! Wait are you waiting for! Go watch it now!

    More information here:

    Highlights from article:
    • New background music for every stage
    • New user interface
    • New opening cinematic
    • New lighting and shaders using RGG's Dragon Engine
    • Spectate online matches in real-time
    • Ability to build robin-robin style online tournaments
    • The private and public lobby system will support up to 16 players
    • Include new communications tools like stamps

    Release Information
    Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown will be available free on PlayStation Plus for the months of June and July, and also available on PlayStation Now in June.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    Tiripsem, Meison, nou and 20 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 25, 2021.

    1. Carlos Lenz
      Carlos Lenz
      Dreamboat and KrsJin like this.
    2. charleypk222
      here my 2 cent
      if you own a ps4 and ps5 is a free upgrade overalls

      the good
      1- all match option
      2- overalls graphic update

      the bad
      1- ps+ exclusive
      2- i dont see any new move
      3- i dont see any new character
      4- some character look wierd

      i dont have any ps4 now and can not order a ps5 because they are all backorder

      this game dont justify the cost of a console

      calling this ultimate is really overhype compare vf5fs have at least 1 new character

      to be honest guy i`m very underwhelmed , sure having already a ps4 or ps5 i will be happy but also a bit disappointed the character dont have any new move at least 1 or 2 move each , i dont think sega take the good road to rebuild a player base for vf with ps+ exclusive thank you

      thank you
      Last edited: May 27, 2021
      beanboy and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    3. Zekiel
      It's free if you have plus. For 2 months. Plus is required to play online regardless
      Ali likes this.
    4. SSfox
      It Will be yours as long as you're plus.

      Ps: Any info about the dlcs?
    5. Ali
      Yes. It's eventually a priced game.

      I am glad I kept my PS4. I know this will eventually land on Xbox series X with even better loading times, but I can't wait till then.
      Titantony likes this.
    6. Ali
      Will be revealed 31st of May ?

      Customization ? Older games music ? Older versions of stages ?

      Kazuma Kiryu ? Majima ? (Wonder what the reactions will be to these two!!!)
      masterpo likes this.
    7. Carlos Lenz
      Carlos Lenz
      JP prices, converted to USD:
      Game + customization: $30
      Customization: $10
      Last edited: May 27, 2021
      Superspacehero, Zekiel, SSfox and 2 others like this.
    8. Tha_FeauchA
      I liked pretty much everything I saw. The only things I could say I wasn't too big a fan of, and these are minor, was the hit sparks for every single hit. It seems unnecessary and clutters up the visuals of what's happening. So the action doesn't look as clean. I'll get used to it, but. I still feel they should be reserved for counter hits.

      The thick red and blue stripes behind the letters seemed weird. But, that'll grow on me, too.

      I'm still hella hyped and looking forward to this. Also, VF merch? Let's gooooo.
      Zekiel, KrsJin, Titantony and 3 others like this.
    9. Carlos Lenz
      Carlos Lenz
      Something that bothers me about hit sparks is that they are arbitrary. At least in my mind, if NHs have sparks, ground and wall hits should have them too.
    10. gido
      From the looks of it, besides the graphical rehaul on the UI and characters (which I give credit for, they generally look pretty good), the game is basically the same. I don't think we're getting any additional moves and animations. The game seems to have a bit more impact on hits. Hit sparks don't mean a thing and won't make or break this game so please calm down, you will get over it in a couple of hours of playing. Glad there's still customization atleast.

      Correct my ignorance, but I'm starting to realize that this was announced as the only means to play VF5FS online was through the PS network, (not sure if playable online through the Yakuza games or FS' PS4 port on PS+). And since that PSN on PS3 is shutting down, there had to be another way to play VF5FS online. If this is the case, so be it, we can still have more VF5FS to upload for the future probably the reason they are pushing this official E SPORTS gimmick.

      Funny how Eileen looks more real than Sarah does now...I would've loved VF5's old portaits as the in-game 3D graphic models but you get what you get.

      Conclusion to all this: Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown is actually the perfect name for this...because you are simply getting a repainted, non-ported version of FS for the PS4. Whether or not its free for upcoming months should'nt really be a big deal as you should "get it while its hot" so to speak. So you might as well try it out now. The main concern is and has always been about...the longevity
      Superspacehero likes this.
    11. KrsJin
      Even if the West never gets the cabinets, can I tell you how stoked I am this game is getting further arcade support?

      That is amazing news.
      Tiripsem, cobratron, Zekiel and 3 others like this.
    12. SSfox
      Intersting. Is the ps plus version include customization, and 10$ for all characters or one character?

      I'm at work but Just saw gameplay match with Shun Di vs Sarah and Eileen , looks pretty solid graphics and characters models wise. Can't wait to try the game myself.
      beanboy likes this.
    13. Zekiel
    14. Ali
      Well, I know you mean initially and early pool of.players when you mention longevity, but I have to say VF5 FS is the only game of it's generation to still have a scene and tournaments that's regulated every two weeks or so on PS3/Xbox and PC (through persec). So having at least those regulated tourneys is guaranteed for that much of time.

      I hope SEGA pushes and supports this one. T7 would never have had such success without Harada's Twitter account.
      beanboy and Zekiel like this.
    15. Tiripsem
      Sounds like it could possibly be Eileen's stage music in the background in this video. Aoi's stage music during the showcase Shun vs Sarah matches was also great. The music has been on point thus far.
      nou and Zekiel like this.
    16. masterpo
      Maybe the hit spark animation can be turned off? I think DOA gives you the option to turn them off. If hits sparks can't be turned off, that's a huge negative for me.

      VF has gone all of this time without them and the fact that they didn't have them has been a point of pride and identity. I hope they can be turned off:oops:
      beanboy and Acid like this.
    17. SSfox
      Sarah looks good in the new trailer, actually the game looks better i feel, specially the lightning, maybe the Monday trailer was old build like some of us speculated.

      Remind me T7 at start looks not that impressive mostly because the build had not much lightning effect, than characters models and looks become much better by just turning on lightning by the Tekken team. I feel it's same scenario with VF5US right now.
      Superspacehero and Zekiel like this.
    18. Jotamide
      What if I'm minus tho? Should I mash for a discount?
    19. ICHIBANin10000
      It depends on your perspective. *Yes* 20 years have passed, and games have gotten progressively dumbed down like a patient that barely survived drowning and is suffering from hypoxia. Thee question is do you think games have gotten better or worse after 20 years? People paid the kickstarter because they loved the old games, and they wanted a direct sequel. You don't pay for a kickstarter to get a sequel made for casuals who care nothing about the core game. You don't take peoples money claiming you are going to make a pokemon sequel, for Example, then turn it into a Golden Axe Beast rider sequels because you think that will market better. You must be some millenial, you people are just smelling your own farts and think your generations games are better than anything that came before it. You are lazy and don't want to learn large extensive movelists. The effort that Suzuki-sama spent on adding at least 60 well-researched authentic martial arts moves to Shenmue 3 was completely lost on you. All you care about is the "story". You have to play through the game multiple times to actually earn all the moves scrolls in the game. If you didnt suck at combat, you would learn combos and uses for said 60 moves. The only thing that has consistently improved over the past 20 years in games has been the graphics. People like you Claim games like Yakuza and Assassin's Creed are better games than Shenmue 3, but walk around in those worlds: none of the Npcs talk, barely anything or anyone can be interacted with, all the destinations are highlighted on the map in A.R. because you are too lazy 0r addled with ritalin to pay attention and explore the world. everything in those worlds has been streamlined for sake of the "story" even the missions are too scripted.
      They are games with baby bumpers. The game actually give you a button prompt on screen when to do a reversal because they assume you are too stupid to learn the movelist and cant tell a punch=danger. In recent years the only games that went above and beyond to give us something remotely similar to Shenmue 3 at least in terms or combat are the Last of Us Part 2 and Avengers. Unfortunately entitled brat gamers these days rather complain about not getting Avengers cosmetic dls for free instead of appreciating finely tuned combat. LOU Pt2 got dragged because armchair writers and directors claim they could have written a better story from their parent's basements, and completely and ignored the Metal Gear Solid quality gameplay and A.I.

      Oh its been 20 years , Is that why VF5 FS got reversals removed from Vanessa and Kage? We don't need 5 Throw directions anymore, because that's so two decades ago? Throw clash is too realistic, lets dumb it down? Whatever. If more games had the quality and depth they had 20 years ago the industry would be in a better state. Have fun playing your walking simulators.
      Last edited: May 27, 2021
      beanboy and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
    20. SSfox
      Was the gameplay captured on PS4? loading times seemed fine and correct.
      beanboy likes this.

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