Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 2, 2021.

By Myke on Apr 2, 2021 at 6:20 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The game title of "Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown" has just been rated by the Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea for the PS4 platform, and, interestingly, the rating lists "Virtua Fighter esports" as the original title. With recent news of the PS3 store shutting down, and no current, stand-alone way to play VF5FS on a PlayStation 4 or 5 console, could this be SEGA's move to kill two birds with one stone? Officially bring the latest title in some kind of updated "ultimate" form into the esports scene, and playable on a modern console?

    Virtua Fighter x esports.jpg
    Junosynth, cobratron, Coroo and 9 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Apr 2, 2021.

    1. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      beanboy likes this.
    2. gido
      I mean..its nice "artwork" but thats all it really is. Non-gameplay aesthetics, you're not foolin anyone Sega :meh:

      Obviously I would love to be wrong...but im not
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
    3. Ali
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    4. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Yeah it might be fake but still it was pretty right :

      Tokyo Game Show announcement, on consoles first and cross gen, and remixed stages...

      "Apparently this is supposed to be in the prototype phase of development"

      And i think that the stage looks pretty good (even if the arena seems a bit too small), but overall it's great and well made, it would fit perfectly for VF.

      I'm not sure if i'm right but i think there was also more pictures about that leak ?
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
    5. Zekiel
      We don't even have information yet. The game has a new title. There's a big chance you're actually wrong on this
      gido likes this.
    6. gido
      Believe me, I pray that I'm wrong. The game having a new title doesnt really mean a thing if the number 5 is still attached.

      But still for that artwork to be in-game? Highly doubtful that picture is simply promo artwork.

      You need gameplay to get me hype not pictures.
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    7. Cheribam_J
      Anyway, I for one, am hoping the graphics get updated.

      I can't come up with a reason why, but, unless I'm being crazy, I seem to remember the graphics taking quite a big hit from VF5 Vanilla to VF5FS, at least on the PS3 versions. Especially when it comes to the character's skin and body; I remember them looking far better in Vanilla.
      beanboy, Zekiel and SUGATA like this.
    8. SUGATA
      You right. VF5 much better graphics than VF5FS - mostly b/c of it was DIGITALLY released (while getting digital games size limit rules) = nerfed graphics. Many players even dont know this fact. VF5 vanilla even now has an awesome graphics (2007 year game).
      > So, even if it will get Vanilla engine with bit enhancements is will be good.
      Zekiel likes this.
    9. Cheribam_J
      Thank you for that simple yet, in the end, pretty logical explanation.

      I'll have to go back to VF5 Vanilla soon, as, yes, I'm sure it's still a gem for the eye.
      I'd like Ultimate Showdown to at least reach Vanilla's level when it comes to the graphics. Could that really happen if it's once again digitally released, though?
      Zekiel likes this.
    10. VF2011
      You can blame MS for that, they had strict limits on file sizes for digital games back then. It's the reason we got all the DLC as individual packs as well.
    11. Ali
      Honestly, back in the day, VFR looked as if it was the latest iteration not FS
      Zekiel likes this.
    12. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      With Final Shodown they changed the shaders and used a different kind of illumination, I remember AM2 said this, but it's also clear by looking at it (the skin shader is different and more opaque for example and way worse in FS).
      Unfortunately the result was inferior to vanilla vf5.

      Also it doesn't help that the VF5FS on xbox 360 and ps3 was graphically inferior to the arcade version as well, luckly it was partially solved with the version included in Yakuza games.

      But in general VF5 vanilla remain the best VF5 for graphics, stages and music (and in my opinion gameplay as well).
      beanboy and Tricky like this.
    13. Cheribam_J
      Very interesting. That explains quite a lot regarding FS looking way worse than VF5.
    14. Myke
      In case anyone is still wondering about the "Ultimate Showdown" vs "esports" titles:

    15. SDS_Overfiend1
      I thought
      Visually with the character models they were identical... They really don't look worst off. It was the trailer that had the characters looking less detailed especially in the faces. The stages lost a bit of details I.E. floor breaking. But the lighting was waaaaay superior.
      beanboy, Zekiel and Tricky like this.
    16. Ali
      I know there is tons of speculation by us in regards to the next project, but honestly, this is uncharted territory for the series and such a situation has never occurred before.

      I was trying to make a point of how VF mechanics are really fun and rewarding to a friend and he was like " I won't touch Ultimate Showdown if it was a port even if FS was a perfect game". I think this is what many people think of VFUS
      Zekiel likes this.
    17. Myke
      They may change their tune once VF5US starts appearing in big majors again, backed by sponsors, with decent prize money at stake. Watching the game being played at high levels in front of large audiences, can be infectious.
      Zekiel and MadeManG74 like this.
    18. Myke
      Continuing on from the title difference between the Japan (esports) and Worldwide (Ultimate Showdown) releases, I find it interesting that the number 5 is omitted from "Virtua Fighter esports" title, and just further supports my theory below:


      But seriously, unless I'm reading into this too much (and that NEVER happens) I think this shows some real intent behind Virtua Fighter's future behind the current '5' release.
      Zekiel, Tricky, SUGATA and 2 others like this.
    19. SSfox
    20. gido
      Yea I did noticed that the og cast was placed in the middle. I was also thinking there's some meaning behind that and I thought of this..

      It could still possibly mean Sega is "restarting" the series in some way. Not in the "starting with the 8 barebones characters then unlock more" kinda way but maybe paying homages to each individual game where they debuted? Adding all of the features that made each game special. Like the "Ultimate" package I dunno..

      I know I may sound fickle but I will take back all the bad I said about Sega if they can give me all the outfits of VF1-5, ALL stages from 1-5, all of the moves stripped and then some from 1-5 and most important all the features from 1-5, get the graphics updated to that artwork quality level or better (because they definitely can do better) and I'll probably give it a shot.

      Theres just so much on how you can interpret how the game can be and the possibilities they can do with it. Worst case scenario for me would be the same game just with better graphics.

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