Virtua Fighter 5 Version D

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by gregor_thewolf, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    anyone got some specific info on changes made to the overall gameplay

    i noticed the staggers really got messed up sometimes it will show the joystick animation to stagger out and sometimes it won't
    even though the opponent is in actuall stagger animation.

    brads 46K+G on normal hit will stagger but the joystick animation won't show, i think on counter hit it shows.

    gohs 3P is wierd, ill hit someone ducking and sometimes it will show the joystick animation, sometimes it won't.

    it really throws me off...the animation kinda clues me in, but without i seem retarded

    i only played a couple of games but would like someone whos played for a while to help me with the system changes
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    There weren't suppose to be any gameplay changes I thought?

    Sure all the hits were proper?
  3. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    im sure the hits were all good

    i use these moves often with much success, especially on the cpu

    but maybe i just had a bad day and tunnel vision or sometin cus i swear i didnt see the joystick stagger animation multiple times

    ill have to go to the arcade again and test it out more, since that was my first time playing ver d. and i only had a limited amount of time to play
  4. eiyujpn

    eiyujpn Active Member

    i went to the arcades again and tested it out

    apparently when you fight the cpu and hit them with a stagger move the joystick animation does not appear.

    however in actual player vs player matches the animation is present

    issue resolved
  5. KuTUu

    KuTUu New Member

    yeah hope that it will come to console, and through download too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. DualFace

    DualFace Member

    So the PS3 and 360 versions of VF5 are both nowhere near the arcades
    in the items/costumes department? If that's true, that really irritates
    me to all hell.[/size]
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, not even close.
  8. DualFace

    DualFace Member

    So I wonder if even by the time we console owners get a new version
    (presumably VF5:R---whatever version), even then would we be anywhere
    near the items/costumes department? I know that the Japanese arcade
    owners and SEGA themselves are doing what they can to keep people
    in the arcades by keeping VF fresh n' what not but it really sucks
    since here in the states the arcade scene is all but desolate and
    the people that do go out and by the VF series time and time again,
    just get shafted (nearly).

  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Going by past history, the console version will never catch up in terms of content no matter what version it is.
  10. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    It really sucks because I love VF5..Like on the real....VF5 is like my favorite fighter of all time...But I think am going to have to stop being a pawn in Sega’s cruel treatment of its American fans. You would think with all the big fighters coming out this year, that Sega would wise up...They gat until the end of 2008, if not am jumping right back on my Soul Calibur, Tekken and Street Fighter bandwagon and telling VF to kiss my ass!...I can bet that the 3 fighters I mentioned are going to have online play for the PS3…that’s free online ass kicking! yawl do what you gat to do
  11. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    if you are going to abandon VF because you can't play with a pantsless Goh or can't have a butterfly accompany your wolf you're an idiot.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Ha ha ha ha ha.

    Well said mate, I totally agree.
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Especially if you claim it to be your favorite fighter lol.
  14. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Yea VF5 is my favorite fighter...and yea am also not a crazy ass fan boy like some of you guys on this you guys take shit so personal. There is no reason why Sega cant release more downloadable content....when fucking Resistance Fall of Man is still releasing updates...c’mon...WTF...I was always more of a Tekken and Street Fighter fan to begin with...but I will admit I really did jump on the VF5 movement, but this is 2008 and aint no reason Sega cant release something...esp since this is the most popular VF has ever bin in the USA.. so all am saying is keep your fans (esp the new ones) happy...I don’t need to play with a pants less Goh just as much as you guys don’t need to play with a shirtless Akira...c’mon...we all love items and customizations that’s why the fuck we play countless hours in quest don’t start talking shit like items aren’t important. You keep shit from going stale by keeping it fresh…but hey I guess its pic on Biggz day, so yawl do what ya gats to do playas......don’t hate on why I should or shouldn’t continue to support a video game series…shhhhyt aint like am nat going to cap VF5R anyways
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Uhm dude VF5 BOMBED in the US. I wish I was around then but back in the days the scene was way better.

    And how about keeping it fresh by learning the game, honing your skills. Items are cool but if that's all you care about I hear Mattel has some dope ass barbie games.
  16. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    @biggz316-I see where you're coming from man, and we even come from the same fighting game background as well it seems...

    Anyways, I totally understand how you feel about things, and I'm assuming you have VF 5 on PS3 as well...

    It really does suck that we are still stuck with version B and we are still unable to go online, which is the only way that most of us(myself included) can get human competition...

    Thus, leaving us PS3 owners with T5: DRO for an online fighting game experience, but VF is our favorite fighter and we'd like to play that online instead...

    Yet, we are only left with Tekken as I mentioned...

    At this point in time, we can only hope that Sega releases VF5:R for 360, and PS3, with online capability, all items from previous versions, etc, etc, the whole 9...

    Let's just have faith in Sega, don't give up yet. ^_^
  17. DualFace

    DualFace Member

    That was partly my point before. I loved it when VF introduced customizing
    your character. That was completely awesome, yet they give us Quest
    mode to get to the customizing, and I've already spent 10 hours on
    Sarah & Kage only to find out that Japan is already on Ver.D, R is
    on the horizon, and here I am with only 1/, 1/4th of the cool
    stuff for quest mode! WTF indeed. Yeah, DLC is overdue SEGA.
    Japan or not. Atleast keep us up to date with the last version to
    come out when the newest versions hit your dirts.

    And no it isn't too much to ask. FARK! I swear, when I get into
    the discussions thing and it always seems to go U.S. VS Japan when
    it's with gaming and then I'm always like:---"That's it! I am
    learning Japanese and buying round trip tickets to BUY all the
    goods then taken em back with me! Tah. (like I have that kind of money. TSCH!)

  18. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    We do? lol

    I know I didn't, just thought it was funny that items were the deciding factor of whether you'd continue to play a game regardless of whether the mechanics are up to date. I'm all for items and visuals, don't get me wrong, but if VF were to revert to to stock character options only, it wouldn't deter me from continuing to play the game, or enjoy it as my favorite fighter.

    I guess if I didn't play against others, and visuals were my only pull, I'd feel the same.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I like new stuff just like the next guy. That said
    only reason why I see to stop playing is because you
    get bored of playing or you just don't have the time.
    (Like me as of late)

    If I'm bored of playing the coolest
    hat in the world isn't going to make me play again.
  20. DualFace

    DualFace Member

    I guess my gripe must look the same way too---but so that you guys
    get the picture more clearly, I'm playing on PS3 with no one else
    to play against me (g/f won't even touch it), no arcades to speak
    of, and I'm not getting X360. Blah.

    Ninja Gaiden 2 is definitely a tempting factor though...[/size]

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