Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I'd say they could just start advertising this game at the locales you listed. To be honest i'd be pretty annoyed if they released VF6 so shortly after i dropped $50 or so on vf5fs and all the costumes.

    Sorta selfish of me, but that's how i feel.
  2. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I degenerated to comPlete n00b when 5Vanilla had dumbed down Quest mode/AI and had no PS3 either, so my visions on VF future probably reflect that.

    I love FS for mathcing my playing style, mostly. Doing MTEEG always seemed too much of an obstacle for me. Making a guess more important than dexterity has been big for me.

    But I think VF may die for real whatever Sega may do for VF6. More yomi-based system and visual effects just may may it seem second rate Tekken even more and simple, yet going back to "academic" style is obviously pretty bad too. VF is an exceptional game and has made me hate most other FGs, but by itself cannot rise from it's simulation style history without inventing things again.

    VF4 system has been a blast, but peeps overall got most out of it already and as always, it's hard to invent a wheel again. Evade / movement systems and multiple throw escapes were great innovations but arcade fighting is just mostly that. Putting in Tobal-style wrestling system is on possibility, as well as adding new evade-movement mechanics to the table. But it's hard to say how to invent something that works, all over again.

    Oh and FS really made all other FGs I've tried since seem unfair and quite stupid (bar KOF XIII). If AM2 can reinvent VF I'm gagging for it. But how it can be done is hard.
  3. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    OH ok i get it now this was b4 i was even born so i couldn't comprehend
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I think SEGA have tried the advertising thing by now guys, last time I checked it never worked out for them.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    ^ I could be wrong but it seems like they stopped caring about advertising in the US, im hoping that this isn't the case, and they'll get that together, but again if they don't care then theres really nothing that can be done.
    Feck likes this.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Evo was basically a big advertisement no? ...and the pre-launch party.

    Adverisements like that are worth a lot more than a shiny promotional pic in a magazine or a half arsed TV commercial, who reads magazines and watches TV these days anyway o_O
  7. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Yes Evo was a good way to get the game out there, but adding in those commercials, and magazines alongside those things would have been Even butter.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    To advertise vf 6 they should have it in all major game shows like the evo, tokey game show and others, and even have preview of it during ufc and boxing events.
  9. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    LOL Genzen. Is my name so hard to remember? I don't think my name has 34 letters!
  10. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    They did kind of "dumb it down" from vanilla though. So I don't know if that would be something to push. The gameplay is also not quite up to par (I think) but still good ofc. They could easily make the game a bit more demanding in gameplay like previous games but still increase interest by introducing other things. I don't believe that people don't like complex games. People love to see when good players do sick things in tourneys. It acts as a motivation and gives the game credit. When you show a game you like to a friend you don't want to show how easy it is to be a top player.

    People like VF, or at least respect it. They just need a good reason to start, or keep playing. A lot of people tried FS when it dropped. Tekken players, DOA players etc. Without great exposure my guess is that after a month or so, even if they like the game, they tend to lose interest because the other games they like get new updates and big tourneys and all that. What kind of "motivational pull" does VF have on people who aren't already in love with it?

    It's hard to get info and access to most of the Jap VF tourneys. The quality is not always good, commentary in japanese etc. All while SF and Tekken get west-streamed tourneys with charismatic commentary and pre-hyped matches (now ofc we just had Tricky vs Fam). Tekken even have a TV show from Korea all over YT.

    The thing about VF is that it's not always apparent to outsiders when something "cool" or sick happens. It might be a perfectly timed ECDCTEG and then some theoretically good option in a clutch situation. Something that doesn't look like much if you don't know what to look for.

    I believe that is why people respect the series, but also why it's community is smaller than most other FGs out today. The trick should be to keep the gameplay complex but still make it look more compelling. Both things preferably without any redundant elements that many other games implement (like super bars and ad hoc comeback mechanics). Don't try to be like the other games, because they will have a head start at it. Keep it VF, but in a new perspective.
    Feck likes this.
  11. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Copying other games is definitely not the way to go for VF, & i agree people love a challenge, however 4 FS- seems like SEGA's intentions weren't to make it a "be all end all" hit, i think FS is sort of an appetizer that SEGA could gather feedback from and use all that stuff that couldn't be done through a digital update & create a VF6. Some people think that FS is still to hard to master and the fact that there isn't a big VF scene makes people not stick with it. Other games get more recognition 4 some reason & everyone just tunes VF out ):. A good reason 4 people to keep playing VF, is if SEGA introduces something in VF6 that they should know would draw people in & keep em in, make the game more online interactive, and make the game appeal to people's Earthly Desires ( sounds weird but it sells i guess, doa, cough cough), and keep it VF by not overdoing it and making it into something that its not. And yes if you don't know what "cool" to look for then the game will seem boring (weak) to you and people would throw it over their shoulder. Thats why VF6 needs to have a litte something that would please everyone, the pervs (observational people), the vf geeks (in a good way),ect.
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    What this game needs to "survive" is for Sega to give two shits about it's fans outside of Japan.

    Sega doesn't really see the need to advertise outside of Japan because inside Japan VF is still very popular. And they barely advertise there. I'm guessing their thinking is "We did advert that much here, why should we anywhere else?" Pure guess though.

    VF is a unique game and Sega really needs to play that up. Create hype for the game, "leak" videos, get experts playing it and showing videos of how awesomely awesome it is. It's not that damn hard!

    Sega will never let VF die, it's a cash cow for them. However, that just perplexes me more as to why they don't sell it's awesomeness outside of Japan. Sega has been going through some troubling financial times as of late. But even when they weren't doing so bad financially they still didn't advert that much...
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Said it before (yawn) but Evo, pre launch party, the promotional vids with Chibita and Fuudo were the best way to advertise the game imo, especially when you consider their reluctance to spend anything porting the game in the first place.

    I hate how everyone here pretends to be marketing experts, SEGA have been around years and know exactly where spending cash frivolously on advertising can get you.

    SEGA please ignore the fact that FS sold beyond your expectations and please ignore the fact that the vast majority of fighting games have a fast drop off point, please give us shiny commercials because we haven't quite seen you waste enough money, k thanks bye.
    dapheenom likes this.
  14. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    No matter what SEGA does with VF6 they can't please everyone im just hoping they improve on what they have already made, but that should be a given. Weather they choose to advertise it or not it'll get sells and hopefully folks stick with the game.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    To be fair when the game was being advertised, it was done so pretty poorly. The events were hype, SEGA not giving Frank a break down of the system to explain things didnt help. Saying the game is easy, while others saying its one of the most difficult games out there still leave people confused, because the majority of people still don't know this game.

    Lack of fan made content doesnt help either.
  16. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Ah, the grand myth of VF being hard as rock to enter. Why then I'm seeing umpteen Jacky's and Pai's playing thousands of matches online and seemingly enjoying while mainly spamming stupid shit over and over? They must be winning too, sometimes. Enjoying themselves, definitely. Sega has succeeded in luring some new player types imho, but probably not communicated it yet (no news there).

    Btw my view is that Sega's stock are failing in Japan, partly because of releasing some shitty games, tight competition, bad marketing(?), milking arcade places with bad deals and (wait for it) VF simply becoming less popular. VF pretty obviously was the biggest cash cow in japanese arcade history, but all good things gotta come to an end some day.
  17. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Im banking that VF will never die at least in Japan, I want VF6 to be a good game taking elements from all the previous games into account, but unfortunately for it to STAY alive its only good business for SEGA to intentionally leave some things out leaving fans wanting more. I mean think about it SEGA probably knows how to make a dam near perfect game but if we have a perfect game why create anything further. Leaving the VF'ers hoping & wanting more outta every new VF release is what would keep the game alive.

    at least in Japan
  18. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I can only speak from personal experience, but I find it hard to believe that Sega can be content with their current advertising when people don't even know their game exists. The large majority of my gaming buddies didn't even know that VF5FS was coming to consoles until I told them about it. They had thought that Sega discontinued the franchise. How good is your advertising when people think you cancelled a franchise?

    If I didn't visit VFDC every other day, I would never have known about those videos featuring Chibita and Fuudo. If I didn't spend a large amount of time during my work hours on video game sites like Gametrailers and IGN, I'd never know that VF5FS was even coming to consoles. Many people (atleast in my area) didn't even know the game was available until they just happened to either be going through the PSN store and saw it or saw me playing it on their friends list. How is that good advertising?

    Sega has been around for a long time, and they may very well know exactly what they are doing. But from a consumer stand point, I don't see any evidence of that. They don't need to have a million dollar ad campaign like Namco or Capcom, but....something more than what they have. I wish them the best of luck getting word out about VF6 as I want that game to be a total unprecedented success...

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    VF series actually has a really good story. I always thought VF needed AT LEAST some arcade mode endings.

    And VF advertising is terrible. The only reason people nowadays know anything about VF is via word of mouth, or by stumbling upon it. The funny thing is, the last time SEGA really advertised VF well was for VF4. And guess what -- it was a PS2 platinum hit that sold over a million copies and allowed for the existence of VF4:EVO (it was the platinum hits version). And VF4 and VF4:EVO sold a combined 2.5 million. People are willing to buy VF, just like they are willing to buy DOA, SF, or Blazblue
  20. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    ^ yea Brodi your right but people know what VF is now thanks to FS. So now they can advertise more when VF6 comes to consoles. heck i'll be happy when it releases for arcades in japan. just seeing how the game will be would cause some hype. More people will watch the arcade matches on yt for example.

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