Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Alstein you must be new. If you think FS was a step in the right direction, go play TTT2 is all the way in that direction now and it suck, Why in the Blue hell would you want side throws inescapable . It rewards scrubs and further waters down an already watered down game.

    For VF6 go back in the direction of VF 5 vanilla or VF4 Evo. Get rid of those fucking tracking strings. Why the fuck do they want to reward retards for continuing a string that already missed the first hits. It Tracks you if you attack him? Bullshit. You should be able to Punch that n00b in the back of the head,not have him magically autotrack you. If I wanted shit gameplay like this I would play DOA. If you want to put your finger on the one thing that makes Final Showdown "Not VF" that's it. Autotracking. Tracking strings are bullshit and degrades VF's gameplay. Since the home console team is too cheap and won't add cinemas or a story mode,the gameplay is all VF has going for it.

    I'm well aware that in VF Final Showdown some strings track after evade and some don't . It varies from character to character , but to have some character with more tracking strings than others makes this game unbalanced, which is another thing that makes FS "Not VF".

    And please,for the love of god, fix those god damn hitboxes in VF6. The Hitboxes in FS are so horrendously bad and exaggerated it makes me want to delete the game from my hard drive in disgust sometimes. Some character have more inaccurate enormously jacked up hitboxes Than others (cough "TAKA") that it is one more thing that makes FS unbalanced.

    We can put up with FS because it's all we have for now. But if VF6 is as sloppy n00bish and watered down as FS, I'm setting up some retro VF5 Vanilla Tournaments and calling it a day.

    And don't try to tell me that making FS more n00bish will lead to commercial success,. the same 300,000 that bought VF5 Vanilla are the same 300,000 that bought FS. FS was a commercial failure on consoles, so selling out and making it n00b friendly was the wrong move. Shou was right.

    Bring Yu Suzuki back so we can get a real Virtua Fighter game instead of this broken mess. Like That Prince song "Nothing Compares to Yu".
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    That same tracking system that was there in VF5? :yawn:

    What's that about FS and poor sales? SEGA seemed happy with how it did on consoles, I guess if you're not though it really must have been a failure :/
  3. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    The only thing VF6 needs, is to get more players to connect with the characters, to get familiar with the persona of Jacky, Lau and co. That can be achieved by making the character design more crazier, more flashy, more extreme.

    The basic gameplay is solid and unparalled and SEGA knows how to improve the game. From VF4 and onwards, SEGA is doing a wonderful job in the Single Player Mode. Even though it is only a digital title, VF5FS is providing a satisfactiory single player experience.

    All SEGA has to do for VF is to reintroduce the game to the western audience (not by changing the core gameplay), show that VF has the best fighting mechanics compared to other games, make sure that VF is on every major fighting tournament. It's the best fighting game out there and it is a crime for not showing it to the world.
  4. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Yes, Einstien, that same tracking system that was in VF3, VF3 TB, VF4 , VF4 EVO, VF5 and VF5 R, you know, all the real Virtua Fighter games. If you're ignorant enough to say "yawn" to that, perhaps you are better suited to play Tekken, DOA and the other dude-bro fighters. 300k in sales constitutes "flop". The only reason Sega was satisfied is because they set their expectations so low in the first place.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You do know the tracking system is the same in vanilla, R and FS right? :yawn:
  6. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Wow, the amount of old people whine in this thread is quite ridiculous.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    300k sales for a fighting game that isn't SF, Smash, MK, SC or Marvel is good. FS is closer to 100K I think (95k on PS3, some freebies and dup accounts+ I think 30k on 360 + a percentage who never played ranked). 100k*maybe $20 per average payment is still $2mil, which is more than what it cost to port this to console. It's not a big profit maker for Sega, but it makes money once you get it from the arcades.

    the side throw system is borked because it's a no-brain escape right now, especially with lazy TE. Better to either have multiple side throws, or lower damage inescapable ones, and only 1 or 2 chars should have guaranteed side-grab ever.

    One idea would be to make side throws like normal throws, but have different animations/damages for them connecting as side throws- you get to keep the 3 escape directions that way. Would be a nightmare/lots of work for Wolf designer and for the folks designing the hitsun animation.

    I do think VF needs to be the first major fighter on next-gen if possible ,and it does need some presentation improvements, customization improvements (which should be DLC packs like SCV- the VF audience is hardcore, we'll pay big but there's not many of us so make us pay big as long as we get something for it)- that said it can't be too soon or you get a repeat of VF5, where Sega vastly overplayed their hand.
  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Uh, does Jeff not have command side throws? The other grapplers do to set up a 50/50 side throw situation, so Im just wondering right now since I can't check at the moment.

    Concerning GTE, if your throws are getting broken, the difference is that the opponent has the option to hold the G while pressing P, but the TE still has to be in the right guess. If GTE is still done at neutral that's a free blow up.

    Depending on the price if the consoles, SEGA should wait and get the versions the same across board. I skipped out on VF5 initially because the PS3 was $600. I like VF, but not that much.
  9. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    ^^^ This post is full of /fail.

    Strings do not autotrack in VF 3 Vf4 or VF5 if you attack after evading, causing a counterhit. in Vanilla a successful evade means you can land a counterhit no if ands or buts. In Final Showdown, a successful evade means you hold down block and wait for the anus you just evaded to stop hitting buttons. The British school system must really be failing if you cant read. Or are you just completely ignorant and posting to fluff your ego? /Facepalm.

    There.The string realigns if you attack after evading the third kick. This is garbage put in Final Showdown to encourage and attract mindless button mashing n00bs. this is "not real VF". In Vanilla and all the VFs before it, if you evade the string on the first strike, you get to hit the attacker for free.
    I clearly evaded Jacky's string and punished himat 15 seconds in.

    At 00:13 I clearly evaded and punished Lei Fei's string. If that were FS Lei Fei would magically autotrack after whiffing and counterhit my punish. FS is crap, and everybody knows it but we deal for now.
    At 00:20 I clearly evaded and punished Jacky's string.

    You are at advantage. Of course Feck knows this and is only arguing for arguments sake, being the annoying clown he always is. /FAIL. Unless you're a moron Feck,you should just stop typing and go set up a date with Darth minion or go have a Tea party. At this point I'm just adding you to my ignore list.

    If you're having so much trouble understanding VF's evade system that would explain why Ryan Hart bodied you for free. Your Evade knowledge is even less than your ten foot toss throw escape skill.
    Feck likes this.
  10. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    im learning a lot reading all this.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Lol man you're a funny guy. I'm not arguing about anything or spewing out insults. I just stated that you're wrong about the tracking, go test it in vanilla works exactly the same as FS :/
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Speaking on behalf of dpad users all around the world, kindly fuck off...
    YOMI and SilentNephilim like this.
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Since I made that video, I feel I have to reply and say that strings in VF5 does have same properties as those in VF5FS.
    nou and Feck like this.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Strings also tracked in 4/EVO. The tutorial showed why as well. It'd be dope if people knew what they were talking about.
    King9999 and Feck like this.
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Well in FS more of them track, like 85%. In VF5 it was more like 20% to 30% . Please don't sugar coat it, tell half truths and live in denial that the evade system is now broken and VF has gone to the dogs. They need Yu Suzuki to pull VF out of this downward spiral.

    The strings that tracked in Vanilla were the ones with full circulars or half circulars, like Lion's PPP4P. Other than that strings only track in Vanilla eventually on the 4 or 5 hit.
    This scrubfest Final Showdown makes string track immediately on the second hit if you attack.
    The difference is VF4 Evo and VF5 had DM PK which would shut down most strings whether they tracked or not. Piece of crap FS removed DMPK to reward scrubs who like to mindlessly mash.

    Do you really want me to post hundreds of videos of strings getting punished in Vanilla? Just concede FS is n00b centric and watered down. Blind fanboyism is just sad. Fanboys are so predictible representing denial and mendacity. I saw a thread a few weeks ago where somebody pointed out that Vanilla had higher res textures and overall deeper color pallete and Higher fidelity sounds than FS. Some retarded FS fanboy insisted FS actually has better graphics. Denial: a 2 gig downloadble game doesn't have the space to match the graphics in a 4.7 gig DVD game.
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Talking about yourself here?
    Fits perfectly
  17. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Jeff has them, but I believe they're the same escape as regular side throws (pretty sure) it's just for extra damage). Low side throws are one escape, and about 85% of my side throws are low side throws because of sidehit CH 2P+K which is one of my main moves.

    If it wasn't for VF, I wouldn't have bought a next-gen console, probably wouldn't be on this site, and would probably be all into TBS games instead.

    Back to VF6

    For a fighting game to attract a new crowd, it has to be easy to get to a decent level, have enough depth to be worth playing for a long time, have an appeal to newer players, and avoid having players give up on the game. (This last one is nebulous, and maybe impossible)
  18. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Guys, you should all know that Richkwondo lives in this little bubble where he is right about everything and is smart and cool and funny and tough and the best at everything ever and whatever deity you follow's gift to the opposite sex, so our views on gameplay and tracking and fat women are obviously wrong to him.

    However, in the real world, he's just very good at displaying his delusions, but I'm sure my comment will simply get something like "Your a moron. I'm ignoring you. Go have sex with Feck." in response.

    And yes, I'm aware it's "You're a moron". I actually do know correct grammar.
  19. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Here's a solution for those arguing about the casual/hardcore vibe the game should have. Why not have an option in the game where you can play with all the casual stuff or the insanely hardcore stuff?

    Say when you first boot up the game it gives you the option of playing normal easy or hardcore mode?
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    1) VF is arcade game. Console version is just a PORT from arcades. Since VF1
    2) such thing will divide community into 3 parts. Community, who is small already
    Basically I do not think this will solve anything
    Mister likes this.

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