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Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Check your facts. Go on related sites and look past news.
    You will see that SNK asked for 3D animators for their next project.
    NAMCOS Harada asked TEKKEN fans which chapter was their favorite to focus
    for their next project plus they are working on a new arcade hardware.
    CAPCOM's best selling franchise STREET FIGHTER is getting constant updates.
    What do you think? They will abandon their cashcow? SF5 Will be out in the next few years.
    SOUL CALIBUR was more than a success for NAMCO's standars and its getting a free
    to play mode as we speak. In my book thats a confirmation for a next part.
    NETHER REALM is working on their next MORTAL KOMBAT. If i recall correct Ed Boon
    said that INJUSTICE was more an experiment rather a true game for their next MK.
    Eventually INJUSTICE (which i own and loath) was a smash hit and here we are. INJUSTICE 2 is a possibility.
    MARVEL wont happen for another 10 years unless DISNEY is willing to be more convenient
    with their franchise's rights.
    From SEGA we got 4 characters on DOA5U and... Nothing more.
    I hope we are for a real treat in 2014 and we are going to get our VF6 but a small
    node to that direction wouldn't hurt...
  2. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    What's the point of all this panic about online support being shut down? XBL support will stay around for another couple of years for 360, and if we don't have a VF6 announcement by then, more of the same (FS) wouldn't be interesting anymore anyways.

    Also, this might sound a bit harsh, but it's quite funny to see you all so riled up about the lack of a VF6 announcement. This is SEGA we're talking about, remember? Don't expect anything, you'll get bruised.
    MarlyJay and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  3. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    More of saltiness and frustration i would say rather than panic.
    We had, i had high hopes for this round table discussion and i was totally disapointed.
    While a nod to the past was cool and all there was no word about the future of the father
    of 3D Fighting games. What are we to expect for its future? And bout this big announcement
    on 2014, personally i wont hold a big basket.
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    It is a matter of perspective. When SNK is not telling anything about a possible sequel of KOFXIII (exept a job listing for a 3D animator) in the last 3 years, it is an indication that KOXIV is a real thing? 3 years of silence is a proof that KOXIV will happen? Just because they want a 3D animator?

    SEGA hired some people last February to assist them for the 20th anniversary of VF, VF characters appeared in other games, SEGA opened a 20th anniversary web page, AM2 has stated that they are working on something that cannot announce. Maybe the 2 SEGA Cups and all of the above aren't a solid proof that VF6 exists, but also it doesn't mean that the franchise is dead ;)
  5. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Actually concerning VF these are new's to me!;)
    I really love your optimistic stance and i hope you are right and for me
    to chew my words.:p
    Im hoping there is a VF6 announcement soon, cause i want to pour much of my limited time on VF5FS and have this experience imported on the next
    chapter rather waste my time on a single game with no clear future.
    I was/am a SF4/TEKKEN fan but after VF5FS i did an 180 turn around for its sake.
    Im so impressed with its gameplay and fantastic animation that i have totally forgot about its mediocre graphics and awful acting voices (especially Rafales) to the point where i even bought DOA5U (which is gameplay is not my favorite due to the lack of proper sidestepping and mash happy direction) just to play the VF cast on a shiny new coat.
    I really, really, REALLY hope for a new VIRTUA FIGHTER...:rolleyes:

    Επισης Σπυράκο είμαι απο Ελλάδα! ΚΑΛΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΛΕΣ ΓΙΟΡΤΕΣ!!!:D
    Shinobi likes this.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Do you have any link please? Cause if it is so, I completely missed such thing
    Sorry to disappoint you, but Sega DCup actually MEANS nothing.
    Sega Cups where organized by Sega US, Online games (console) department - to support console sales.
    VF games are developed by Sega Japan, AM2 (arcade) department.
    And this 2 are in fact 2 completely different companies (at least for the things you are talking here about).
    So yes, Sega Cup means nothing in terms of future releases of new VF games. The 20th anniversary... I do not have enough info to say if it can actually matter or not. But all I can say is that whole webpage and anniversary itself is directed towards jap audience ONLY, what can mean only one thing for us: there may be arcade support for Japan, but they still did not give a fuck about the rest of the word.

    And yes, I am really disappointed with how Sega (Sega Japan to be specific, Sega US / EU seems to be quite OK lately) approach all this case. They had big chance after FS to approach west customers and with new gen of consoles. They obviously do not give a fuck to anything except arcades - and even this is connected wit big mqaybe
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Yes, it is matter of perspective. While SNK stated nothing officially, but there are "rumors" coming from their tweets etc.
    According to them, KOF14 should be release for 20th aniversary of the game.

    About AM2 - I probably missed the announcement you are talking about; but I heard rumors about AM2 geting disbanded (and yes, this really means a shit).
  8. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member


    Now thats another perspective to think about.
    Why the whole think was aimed only for the Japan audience? Why there inst even a translation for the rest of the world who do actually care about VF?
    Cause they are probably dont give a F....:(
  9. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I'm not optimistic, companies like SEGA, Namco and Capcom do these things all the time ;) VF is my number one, has a special place in my heart and is by far my favorite game series of all time! I want VF6 as much as you do. I can understand your frustration.

    Το ξέρω S_KILL ;) Χρόνια πολλά, καλές γιορτές και ευτυχισμένο το 2014! Με περισσότερο VF ;)

    Sorry, I don't have a link. Game developers say things like that all the time. It doesn't mean anything.

    Maybe SEGA Cups mean something, maybe not. Only time will tell. But SEGA West and SEGA Japan is one company, not two. They are not independent. SEGA does that with all their games, not just VF.

    Yes, you are right but if you noticed, not even one fg from the major fgs (VF, Tekken, SC, KOF, SF) haven't been announced for the PS4/XOne. Eventually they will come. But for now, we don't know anything specific.
  10. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    If the whole point of the press release was to celebrate 20 years of VF, I'm failing to see how an announcement of VF6 is required.

    Granted, I think the best time to announce VF6 would have been at the 20 year conference, BUT it still doesn't mean it had to happen then. To make an investment like an entire new iteration of VF is going to require a lot of thought and is completely separate than a simple 20 year anniversary.

    If I had to guess, I wouldn't be surprised if we heard about VF6 later. If SEGA was convinced that VF was dead, they wouldn't have done SEGA cup or anything like that. We might not like them, but these business men aren't that stupid. The only other thing I can think of is that they did SEGA cup as a test to see how popular VF was and weren't 100% happy about the results so they might be taking some more time to think about it. Personally, I thought the turnout was pretty good but it all depends on SEGA's target numbers.

    I think the biggest impediment I saw towards VF6 not being made was I don't really see any young people playing the game. That's not to say youngsters aren't playing, I personally, just haven't seen a huge influx. It seems like most people are older vets, top tier players who picked up VF, or peeps like me who have just dabbled for a long time but always liked VF. If SEGA isn't convinced that they can get youngsters hooked on VF, then it would probably be in their benefit to just ride out VF5:FS since the probability that we can support the game goes down the older we get. Getting young blood hooked on VF is going to be a challenge for SEGA IMO and would probably be something they should consider regarding making a VF6.
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Sega is stupid, I don't know what you people were expecting.
  12. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    In my opinion the lending of VF characters on DOA5U is the biggest evidence that there isnt a VF for a long time.
    Do you want VF? Sure have a treat on DOA5U cause thats the best you will ever have.
    SEGA is supporting TEAM NINJA now. There is no way they are going to steal their thunder
    by announcing a new VF right now. And probably never will for a long time. In fact DOA5U made better sales wise than VF5FS.
    I might be wrong but thats how i translate their stance on things right now.
    We'll see this big announcement what is going to be about it. And if its not now what
    we all expect then VF is going for a long hiatus state.
    Maybe this announcement is going to be more VF characters for the upcoming arcade release
    of DOA5U ACADE EDITION.:zzz:
  13. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I Don't think Sega would spend money on Sega Cups and 20th anniversary stuff if they didn't see money in the series future.

    If the worst happens, I know to quit playing fighting games and start playing Faeria, the VF of card games. ^_^ At the very least, I'll know my time as a console gamer is done.

    That said, I think we'll hear something next year- if we don't, then it's safe to assume it's done.
  14. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    If not, then is back at TTT2 and SF4...:(
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Sega supported team ninja since DOA1. It was basically the VF2 engine. These two companies run with deeper roots than it sounds like you may realize.
    Shinobi likes this.
  16. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    I know their relationship. Been around since the 80's and have played them all.
    Never was a big fan of VF but i was always intrigued by it. That is till i played a bit
    more seriously VF5FS and now im an avid fan of it and i regret the fact that this franchise
    slept by from my fighting game catalog.
    Now i truly love it and is my main 3D fighting game along with SF4 on the 2D plane.
    I want a bright future for VF! Cant blame me for that!:D
  17. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Shinobi likes this.
  18. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Now thats a shocker... Good job SEGA!...o_O
  19. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Hm, I didn't know there was a time limit for the announcement of VF6.
  20. S_KILL

    S_KILL Well-Known Member

    Time limit nop. Right time yes!

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