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Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Vf 6 will come when it comes, in the meantime play fs or get on with your lives. :/
  2. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    now that we mention shun, here's a cool way to help shun be not so stupid (if i haven't said it already): remove the drunk points in favor of a drunk "primer" that has to be refilled. "drunk" options burn the primer like they used to cost the point. before you cry that it would ruin him by taking away his options, just give shun better sober options.

    oh, and get rid of that dumb-ass drunk damage boost
  3. partyboy32

    partyboy32 Active Member

    PARTY BOY247 69
    i meant to say wing chun.
  4. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I.e., SEGA ;_;
  5. partyboy32

    partyboy32 Active Member

    PARTY BOY247 69
    i want a wing chun fighter n vf6
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    LOL, fresh audio? Some of the sounds in VF5 are exactly the same sound files as VF1.
    Jide and MarlyJay like this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    TBH what's the real motive behind even wondering about VF6? Unless you are looking for single player or two player improvements! VF5FS is online now and the online rooms are vacant most of the time. What is VF6 going to bring to online that VF5FS doesn't alread bring to online? I don't imagine AM2 is going to take the engine back to the days of VF4 or VF4EVO. One common opinion is that every version of VF since EVO has been more watered down than the one before it. (That's not my opinion though) But many players seem to feel that way.

    So if not many are playing VF5FS online right now, how would VF6 change that?

    Sure for the first 6 - 8 months there might be a bump but after that, wouldn't it just be a VF6 ghost town online, like the VF5FS ghost town right now?

    Yea I would like to see a VF6 if they actually add something substantive to the game, I don't want to see a VF6 that has even less single player or two player features than VF5FS or that had less online features than VF5FS.

    VF5FS is a good game, balanced engine, has plenty crazy customizations, has good net-code, excellent graphics , and fluid animations. Is VF6 really gonna improve on any of that? I dunno....

    If VF6 is released for only the PS4 or Xbone, then that might split the players that are playing it online. I know a lot of mates that simply don't plan to buy PS4 or Xbone anytime soon (maybe VF6 would change that for some). 100 regular online players divided between 4 different consoles! Yikes!
  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    This is true for many fighting games.

    It cost a lot to redo things that are already there. And with game publishers trying to save every penny, why re-make a sound that already exist?

    Plus, it adds to the nostalgia for veteran players. I'll admit at this point some of VF's sounds are a bit wonky (that giant woosh sound everytime someone does a sweep), but it just wouldn't be VF without it...
    bruciethebeast, Ellis and Shinobi like this.
  9. Geist-X

    Geist-X New Member

    Virtua Fighter isn't as popular as other 3-D fighters because casual players aren't as attracted to it. Casual players aren't as attracted to it, because it lacks endings.

    If Virtua fighter had

    A) Endings
    B) An exciting opening CG movie
    C) Story Mode
    D) Better voice acting

    So many more players would be drawn to it. Endings give people more insight into their character and are a reward for beating the game. Endings also motivate people to play other characters just to see the endings. Casuals do not want to struggle to beat Dural and NOT get an ending. All these VF games, and the only time we ever get endings is VF Kids? WTF Sega? The "secret" end sequence with Dural in VF2 was a good start. The ending cinematic in VF3 was great. And then for VF4 onwards...we get absolutely nothing?

    Having excellent gameplay is not enough. I really enjoyed all the extras in VF4 evo, but if that game had only had endings, so many more of my friends would have gotten into VF back then, and still played today.

    I don't even see why they just don't put endings in. Fighting Vipers had endings. Last Bronx had cool endings. Yet VF gets nothing. I honestly believe if a FV remake or LB remake came out, and they had endings, either game would quickly become more popular than VF. The sad part is, VF has the best movement out of any 3-D fighter currently out, and hardly anyone plays it.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I dont think the issue is having endings in vf. I think its just the casual player might think it will take a while for them to learn one character and just to learn vf in general might seem hard so they play something else easier to get into. Lets make vf for vf players, for the veterans and if new players want to jump in then they are welcome to. Virtua Fighter takes time and effort to get into at least more then some other titles out there but its worth it if you stick to it, its a good experience, like a sport. Also if the new players want endings then they can read the manuals and research the wiki instead of being lazy. Having endings is not really needed when the main focus is the game play but I dont mind movie endings its just in vf I think they are not important like in other fighting games. Fighting games are about the fighting and that is why vf is unique and one of my favorite fighters if not the favorite.
  11. Geist-X

    Geist-X New Member

    More casuals play TTT2 than VF5fs, despite the fact that TTT2's game system is much more difficult to learn than VF5fs, the movement is less intuitive, the characters tend to have far more moves, the combos are more complicated, and the huge roster makes it difficult for new players to learn punishment.

    Virtua Fighter is much easier to get into, and despite that fewer people play it. Why? It's because Jin and the Mishimas have a cool but ridiculous back story. Whether or not the endings are funny or serious, it makes people care about their characters. The number one complaint my friends had playing VF4evo was "Why aren't there any endings?" The lack of endings made them game less exciting.

    Adding endings and an intro movie is a simple step that involves no changes to the gameplay. It has no negative impact on the vets, and provides the superficial eye candy needed to attracted casuals. I see no negatives.
  12. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    vf is good but its soo bare boned
    masterpo likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    All I can say is everyone has their opinions, so if you like vf then play it and do what you have to do to support it. No need to worry about those who dont play vf or they play something else, because everyone has their styles. I play tekken myself sometimes and its not that hard to get into. I just prefer vf because it feels more balanced, competitive and fun for me and that is my style.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  14. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    This thread is LOL. It's just full of a bunch of VF posers that signed the petition and then when FS dropped you played it for a month and then Ran to the next flavor of the week. If you want to play VF so bad why don't you learn FS.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Jide, aoi ameindei, Zekiel and 2 others like this.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    A point so good it was made twice.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    The fact that it is so bare bones does turn new players off. That's a fact, I personally know too too many players that have told me that. The meager single player and two player modes have very little replay value for a noob, or casual player.

    And the hardcore players all they really care about is Dojo, and Online. If VF had those two options on the menu most of our hard-core-maniacs, super-star-frame-counting freaks would be happy. But that's not nearly enough to grow a community.

    1) Although VF is SOLID and the best fighting engine on the planet, it has a serious, detrimental lack of features for noobs , casuals or intermediate players for that matter.

    2) The Stable community of VF players has way too many VF-Scientists, VF-hard-core-maniacs, Frame-counting freaks that simply destroy you once you get online and since there's nothing else to do in VF but get online and play ranked (its not a very fun experience for noobs, casuals, etc. You Log on. You go to ranked and some Tiger Claw beats the shit out of you, Rinse and Repeat LOL

    Sure the advice is to so many new players: if at first you get your ass kicked, log on get it kicked again and again, then go to the dojo put in 1000's of hours studying frames, advantage, disadvantage, etc then come back to ranked and get the shit beat out of you again, and eventually after you've mastered the VF game play and become a VF-scientist or hard-core-maniac, you'll be able to beat the shit out of the noobs and casuals that you come across LOL too.

    My friends, that's just not everyone's cup of tea LOL. I'm from the shaolin temple and even we don't role that hard LOL.

    VF6 needs to have something that noobs and casual players can do on a regular basis beside getting the shit beat out of them in online ranked, or spending 1000's of hours in the dojo studying frame advantage, disadvantage and combo strings LOL. VF6 needs:

    • An evolving growing storyline,
    • character ending stories (like tekken, Sc, etc),
    • It needs to keep track of player profiles, W/L statistics for single player and two player.
    • It needs a survival mode (win 100 fights against random characters without losing )
    • It needs single player/two player team battle
    • It needs Kumite mode with a never ending random list of characters that have varying difficulties from easy to insanely difficult.
    • It need adaptable, adjustable state of the art AI
    • It needs to take the focus off of online play (include it, but don't center on it)
    If Sega/AM2 does not add these kind of features then the community will continue to shrink as the current players get too old to play and if that's the plan, if Sega/AM2 is not trying to grow the community, then all VF6 needs is

    Online Ranked mode
    Online Rooms
    Dojo ( with slow motion capabilities so we can really count those frames)

    Why bother with customization , single player modes or vs mode at all?. Get rid of those lack luster features, and add more scientific information into the Dojo mode. And just let the VF-Hardcore-Frame-Counting-Advantage-Disadvantage-checking-punish-your-dumb-move Players have at it and eventually disappear into extinction, because they've taken the game to such a high level, that mere mortals can't play it and won't play it, and because there is nothing else to do but play against VF-gods, normal FG peeps move on to other FG with more variety and replay value LOL.

    AM2 could just redo VF4-Evo, call it VF6 and that would be a good start.....
    jimi Claymore and Gouki_Hinogami like this.
  17. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Fixed that for you
    ToyDingo and ShinyBrentford like this.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    LOL offline play rules! you're right. I meant the hardcore players could give a FUk about single player LOL
  19. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    the fact that they got rid of quest mode doesnt help and is it just me or do the stages look even worse? vf could at least have character bios and a gallery
    IcKY99 likes this.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The fact is VF5FS is a solid , balanced, beautiful 3 D fighter.

    It is also true that VF has just about the minimum number of features a fighting game could have and still be classified as a fighting game LOL.

    And I think its on purpose. For example AM2 is well aware of the game modes of Tekken and Soul Calibur type 3d Fighters and the fact that MMA is a big a deal in Japan as it is, I know they are aware of 3D MMA simulation games like UFC undisputed and all the offline single and PvP modes these games have. So the fact that they put out a game so bare bones either means they want to (but did not have the money) or they simply didn't want to for whatever reason. I think it is the later.

    For instance they took out single player profiles, why? They took out single player screen names and PR statements why? these cost no money and they've been in VF through many versions. They took out Win/Loss stats, they took out training recommendation stats, and on and on. Its bad enough they don't have the standard modes that any high caliber fighting game should have, but they took out the good modes that VF had and remove features along the way. They distributed VF5FS through PSN, and XBL that had to be alot cheaper than producing disks! So why take out features? Granted you might not have the money to add modes, but that doesn't justify stripping away functionality that's been in the game for years. And Contrary to what the VF-gods say, Virtua Fighter would benefit from a ongoing highly visible story mode, art galleries, and movie endings.

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