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Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Liked because you managed to make me spit my drink all over the keyboard!

    I noticed how he sorta dodged the question though, then when asked if they have any games in development he did the same...
  2. TheExclusiveMan

    TheExclusiveMan New Member

    I asked the question hoping he would tell us if they were developing something, even a re release on steam would have been good, but what I got from the answer was if enough interest was shown(in this case another SEGA cup) and it got a lot of attention such as the big games like Street Fighter or Smash Bros., Then the higher ups at SEGA would consider a new game.

    TBH It was SEGA of Europe I was asking, and considering the Virtua fighter games are made by AM2 in Japan, I presume they get very little info on the goings on over there, so it was a shot in the dark.

    Good to see people took notice, because as it stands, it seems SEGA will only make another game if demand exists (in this case its tournaments because thats were the money is)
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I can't help but wonder whether the new surprise announcement for DOA 5 LR is some
    how related to more VF characters being announced.


    I could totally imagine that since DOA5 LR already has 4 VF characters, that TN may have been working to port the whole cast, and are about to finish. So maybe this new announcement will be more VF characters for DOA5 LR DLC.,.


    Maybe our only chance at anything like VF6 is all the VF characters living on
    in DOA5 LR and future installments :(

    I dunno how I feel about that. VF5FS is solid, and imo if it is the last one, I'll play it until the electrons don't work any more. But DOA has always kind-a-wanted-to-be VF so maybe this is about to happen.

    I know our hardcore community would not accept a future where VF6 only exists as some kind of DOA/VF hybrid., but maybe that's what's in the cards 'short term' for VF:rolleyes:. I can already hear some of our more hardcore members saying they would rather have no new VF at all than to have VF go out as guest characters in future installments of DOA.

    But I think the casual players, single player mode players, and especially those that like the story mode, team battle, survival mode stuff might find that VF6 as guests in DOA is better than no VF6 at all or maybe even preferable.

    I have DOA5 LR., but I've never been online. I bought the game because I was curious to see what they did with Akira, Pai, etc. TBH, I haven't put much time into the game at all because I have VF5FS,VF5, VF4EVO, and VF4.  So I've really only loaded DOA when I just wanted a change of scenery.

    But what if the next few releases of VF content actually do happen in the context of DOA games?:meh: Maybe that would keep VF IP alive long enough to get new life in
    2018 and beyond:notworthy:

    Is VF6 content really just going to end up as new DLC for DOA5 LR? Was the epic partnership between TN & AM2 really a prophecy of the future of VF and DOA. Somehow merged with an attempt to take the best from both games:eek:

    is the new title "Virtua Fighter the Last Showdown Dead or Alive"
    DOA 5 Final Showdown the Last Round:ROTFL:
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  4. Jaytecx

    Jaytecx Member

    I think, the more we talk about VF6, the more likely it may come.

    Assuming they are aware of what fan base & Buzz is, they are looking at this site already and considering it.

    If they aren't, then they should sack their business strategists.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter


    What have Sega done in the last 10 years that makes you assume they have any?
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    "The more we talk about VF6, the more likely it will come."

    I literally just did a spit take.

    Lets add another 25 pages of guys who never play the game asking for story mode and making the game easy, like FS isn't easy enough.
  7. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    I actually REALLY want a story mode, tired of finding out what happened in story once every 10 years
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    They just need to take all the stuff from the bloomin' pachinko machines and put them in the fighting game. The fact this even needs to be suggested is ridiculous.
    ToyDingo and ShinyBrentford like this.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    There is no actual story in VF, they would have to build one that could be interesting.

    The pachinko is just a scrap of irrelevant "lore" scenes that were put in some weird sequence.

    We will be waiting a some months, before AM2 reveal their next project, if it's not at E3, where Sega is likely to be this year.
  10. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    As @ShinyBrentford said, the best way to get attention is to PLAY VF5:FS.
    The game is really, really good, it's still the best fighting game on the market. If people play it, the more likely Sega will notice, rather than just talking about it.

    They make money hand over fist, I'm talking something like a billion yen a month in Mobile Phone bullshit. They know very well what they are doing, sadly it's just not anything I'm interested in half the time.

    Having said that, they still obviously want to play in the arcade space, hence a lot of stuff like Souls Reverse being developed for it all the time.

    I always thought it would be simultaneously awesome as a treat/fuck you to the fans to just include the anime series in the next game, with some arbitrary fights in between episodes and call it 'Story Mode'.

    I don't think VF would ever be revealed at E3. It's far more likely to be at an arcade trade show like JAEPO, or if not, revealed through Arcadia Magazine or something. It's a Japanese centric arcade title, not an American centric console title.
    Citrus likes this.
  11. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    we hope.
  12. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Is it that dark souls ripoff moba called reverse souls?
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Souls Reverse.
    Thankfully it's a LOT less DS looking than initial trailers showed us. I don't think it's a MOBA though?
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    When I saw the trailer to Souls Reverse I couldn't help but think, "Hey SEGA, the 90s called and they want their SpikeOut clone back"
    Feck likes this.
  15. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Spike out? Really? I'll give it another look,but i wasn't expecting that comparison
  16. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    What's funny is that this Soul Reverse Arcade isn't even a bad game, I like their recipe for a PVP focused dark soul.

    I think there is a high chance they will focus on consoles for a new Virtua Fighter, while exploiting the arcades of course.

    You're right, E3 seems unlikely, but be aware, that AM2's projects are always revealed months before JAEPO.

    This can't fail to become true, gosh how pi**** I would be if SC6 is announced, and not VF6.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  17. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Oh hi Jami San!! I didnt know this was you!!!
  18. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    When is that VF5FS on PC coming?
  19. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    A week from Tuesday. Please keep it a secret.
    emperorshadox and Citrus like this.
  20. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    Won't tell nobody, count on it.

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