Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Out of curiosity, if VF6 gets announced, does anyone think Sarah will look more like she did in Dead or Alive 5? I'm glad they redid her design for that game, she looks more realistic (although a bit more asian), and her hair is more realistic looking too, you can see the strands. And I doubt asking any of their voice actors via twitter if they know anything about VF6 would help? I would think if they are re-voicing their characters, they are sworn to secrecy, that or the characters have new voice actors?

    Also I remember in an interview for VF5 many years ago, they would think about adding subtitles since some of the characters are speaking Japanese.
  2. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Crossing all my fingers and toes in the hope they announce "something" I'll be happy with a small teaser just to know it's coming
  3. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    def, i really hope not lol sorry...

    i prefer the Sarah's face and body in VF, it's better in VF5. same for Akira and Jacky.

    The only one who got a little and good visual improvement in DOA5 is Pai.

    VF6 will have the best looking VF characters for sure.
  4. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Oh ok, to each their own.
  5. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

  6. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Does this fuel the possibility of VF6 being announced?
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  7. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Potentially, its an interesting sign anyway
  8. def

    def Well-Known Member

    I just thought of an idea for 2 characters to be added to VF6.
    -Siba as an official character
    -Kage's mother returned to her true/human form. I know her name is long so she can be referred to as Tsu for short if that works.
    -Siba can be working for J6
    -Tsu Maru could be wanting to fight against J6 to prevent other fighters from falling victim. One of her quotes could be, "I won't allow J6 to create anymore monsters" something along those lines.
    Yes I know they aren't actually original but it's a way to officially make Siba a fighter.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So many game publishers are switching or trying to switch to the game as a service (gaas) model. Shareholders want to know when a game developer or publisher is putting out a game how will they take care of that lucrative market. VF6 would have to in some way answer that question.

    Its clear that VFers would probably go for cosmetic micro transactions like the customization we purchased for VF5FS. But that's a one time purchase. Many publishers and developers these days are looking at how to have recurrent revenue from a game. That is how can we turn your home console into pay to play.

    I think that this would probably not work for VF. But, I think VF fans would be willing to pay for periodic DLC in the form of stages and new characters. I think it would be a grave mistake for Sega to try to follow the Micro-transaction scheme that EA uses in the ultimate team mode in their new UFC 3. Not only is UFC 3 ultimate team mode a pay to play scheme its a pay to win scheme. I hope it won't succeed in UFC 3 and hope Sega never considers these kinds of shenanigans for Virtua Fighter.

    TBH Honest I would rather just have Sega charge $99 for the game right off the bat, and leave the microtransactions to other game genres.
  10. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Honestly, they just need to shit or get off the pot period. Announce a new iteration, tease, etc.

    If not, just announce it’s over and moving on to other projects etc. Possibly a funeral for closure?!

    These speculations are your brain looking for reasoning when their reasoning for being this stupid isn’t there.

    If you are that anxious for this then start a kickstarter and grab the reins young adventurer!
    WolfKing likes this.
  11. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Why would they announce unless they're ready to show something? They aren't going to tease or say 'We are working on something' until they have a plan to properly announce it.

    By equal measure, why would they come out and say 'We aren't working on anything'?
    That would achieve nothing and then just be bad publicity for them. Not to mention they might want to work on something later.

    Game companies don't generally give status updates on IPs unless they are ready to reveal something.
    Myke likes this.
  12. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Sounds like someone has more common sense than a certain dodging asshole by the name of Tim.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    And it is important to remember that video games in general and fighting games in particular are in a different place than they were when Sega first released VF for home consoles. Wall Street, shareholders, a good business case is a lot more involved now in the decision than you might expect.

    Its not just to VF6 or not to VF6. The question has to be asked of how can VF6 fit in this current Video Game As A Service market.
  14. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Make Virtua Fighter 6 a free to play.

    The average DOA5LR reached 10 millions of downloads... That's just crazy !

    only costumes and 100% characters + stages for buying.

    or make it the same way of VF5FS, a not expensive game but add buying content (costumes or DLCs...).
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018
    Technocrow likes this.
  15. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    I really do think free to play the way DOA5 did it is really the right way to go. The games as a service caters to this and would work especially well in the PC marketplace. PC gamers love their f2p games, DOAs 10,000,000 downloads is proof that it works. VF would be no exception to success with this model.
    Sonic The Fighters likes this.
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I think Virtua Fighter as most fighting games have at least 2 distinct audiences (probably more) but at least two.

    Audience 1: Those casual players that enjoy single player modes, and two player modes (used mostly with local friends and family)

    Audience 2: Those casual and hardcore players that prefer two player and multiplayer modes, those that travel to play VF, those that are not very interested in playing against the AI or in single player modes.

    Obviously there are combinations of the two audiences, but these represent two major categories of Virtua Fighter players. There is always a question as to which one of these audiences is the largest. The casuals might be the largest but Audience 2 might be the most important from a game promotion point of view. I would like to see real statistics on both audiences.

    In either case a pricing / packaging strategy could be developed separately for both audiences for instance:

    Single Player Pricing/Packaging Model:

    Base 1/2 player game with arcade mode $49.99
    Base 1/2 player game with arcade mode + survival mode $59.99
    Base 1/2 player game with arcade mode + survival mode + team battle mode $69.99
    Base 1/2 player game with arcade mode + survival + team Battle mode $79.99
    Customizations DLC $14.99 packages

    Multi Player Pricing/Packaging Model

    Base 1/2 player game with arcade mode + online player matches $59.99.
    Base 1/2 play game with Arcade mode + online player + room matches $69.99
    Base 1/2 player game with Arcade mode + online player + room + online rank $79.99
    Customizations DLC $14.99 packages

    Deluxe Edition Full Single Player/Multiplayer Model $99.99

    Customization DLC $14.99 packages

    Online Statistics Packages $14.99 Includes:

    Display of online rank during rank mode matches
    Win/Loss Statistics during rank mode matches
    License Mode Rank during player/room/rank mode matches
    Break down for the player of wins/loss against each VF character played on line.
    Customization of gamer tag during online rank matches

    License Mode $14.99
    Special Sparring only unlockable from License Mode!

    Story Mode $14.99

    Deluxe Arcade Mode that adds to the Arcade Mode Cutscenes and Quest Challenges, Character Intros and Character Endings.

    Virtua Fighter Champion Edition

    Deluxe Edition + License Mode + Story Mode + Online Statistics $149.99

    I think a pricing structure like this would keep Virtua Fighter out of the Micro Transaction trap and really allow fans to get the version of the game they like most.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
  17. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    As a plan doesn't sound too bad. The only thing I will tweak are the prices. 49,99 for the basic game seems too high from my pov.
  18. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh i just see that sega is doing some events stuffs related to VF. I hope it means something related to another thing that has number 6 on it.
  19. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about Halo 6 ? Kappa
  20. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

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