Virtua Fighter Trademark Renewed

Discussion in 'General' started by Sudden_Death, Aug 12, 2016.

By Sudden_Death on Aug 12, 2016 at 1:56 AM
  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2016
    Jinzer0, Shinobi, Oioron and 14 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by Sudden_Death, Aug 12, 2016.

    1. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Yes ! Weather, day or night time, different time season (Winter, Autumn, Summer, Spring) for the stages would be great !
    2. ShinyBrentford
      So does this mean you guys are going to actually start playing VF or are you going to play dojo with akira, saying "This is too deep for me", and then go running back to doa or tekken yelling "WHEN VF7"?

      When are we going to get VF players instead of VF fanboys is all I'm saying. That would really help the game a bunch.
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    3. Rynex
      Man I m every single day at dojo and my Toryu tenshin Hazankai is pretty good and I still suck against real players is it normal..?
      my level is way beneath american players,(don't tell me about japanese..) I've just learned to play correctly the game(No tutorials in our countries and We've wasted so many time playing without understanding the vf's mecanics ) and this you guys who don't want to plays with new comers .
      The most important is to plays and give advices to new comers.And Not to scare them!
      Fortunately there are some foreigners "fan boys" who will repeat 20 times a video tutorial in english to understand what's the guy is saying because..They are also "fan boys". ;)

      So what do we have to do? Even i could play and learn 20 more years Final Showdown but We need a new game to attract new people because YOU are avoiding us online.
      What is it bad to want Sega AM2 to be the greatest studio technically again..?
      And no sorry tekken is ridiculous. sorry for tekken fans...
      Hi there. If you want to play then just ask people and say that you are new and you want to learn the game. There are people here that will help you out. Just ask.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    5. ShinyBrentford
      First of all, nobody is dodging shit. If you can't get on here and find a match then your really not looking or your a liar. As soon as you said that you wanted a match, @SNAKE BOSS jumped on that instantly. This community is too small for dodging.

      I have been setting up offline and online parties and matches for the past 10 years and never turned anybody down from the room. @BLACKSTAR and @cruzlink2 has had online and offline Streamed tournaments and matches just so new players can get in the spotlight and you come out here with this nobody and this community will help us trash. The shoutbox is full of autistic fucking nerds that will tell you every frame in this game and you say nobody will help you. Bullshit!

      Listen I want you to learn and enjoy the game and I agree we need a new game, but don't you dare say this community doesn't help out and give you all the information you need. I think that's why I get so annoyed, cause this community will give new players everything in the world so they can learn and they still only learn Toryu tenshin Hazankai (BTW its not that great a move) say they know how to play and leave for the next flavor of the week.
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
      ToyDingo and BLACKSTAR like this.
      @Rynex My brother once told me one of the greatest quotes I ever heard: "Closed mouths don't get fed."

      We cant help/find you if you never ask us!
      Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
      Nitsud, ToyDingo and ShinyBrentford like this.
    7. ShinyBrentford
      You better take the like off his post. J/K LOL
      Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    8. Rynex
      Hey I'm New on VFDC and I don't know everything about the shoutbox etc.. It's my first posts.
      I'm not a liar i'm tired to be kick out in ranking mode.
      And it's not a critic against the community it's only about some guys in ranking matches when you're waiting for hours and that's not cool. What does it costs to play 3 rounds of 15 seconds seriously. So don't be aggressive Shinybrentford I love the site and I met great people .

      Sorry for my english.

      BlackStar I'm always demanding for players to add me or for advice. Proof:The last comments on your youtube channel (Sarah moves)you know, that was me.. So I asked before I knew VFDC. But that's ok you can like off my comment like he says.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    9. Dragonps
      Following on what @ShinyBrentford said if I may, I remember years ago @MarlyJay and @Seidon giving me a good rub down with Jacky and showing me a few tricks and set ups. As someone that loves VF but has never been that good it opened my eyes and made me a much better player.

      Not so good that I could beat them of course but I could hang in there a little better and it made matches so much more exciting. Maybe I sound like a twit but for me the VF community has been the only one where everyone really wanted to help and show you cool stuff.

      Back on topic lets say that VF6 is coming....would it be enough?

      I mean I doubt Sega can just bring out another game with more of the same surely? What could they bring to the table to wow audiences once more?

      EVO has arguably the greatest training mode in a fighter ever and a bloody good quest mode thingy.

      5 blew me away with it's lush graphics and customizations

      So what do Sega need to do if anything? And I'm not just talking from a casual standpoint, what do the pro players here think could improve the game? Fighting styles for instance like twin characters that can swap etc.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    10. MadeManG74
      I would add, where are you located @Rynex ? People might be kicking you because the lag is unplayable, don't take online to heart. Do you have any kind of offline FGC in your area?

      As for what they could do with 6, I think the most important features would be good online, good training mode (like 4) and a decent offline mode (like quest) to get people into the game.

      I think it's a boring thing, but a good price would be nice too. I think making the game digital and with a 'barebones' release like FS would help get new players into it, maybe have a 'deluxe' edition and a 'core' edition kind of thing.

      In terms of gameplay, I just want the game to be true to it's roots, don't try to chase the other fighting game audiences, and be a VF game. So long as they keep the balance and depth and relative low execution requirement I'm mostly happy.
      In terms of specific features I can't really comment on the unknown.
      BLACKSTAR likes this.
    11. Mold_Monkey93
      That Pai comic thing, is that official art?
    12. MadeManG74
      I think it's from the VF2 artbook by Katsuya Terada. It's called 'Ten Stories'.
    13. ShinyBrentford
      Wait, you mean it's hard to find games with players, cause of all the fanboys saying they love VF on the internet but are not playing it, bringing us back to my original post to begin with?

      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    14. DigitlSamurai
      Gonna have to agree with this. I think there needs to be a somewhat active offline and online scene that actually plays and promotes the game, as well as tries to bring in new players.

      It may be arrogant of me to say this, but I feel like VFLive and RAW were what kept VF5FS alive for as long as it was. When they both ended, VF5 died.
    15. Tricky
      NYC VF says Hi
      Jacko and ShinyBrentford like this.
    16. DigitlSamurai
      No disrespect intended to NYC VF, but one offline scene can only do so much. Yes NYC VF does keep people in New York playing, but what about the rest of the country? A lot of people can't travel for one reason or another. There needs to be a lot more than one offline scene and at least one, or two online. Both are important to keep a game alive. Isolationism doesn't help either.
      Tricky likes this.
    17. VC Migs
      VC Migs
      yep i knew i had to come here for something its been awhile guys! Cheers!
    18. Jacko
      But therein lies the issue with the community as a whole, at least the online aspect. The online platform is there for people to play on, yet it takes two online streaming promotions to keep the online scene "alive"? Whatever happened to just playing? People only want to play now when there's a camera on them? That's the issue overall. And yeah, people can argue that "Oh I want to watch back on my match and learn from it" That's fine every now and then when you do play online, streamed exhibitions. However, to solely rely on playing on a stream every time? If the online scene were strong in itself, there wouldn't be a need to rely on VFLive nor RAW, and those two would just be icing on the cake for the scene.
    19. Dennis0201
      Hopefully this time is not pachinko or some Android/IOS stupid card game.
      ShinyBrentford and Jacko like this.
    20. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      To be honest i would love to play offline more. Theres a different feel to the game offline. But online is my more accessable means of play VF. Online is what is keeping the blood pumping in the VF community. Although I agree offline is much more preferred.

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