Virtua Fighter vs Tekken

Discussion in 'General' started by Shukumine2, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I'm not even sure who thats directed at. Me, the Seals, fans of these forums? Regardless way to be the one to jump in and support no argument and just criticize a post. Woot for you.
  2. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Did anyone see the movie "Idiocracy" ? I bet Beef Supreme and the President would play Tekken.
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    [cut scenes / story] If cut scenes and stories that in no way have any impact on my gameplay gets more people to play the game, well hog damn, why not?

    [Better VOs] See previous.

    [Better Presentation] I'd enjoy better menus.

    [Too Hard] I could go for Evo style training modes again, wouldn't you?

    [Too Slow] Not an issue for me I like the speed, but it is slower and less fluid than some of the other fighters.

    [No one plays] I'd say a big part of this site is to get more people to play. I'd say a big part of Online mode is to get more people to play. Who are you to poo poo on that?
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I wasn't "poo pooing" on anything, at least this was not my goal. I was simply bringing to light that fact that VF is more of a fighting game rather then lets appeal to the masses plus be a fighting game. The Seals reference was only because I felt it really represented what I think Sega tries to accomplish. I really doubt Sega or the AM2 team fail to see why Soul Caliber or Tekken are so popular. Its obvious. The team takes that knowledge and makes a game that is geared for the less casual player and the more challenge oriented player. This to me is important because cookie cutter presentation and mass appeal is something that brings hordes of douche bags along and filters out the greatness of the game.

    I can jump on both most if not all other fighters, use the knowledge and skills I have with games and probably give a fair challenge to most long time players. A person who is a "master" at Tekken or any other fighter couldn't do that here. That says something.

    My approach before was more of a satirical one and apparently came off as a bit more offensive, or "pompous" which was not intended. But I will stick to the elite group theory. This game is not for everyone and I really hope it stays that way.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    "I can jump on both most if not all other fighters, use the knowledge and skills I have with games and probably give a fair challenge to most long time players."

    I wonder what you base this on?

    1) You're really good in VF and, as such, you think that you will be very good in a game of Tekken cause that requires less from you. That or you're, wrongly, thinking that no VF players play tekken also or vica versa being narrowminded. It's a war after all.
    2) You're normally very good at games but you can't get a hang of VF and/or compete at the levels you hope to aim for. As such, you've constructed this alternate world where the reason for it is that it has an insane treshold but you'll get there sooner or later - cause you're that god damn good.
    3) You manage generalization of you being good in other games, like FPS's or MMORPG's, into you being good in the entire fighting genre. Concordingly you -would- be good in other fightinggames (even though you haven't tried them competetivly), this is something you know. People should look to you with authority in this matter cause you have a sword that gives +15 frostdamage.


    /Love KiwE
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Posting this sort of topic should be bannable or at least warrant some kind of warning.
  7. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    +20 shadow damage, not frost. jeez
  8. Kurenaii

    Kurenaii Active Member

    ^ Mages >>> Warlocks! >:[
  9. Rampag3

    Rampag3 Member

    This topic is now about MMO's.

  10. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

  11. Karoshi

    Karoshi Member

    I think they'd be too busy hitting each other's characters in the balls, and then 'Batin to Anna/Nina ending FMVs to actually play.

    Also: Beef Supreme's flamethrower.
  12. hawpi

    hawpi Member

    I believe the McRib pwns both VF and TK
  13. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Having studied various martial arts techniques I can tell just about anyone that there's no realism to any of these fighting games. I'll agree that some sequences are slightly more convincing in some games than others--but if anyone is playing these games to simulate real fights they are sadly confused. So I don't honestly believe there should be any argument in that department.

    I mean, as far as which game fairs better is concerned--I like them both. In any case, I prefer Virtua Fighter's engine over Tekken's. I notice that fight sequences in VF tend to be a lot more stationary where as in Tekken, players usually resort to sidestepping/backdashing repeatly until a launch move connects. At that point, it seems that a minimum of 60% of damaged is dished out in the air. In my opinion, this very redundant strategy cheats many players out of fully understanding the game's mechanics. There are a good number of Tekken players who have thrown out their reciprocative approach for the more desirable rabbit-style one. Considering that I used to play Tekken religiously, I know this to be fact.

    The one thing that I do appreciate about Tekken is its mo-cap animation. Although graphically VF5 blows out any of Tekkens installments (perhaps including Tekken 6), Tekkens character animations have more of a realistic touch to them. This definitely often makes Tekken matches easier on the eyes. But now-a-days we're seeing AM2 develope their chracters to be just as appealing--Eileen is a great example of this.
  14. CoreyFearless

    CoreyFearless Member

    As Cisco said, I believe Tekken is a matter of who can force their launcher in first, anything besides that is all about ground game. Tekken was a part of my life since I was 5, 16 now, and I can honestly say Virtua Fighter 5 is the better game, as far as gameplay is concerned.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Thread locked. Check the rules in the "New Starter" subforum.

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