Virtua Fighter x esports Announcement Breakdown

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

By MadeManG74 on May 27, 2021 at 9:03 AM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Less than two hours ago, Sega livestreamed an announcement and in depth look at the upcoming Virtua Fighter x esports (Or Ultimate Showdown, as it's known outside Japan. The full stream lasted just over an hour and can be re-watched here;

    Here's a breakdown of the major points discussed;

    Virtua Fighter 1 Skins
    Low poly models for the cast will be made available as DLC for the game. Date doesn't seem to be confirmed yet.
    VF5US VF1 DLC2.jpg VF5US VF1 DLC1.jpg
    EDIT: Destructoid has some more information about the DLC, known as the 'Legendary Pack'

    Online Tournament, Room Match and Team Battle Mode Summer Update
    A summer update at a TBA date will feature an online tournament mode, complete with brackets, and improved Room Match functionality. Finally, a Team Battle mode has been hinted at! Details are scarce, but some footage could be seen in the live stream.
    The Room Matches also seem to feature the ability for spectators to send stickers to the screen to cheer or jeer the players fighting!

    Arcade Cabinet
    An arcade version, complete with cabinet has been revealed! It appears to be a head to head format and uses the character/data cards similar to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.

    Heaven and Hell Dream Match
    An exhibition featuring some of Virtua Fighter's top players may be going down soon! It will debut on June 1st on Famitsu/Dengeki Online's Youtube Channel

    eSports Circuit - 2021-2022

    An official eSports circtuit will extend from this year into 2022, as the top players battle out to be crowned the champion.
    More details to come, but it seems that players will have to apply and then be selected via lottery for the 'pre season' matches.

    Arcade Stick Prize
    Official 'exhibition matches' will be held, and the winner will walk away with this arcade stick prize! Details yet to come on this one;

    VF Camp
    VF Camp.jpg

    A website has been launched that Sega describes as being for building social circles, sharing information and building events and community! It sounds like this will be linked to the circuit and the exhibition matches.

    Virtua Fighter Merchandise
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
    Chanchai, Braveheart, SUGATA and 17 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

    1. smbhax
    2. smbhax
      Game's opening movie:

    3. Mech
    4. Dennis0201
      ――『Virtua Fighter esports』の発表直後ですが、『バーチャファイター6』についてもお聞きできればと。 青木まだ何も決まっていないので明言はできませんが、 作りたいか作りたくないかで言うと、私は作りたいです。新作を作るにあたり、『バーチャファイター』というタイトルにはまだ需要やポテンシャルがあるのか。それを知る一歩が本作だと思っているので、つぎにつながるくらい盛り上げていきたいです。

      I guess VF6 depends on US!!!
    5. SSfox
      Sarah with eyepatch looks super badass.

      Now seeing at those screens make me realize that FS got quite old graphically in some areas specially. It's quite funny to think that it was one of the best looking game when it came out lol But i mean it make the least sens since it's 10 years old game that was already an upgrade of 6 older vanilla game.

      I remember when VF5 was reveal first time in 2005, i think it was even a leak few days or weeks before with a off screen video showing VF5 and some other Sega games of the time, VF5 was the best looking game at that time, and not only in fighting game genre, but in all games genre, i even remember comments saying "no way looks like that, it's bullshots looks to good to be real". Technology and graphics advanced so much since then.
    6. SSfox
    7. Shin ZAKIRA
      Shin ZAKIRA
      I would say VF6 is already in development. It’s not matter of wait and see. It’s a matter of develop and cancel. Most projects of this caliber are like this. Also Aoki Seiji going to be the new face of VF. He is the chief producer of the game and he expressed that he himself would like to develop VF6.
      Also, you might want to find his Twitter account and bombard him with your feedbacks.
      Zekiel and Sonic The Fighters like this.
    8. smbhax
      Interesting interview. (Original: | Translated:

      It in effect answers the question about there only being three costume types currently in the customization mode:

      "All the graphics have been fully remade, so the costumes have been remade from scratch. This time, we have carefully selected items, but there are a lot of items that have not been fully remade yet, so I would like to put them out in order. I also want to make new items. If you have a story, it might be a collaboration costume."

      (The fact that they're remaking them from scratch is encouraging; the colors on a lot of the items got messed up going from 5 to FS, so it was really hard to do decent-looking color coordination in FS. Also, most of the hair styles and hats were not well executed.)

      Aoki also says in the interview that main development started in Feb 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was starting, and that caused trouble for the project, so they really had to work like crazy to get it done in time for the Sega 60th anniversary, which I guess is June 3rd. Just made it!

      ... I hope they fixed the AI. = P
      Last edited: May 28, 2021
    9. Manjimaru

      If its not on PC its dead to me, unfortunately.
    10. Ali
      If those are not the best fighting game stages these days.... Sorry but I can't help but express how great it is to get those locations back...

      I would take these over any of MK/T/SF craziness
      Sonic The Fighters and smbhax like this.
    11. Manjimaru
      Dude, FS is not balanced. It is like the least balanced VF since VF2.
      Zekiel and smbhax like this.
    12. Ali
      The best part of the news is that it's mainly AM2 as per famitsu's article. RGG's are just providing the engine and support.

      If AM2 is still alive and kicking, things will only get better.

      There is really a vibe if VF6 is under development though it's never stated. I hope this delivers and manages to get the goals. Getting AM2 to deliver brand new games would be the next step in the dream.
      Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    13. VF2011
      Kotaku has been able to confirm with Sega that the game will NOT have rollback netcode for those out there who care about this stuff.
    14. smbhax

      "Speaking with Kotaku via email, a Sega rep explained that Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown’s online modes build directly off the previous console release, 2012’s Final Showdown."

      That's *all* they say that this "a Sega rep" said. And then Kotaku goes on to assume that means no rollback, apparently. It's just a weird way to write this; why didn't they just plain say the Sega rep said it doesn't have rollback, if that's what they said? But they didn't say they said that. If I got an answer like that to a simple question, I wouldn't run off and write an article about it, I'd write back and ask them--politely--to please confirm, in plain effing English this time.

      From that quote, it sounds like "Sega rep" wasn't even talking about networking methods, but about online gameplay modes, which is not the same thing. It sounds like Kotaku got an email reply from some clueless Sega marketing flack who said "yeah man it's building off you know Final Showdown's success and stuff," and then Kotaku's writer just extrapolated from there. They even seem to assume that the apparently vague answer they got from "Sega rep" means 5US is using *the exact same netcode* as 5FS, which seems at least a little unlikely given that this game is running on a different console, in a different engine, and now offers different online modes--but they don't mention any of that.

      Sega's silence--until now, apparently--on the rollback front this late before release, and knowing this "Project X eSports" or whatever was originally meant to be Japan-only for a while, where apparently their national online is so nice that delay-based netcode works just fine, certainly made one think they don't have the answer the western online warriors wanted to hear. Kotaku is probably correct in what they're probably trying so say, but saying it with communication skills as poor as those we get from Sega's English-speaking front doesn't help as much as it should have.

      It would be nice to hear a clear answer from someone, preferably from Sega themselves.
      Last edited: May 28, 2021
      SUGATA and cobratron like this.
    15. Ali
      I don't really care about rollback code and I hate the attitude of "No rollback no buy" when the majority can't even pull anything beyond a few strings in Tekkens and SF using WIFI connections.
      Sonic The Fighters and gido like this.
    16. SSfox
      They can at least show us customizaton meanwhile we're getting slowly at Tuesday
    17. gido
      1000% agree with this. Rollback was never going to make this game great suddenly.

      If you dont like VF just say that. Dont make an excuse on not having no rollback where practically every other game has delayed based too..
      Zekiel and Sonic The Fighters like this.
      I know it will never happen but imagine if VF6 dropped on the new gen console and was as ahead of it's time graphically as Vanilla VF5. How insane would that look.
      smbhax and SSfox like this.
    19. SSfox
      Hopefully VF5US wil be success enough to motivate sega on making VF6 in the future.

      But for now it's already excting time for VF, new game vf5us, and looks great for what we seen (my only and main worry atm is netcode quality), and they announced tournaments for the game, it's so good to see VF back in the map.
      Zekiel, smbhax and Sonic The Fighters like this.
    20. SSfox
      I disagree with this sorry, it was proven already that rollback is the best solution for fighting game online, of course it's not magic either, the dev have to implement it well, like GG strive recently, SFV for example has rollback but it suck because Capcom didn't put it correctly to their game.

      Bad online is bad for fighting games, specially nowadays, when Tekken 7 was release i was playing it 12 to 18 hours day during the first month, i was playing exclusively offline, practice, VS, and other solo modes at that time. To me i was enjoying so much the game, learinng stuffs ect, that i didn't even have time to complain about anything.

      Once i decided to jump online, the disaster begun, i slowely started hating on the game, the online lags and delays, combined with the long ass loading times, and ragerquitters (that to this day still didn't got fix correctly), and barely play since, like launch once per month to play one or two hours, then i go back to SFV (it still has bad netcode but better than T7), and later MK11,MK11 not only has solid netcode, and also deal very good with ragequitters and winquitters, if someone ragequitte you it will count to you as win and as a loss to the guy who ragequitte, and somebody can't winquitte after they win one match, FT2 are forced so they have to play until the set ends, i though it was a dope thing NRS did here and i would like to see other FG devs implement this in the FGs, About T7 it got improve netcode in season 4,even still not at that high level like MK11 and GG strive netcode.

      So no, solid netcode matter, and is super important for a fighting, of course game having good mechanic, cool characters , looks good ect matter even more, but if the netcode is bad then OUTCHH

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