Virtua Fighter x esports

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 25, 2020.

By Myke on Sep 25, 2020 at 9:37 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Announced at TGS2020 as part of SEGA's 60th Anniversary is a new project titled "Virtua Fighter x esports". Little is known at this stage, but details on the project will be revealed in a future update. What do you think it could be?

    Virtua Fighter x esports.jpg

    The official announcement via twitter:



Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Sep 25, 2020.

    1. celsowm
    2. Ali
      I think if it's a port of VF5FS it should hit everywhere as it will introduce new people and old people back to the game and how it plays and sorta also sets up as a research on where they should take their next game
      Marlow likes this.
    3. beanboy
      I wonder if sega, is planning on making some sort of steam box device thing, for this whole Fog gaming and VF x Esports.

      Personally, I and a few others here, think Fog Gaming and VF x Esports, are somehow linked to each other.
      Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
    4. Konradinho
      I have literally no expectations 'bout this one. But It planted a tiny seed of hope that VF series will ressurect.
    5. Dragonps
      Can we have the commentators back from 5, was I the only one that missed them :p
    6. KrsJin
      @FallingEdge mentioned this, I'd love to have them back too. What started off as something cheesy resulted in something really charming.
    7. EmpNovA
      SEGA just announced that they are basically selling out of the arcade operator business in Japan. So all of the SEGA owned arcades and game centers will be sold to a different company. This is currently the biggest business news story in Japan and is quite a surprise. Especially coming off of the SEGA 60th anniversary announcements. The rumor is that even the brand 'Club Sega' will be no longer around.

      My expectations for this newest Virtua Fighter Esports announcement were rather low. I am personally just hoping for a new generation port of VF5FS and possibly VF3 and VF4 or a VF Collection. But with this news it seems that VFxEsports has to be an online tournament for VF5FS and possibly a port or remaster for the newer consoles and nothing major like VF6. I would not be surprised if VFxEsports is literally nothing more than an online tournament like the online Capcom Cup.
    8. Stl_Tim
      Hold your horses! Let’s not jump the gun on anything until legit information becomes available. It’s great to speculate on what might happen or the future of vf, but some of these posts keep hitting a common denominator of, “I’m tired of waiting theme.”
      I’m very sure they knew the state of the arcade industry way before planning vf x-sports. Please show some patience and let the story unfold in its own time.
      beanboy and Feck like this.
    9. MadeManG74
      Sega is selling the venues, but they still can make and build arcade machines.
      This doesn't really affect future game/machine potential, but is a good move for Sega since the arcades didn't have any prospect to grow or make significant money for them.

      Selling it to a specialised company makes more sense (and they still retain 15% of the business).
      Braveheart and Feck like this.
    10. joanot
      Yeah, no need to worry. This twitter thread by Osaki explains it : ( on mobile, you can translate it ):
      Feck likes this.
    11. beanboy
      Sega selling their arcades? That is sad news.:unsure:
    12. Ali
      Cheap journalism like the one found in IGN have been using this piece of news to sound like SEGA is going out of business...

      I don't understand how difficult it is to grasp, they are selling the locations and the management but will continue to supply the games/machines for as long as it lasts.
      While it's sad to see SEGA losing ownership of these, it makes no difference they have been losing anyway.

      Also, this probably mena VFx esports will probably be something direct to home consoles ? Better in my book
      Sonic The Fighters and Feck like this.
    13. BeastEG
      I hard disagree that VF5:FS is extremely balanced - while there is a lack of "non-viable" characters, we've had enough with the game to know that there is still a pretty wide spread between elite tier characters and everyone else to the point that tier lists frequently acknowledged the divides with things like a "large" gap between certain tiers and characters.

      The one thing about the system is that if you can make the reads any character can win, but that's the equivalent of saying If I always choose the correct option, I'll always win which is silly at best.
      Sebo likes this.
    14. MadeManG74
      I disagree with you, respectfully. Although if we're going to go into more in depth discussion about VF5FS tiers, we should go to this thread;
    15. masterpo
      Dude respectfully, you can't just make those kind of claims with out hard data to back up what you're saying.

      Here's is good opportunity to put your frame data knowledge to the test. Demonstrate empirically that wide spread you're talking about.

      What elite tier characters? elite tier based on what data?

      How are you defining wide spread?

      "large" gap in what?

      And as I'm sure you know, there is a difference between 'elite players' and 'elite characters' The elite players we have in the VF community are not elite because of the characters they use, its based on their skill. On the other hand The same cannot be said about Tekken, look at one of the recent Tekken Tourneys where many in the top 8 were using Leroy (Wing Chung) and after the Tourney he got nerfed. We don't have any character balances anything like OP Leroy, Fahkumram or the under powered Gigas, and the Tekken players back their claims up with frame datao_O.
      Junosynth likes this.
    16. Tricky
      Not to get into a tier list discussion on the thread, I'll just chime in that this guy may not be able to provide the frame data or move property data to explain it, I could actually layout what tools Eileen lacks or her badness via frame data compared to others too.
      masterpo and Sebo like this.
    17. Sebo
      Stop. We've discussed hard data.
      Tricky likes this.
    18. masterpo
      Yea I hear you on Eileen. And hell my Lei Fei only has one reversal:meh: But a character having badness, or missing tools is not the same as the roster being unbalanced.

      A character may have strengths in one area, and weakness (badness) in other areas. But when placed in the overall roster's set of strengths and weaknesses for all characters, the character is balanced. Eileen may not be complete, Eileen may not be perfect, But Eileen is neither under powered, nor is Eileen over powered.

      In the same way that you could show some deficiencies for Eileen, you also have to fairly show Eileen's advantages as well.

      Please folks don't equivocate Virtua Fighter's balance and Tekken's balance just to make a point.

      No one is saying that Virtua Fighter is perfect. But it is superior to Tekken. Its Balance is superior to Tekken's. The VF fighting engine is complex and Tekken's is complicated. Virtua Fighter's roster has no 'broken' characters and Tekken has had a couple in 2020 alone.

      @Tricky and you know this, missing tools, or badness is not the same as being broken:ROTFL:. Yes Yes Yes Agreed VF's roster is not perfect, and there is room for improvement for all the characters. But that's different than saying VF has broken characters and VF is unbalanced. Which is the case for Tekken;)

      I play my share of Tekken and I'm sure you do too and I know for a fact that you know the difference between unbalanced and 'needs improvement':)
      Tricky likes this.
    19. Sebo

      Nice, I'm glad you could finally admit that Leroy was OP, something that could have been, and was, deduced from the frames, hitbox, and context within his movelist and the embarrassing TWT showing (back from when we talked hard data).

      But... he doesn't have a reversal. And use of inashi/reversal does not a strong character make as they're passive abilities that in almost all cases lead to larger risk than reward.

      Uh... actually, that's literally what that means. Especially if it accumulates, and more so in a game that has many weight groups where feather weights lose half of their health for a mistake and it's insanely easy to get wall combo conversions (made worse due to weight class).

      *Lau has entered the chat
      *Lau is typing about mid launchers or some shit

      First off, in the context of who you're responding to, you're the one who mentioned Tekken. While on this page CTRL-F and type "Tekken." *edit, last mention was almost a month ago on page 6

      Now I'm biased as fuck: VF is the only fighting game game worth playing and the only one I'd ever recommend (maybe except for Nidhogg). I hold the series in very high esteem and I associate lots of positive memories playing. I haven't played in months and probably will never have the motivation to pick it up again due to IRL shit/new hobbies/doing art work again, but I still frequent this website and the discords to share what I learned and update my wiki entries/combo lists with info tucked away in word documents because I would like to share shit with people who want to learn the game. You can say I'm evangelical about this game.

      And even with this high regard for one of my favorite games of all time: if the purpose of the development team was to make one of the best balanced games ever (of which we have no evidence)... there were numerous design choices made that are baffling.

      I don't think anyone is talking about any character being broken or unplayable trash in VF. That's your hyperbole that you felt like adding to divert the attention away from the imbalance. I mean, read that line you wrote again, that's a strange conflation.

      But the game isn't that balanced (it's good, but there is dumb shit), and what makes a character strong vs. weak is the combination of their attacks (frames, hitboxes, etc.) in the context of the game (use of fuzzy/ECDC, yutori escape, spacing, ring position, character weight, drink count, etc.). You can always say, that these imbalances don't matter because it's irrelevant due to the relative level of play that isn't top level Japanese players, but we're not talking player skill we're talking about how the characters were coded into the game. And there is a reason why some characters have to work harder for less pay off (respect to Eileen, Aoi, Pai, and Lei players). Or how the characters who are the strongest~solid have at least one tool that is broken~dumb (lot of Akira shit, Jacky 2_3P, Goh P+K+G, Brad punishment, Taka 4P+KP, Jeffry 2K, etc.), but the characters who have been universally seen as weak since the launch of FS back in 2010 have barely moved and lack "that" technique.
      Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
      masterpo and Tricky like this.
    20. Feck
      Certain characters lacking a few tools doesn't make the game unbalanced though.

      For example ECD deals with Takas 4p+kp.

      Does every character really need a 13f mid?

      No, they don't.

      Edit: We need more info on the new game so we have more to discuss than the same stuff we been talking about since 2012.
      Junosynth and masterpo like this.

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