Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Stick 3

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by Akul, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Thanks EVM,

    although replacing the PCB of my MAS with that of a PS3 controller is certainly an option; it is not my best option in the short term. I still want to be able to use my MAS for PS2 games, on the PS2. PS2 games do not look or play as well on my PS3 (even with the new update I was prompted to install, upon booting up PS3 for the 1st time), and I still like to play Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on my PS2 vs. some local friends. Wish me luck on these next batch of converters that are on the way. Otherwise, I might have to wait until May.
  2. cdrober

    cdrober Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review


    I'm really enjoying this thread and all, but I have one question...don't know if it should be put here or not, but here goes: Any tips for someone who has never dealt w/ replacing the buttons before? I ordered the HRAP3 and official Sanwa buttons. I know that since you did it EVM, do you have any advice? I'm hoping I don't need to go buy and desolder stuff to take out the old ones. Is this a very difficult task? Any places online w/ some pics/tips? I couldn't find any, maybe I'm just bad at searching :p haha

    Anyways, thanks for keeping this such a good thread, it has also gotten me to order the VSHG too, so I can play 2 player w/ my friends and try both out.

  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    It's real easy, you need a philips screwdriver, a flathead screwdriver, a 6mm nut driver (or needlenose pliers and patience). Edit - might be 7mm, dont have it with me atm, but you should be able to get a metric nut driver set for at most $15.

    Take the bottom off the stick w/ philips. You wont be able to see the buttons, but you can see the nuts that hold the top controlpanel on. Use the nut driver to unscrew them, now you can lift off the top panel.

    The buttons are wired on using quick disconnects. Use the tip of the flathead to gently pry off the QD's:

    || <- pry here
    | |
    | | q.d.

    Pop the old buttons out, put the new ones in, reattach the QD's, reassemble
  4. sama

    sama Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    hey I just got my VSHG from playasia,how do i know if it s a reissues? any info on the box etc?
    because i heard people getting the defective one from playasia..
  5. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    It's the reissue because VSHGs werent in play-asia a few weeks ago.
  6. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this is still an issue for anyone, but the High Grade is about 78 different types of effin' sick. I have handled some 20-esque "custom" Sanwa=spec, Happ-spec, even 3 "byrdo" rods and this is comparable in terms of performance.

    Of coarse outright customized controllers are quite nice, for what you're getting though, The High Grades are like $79 plus something like $30-$45 dollar shipping right? Rediculously hard to beat for anything outside of the Japanese market.

    I'd say just get one anyway even if you have had a previous endeavour with something like the HRAP., if I could only get about 3 grand to tote my punkass to the Texas evo. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Charles, nooooo~!
  7. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Look at the bottom of the stick. If it has the sticker with the Catalog No. HSN-0011, then you have the reissue.
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    ok I tryed the "joytokey" program and still have no luck getting the VSHG stick (not the buttons) to work. the game recognizes the buttons perfectly but nothin on the stick. I tried messing with joytokey but maybe i didnt set it up correctly? can anyone confirm a sure way to make this stick work? im trying to make vf2 for the pc work (so i can have some online battles!)
  9. cdrober

    cdrober Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. Ulot

    Ulot Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Cast another vote for the VSHG. I just got mine this week and really like it. I was just starting to get use to the pad though. Now I am completely relearning things on the stick, but even now many moves are easier. (I can't think of a way to make that last sentence sound less nasty.) It is very responsive and the throw is nice.
  11. MarkMan

    MarkMan Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Wrote up a review on the Virtua Stick High Grade...

    Check it out...
  12. rale

    rale New Member

    Re: Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Sti

    Sorry for the delaying in getting back. Give these drivers a try:
  13. polyh3dron

    polyh3dron Member

    Re: Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Sti

    I got myself a couple of the VSHGs and they kick ass in every way. Highly recommend.
  14. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Sti

    Just pulled a vshg off e-bay, myself, getting my PS3 this evening (reservation), I find myself not being able to wait for the stick to arrive, why the heck didn't I check e-bay sooner?!

    There's another shop that offers the vshg a hundred km down the road, but they're charging 150E (30E more than the same shop charges for a hrap3)... I can have it imported from Japan myself cheaper. What's up with those guys?

    Gotta be on the lookout for a USB extension cord it seems.
  15. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Sti

    in the read-me of that file it states:

    "Usage note: By default, the stick's directions will be reported under
    'Point of View Hat', instead of joystick axes. This is a problem for some
    games that won't let you map pov/buttons to directional controls. To work
    around this, I changed the function of the 'Home' button a bit. Pressing
    'Home' will toggle reporting directions between PoV and Axes."

    now that was for the hori stick, on the VSHG it also uses the pov hat instead of joystick axes, when you go test it on the control panel /game controllers. so my question is this....can you make a driver for the VSHG as well?

  16. rale

    rale New Member

    Re: Virtua Stick High Grade vs Real Arcade Pro Sti

    It could be done, but unfortunately I don't have a VSHG to work on, so it's not really possible for me.
  17. cdrober

    cdrober Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    US Customs Raped my VSHG ...OR... Does the VSHG come w/ documentation?

    Today I received my VSHG from Play-Asia...and perhaps because I live so close to Wash, DC, the ripped up box was all taped up with "Inspected by US customs for your safety" and such. The stick is in good shape at least, but there is no documentation. I was wondering if it came w/ any or not? Either way is ok, I'm just curious :p

    BTW, anyone else have their VSHG's get abused in such a manor?
  18. Ulot

    Ulot Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    It does not come with any docs. Just a box with a joystick and shipping padding inside. Mine was still factory sealed and lacked any sort of documentation.
  19. Yslah

    Yslah New Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review


    This is Ian from Hong Kong. Hope u still remember me :p
    I also have some comment regarding RAP3 and VSHG.

    Like most of the ppl here, at first I bought RAP3 with VF5. For the first 15 minutes of playtime I have already realised that there are too many input errors, esp. with commands that required 2 or more buttons pressed simutanously. I was so upset with this and I almost quit playing the game altogether.

    However last monday I went to Tokyo (for business) and managed to free some time for VF5. I played in Shinjuku and was shocked by the responsive control of the arcade VF5 machines! The game feels so difference and I had a good time there (tho I was losing a lot :p).

    On wednesday I went to Akihabara. In Messe Sanoh, they have a VSHG displayed. I have to say the feeling and touch of this joystick is 100% the same with the VF5 cabinet in tokyo. Without much thought, I bring one back to Hong Kong.

    After some test play I have the conclusion that RAP3 is crap compare with VSHG. I hardly have any input error with VSHG and the game is so much enjoyable now. I think Hori screwed up the whole thing by just converting the old RAP2 to RAP3 with some shitty PS2>USB convertor. This creates random time lag with the input and causes all the errors.

    If you want to buy a joystick for use with PS3, VSHG is the only choice out there.
  20. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VSHG vs HRAP3 Review

    Hey Ian, of course I remember you!! I am glad you found the VSHG -- I was getting pretty frustrated with the HRAP3 as well. Are you still in HK? Which character do you play now? Is there still a VF5 HK scene?

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