Virtual On thread: videos, discussion, etc

Discussion in 'General' started by neoKEN, May 11, 2011.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    wow the music selection is AWESOME! [​IMG]

    afterburner and SOR2 FTW!!!
  2. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies! As a result, I updated the following videos with comments:
    1. Akisame (specineff) vs (apharmd S): Long Range at Close Range
    2. MentholMoose (grys-vok)[POV] vs neoKEN (bal-bados)

    Other than buying the offical Hori twinsticks (real arcade parts), you can mod your existing DC/Saturn twinsticks or buy them modded. Here is a thread for "Yahoo! Japan Auctions":
  3. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    I've got a friend who's got twin sticks for the X-Box. Too bad I don't see him often. I know there are a few guys in Melbourne who play, but I haven't kept up with them.

    I know I'd go for twin sticks right away if I got the system too, but too little money and time... :p
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I still have my DC twinsticks, so I guess I'll hit up for a modding tutorial when I have lots of free time and nothing else to do (i.e. never) [​IMG]
  5. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    neoKEN's been busy. I enjoy some of the videos like the Aph B stun-slice finish.

    I never experienced the shrimp combo firsthand, but I do know the shrimp dive and that several of Bal's CC are tongfer-level damage (though as you said, hard to use), so Bal has always been a wild card there - used to look down on Bal in CC til the local Bal players start pulling out those CC tricks (like rocket punch cancel?).

    Seeing those vids return me to the heydays of my VOOT gaming - ah I miss the thrills of sending Aph B zooming across the arena with murderous intent (and the screams of victims on the wrong end of tongfer blades). I also miss FY Kn's slap and butt bounce attacks [​IMG]
  6. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    neoKEN (bal-bados) vs Zaarock (cypher) : Death Laser

    This is a much older video from me, so the gameplay is considered "poor" for our current level. Hightlight is in round 3. The stun laser, most of the time, does average damage then knocks the opponent down. I wanted to show off bal-bados doing an instant 100% hit with his stun laser! It is very rare to replicate.

    Midorino17 (angelan) vs Carmine1982 (10/80 SP) : Flight

    10/80 Special is the worst character by far. 10/80 is basically Temjin from the first game without VOOT's system enhancement. So no change of direction in dash (watari dash) nor air dash. Pray that as 10/80, you never have the life disadvantage. I am amaze that Carmine1982 is able to win against Angelan (3-7), much less an opponent as strong as Midorino17! Highlight is 2nd round when 10/80 does a prediction surfing ram into Angelan's face.

    NOTE: These are older videos so I won't have comments until later.
  7. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    The shrimp dive CC alone (dashing RWCC) does around 40-50%. To land that hit alone is tough. However, when used in a combo, Bal-bados's dashing CC combos are actually the easiest to perform. Perhaps due to his slow speed, he has more leniency with frames to execute the dashing CC (otherwise whiff). Also his shrimp CC arcs toward the back more than other characters.

    I think there are 2 key points in a dash CC combo. Landing the first hit and the dashing CC. I already explain the dashing CC above. Bal-bados' 1st hit is special. RWCC are a character's fastest CC, but bal-bados RWCC is a large sweeping motion on BOTH SIDE! Most RWCC favors the right side or front. The speed and range of Bal-bados RWCC is also decent. Against so-so players near melee range, I worry more playing against bal-bados more than apharmd B since they can just spam RWCC and it will eventually hit.

    A lot of character have more advance CC techniques called "instant CC." Cancelling projectile animation with a CC. Every CC has startup, but through instant CC technique, the CC will come out in 0~2 frames. Once the opponent is within CC range, the CC is a guaranteen hit. Can't jump it. Again, Bal-bados has the easiest to execute. His LW projectile has tons of frames to cancel. His RW projectile can be spammed into a instant CC.

    There is more to discuss regarding Bal-bados CC, but I'm tired. I'll continue this next time.
  8. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Oh! That Death Laser video was you! I'd seen it a long time ago and it's been replayed quite a bit among some of my friends.
  9. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Who are you friends and when can I play them? [​IMG]
  10. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately me n my friends all used to play at arcades, and none of us have an XBox except one guy. He normally goes by the handle Cyraxis, and plays Raiden.
  11. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    So far I have a bunch of videos captured, none of which is sync with the audio. I have to resync audio and add music which takes time. Here is a list of videos available that you guys can choose and I'll try to put that up as soon as possible:

    1. #1 western Temjin vs japanese Temjin. difference in playstyle
    2. another shrimp combo video (Bal-bados: me) against an even stronger Battler
    3. Dordray (me) against japanese Raiden. I lose. spazzy raiden
    4. japanese Dordray vs japanese Angelan. Dordray 3 shot prediction
    5. Dordray (me) vs japanese Specineff. comeback victory
    6. #1 western Specineff vs Cypher (me). I lose
    7. Cypher (me) vs #1 western Angelan. strong offense vs strong defense
    8. Bal-bados (me) vs #1 japanese Angelan. I lose
    9. Bal-bados (me) vs japanese Raiden. lucky win
    10. Raiden (me) vs japanese Temjin. close comeback victory
    11. Raiden (me) vs japanese Specineff. incredible comeback victory
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    1 and 10 look really interesting to me(Temjin fan [​IMG] ). All the vids you've posted so far have been great though. I'm sure i'll enjoy whatever you choose. Keep up the good work [​IMG]
  13. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    neoKEN (raiden) vs japanese player (temjin): Prediction Lasers (aka Yomi Lasers)

    To be able to play Raiden means to be able to read the opponent (yomi). A Raiden players live or die depending on if he hits his opponent with the laser or not. Beginner Raidens tends to attack what is directly in front of them. By the time their lasers has come out, the opponent has already moved away and the shot is wasted. Why? Lasers have noticeable start-up and doesn't have any homing properties like most weapon. However, before being able to do prediction lasers, the player must be able to move the opponent. By moving the opponent, you force them into a prediction laser. That's why offense is very important in Virtual On. This japanese player is strong, fast and often force me to move instead (see round 2). Using Temjin, he is vicious at close range (melee) and disorientating. Toward the end of round 1 & 3, can see how quickly the tides can turn with a good read.

    NOTE: In Virtual On, projectiles are unblockable which is 90% of the match so the only option is to dodge. (Blocking bullets isn't very realistic anyways [​IMG] )
  14. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    specineff vs neoKEN (dordray) : RUSH!

    3rd round, comeback victory.

    neoKEN (raiden) vs specineff : The Face of Death

    2nd round: specineff gliding ram
    3rd round: the longest 5 seconds, the face of death.
  15. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Chan Neko (raiden) vs cypher : Laser Cage Combo Attack

    Here is a real Raiden user (and Cypher)! Both expert Japanese players. A ton of highlights throughout the match.
    Toward end of Round 1: hitting with RTCW laser. The most powerful version of Raiden's laser, but the chances to hit are low and leaves you wide open if miss (uncancelable).
    Later half of Round 2: Cypher scores an air melee hit.
    Round 3: Laser cage combo into a dashing melee.

    apharmd B vs neoKEN (bal-bados) : 3 hit Shrimp combo

    The Japanese Battler in this match is even stronger than the one in previous videos.
    Highlights at the end of Round 3: 3 hit shrimp combo.
    Melee -> ERL laser (random lucky hit) -> shrimp melee.
  16. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    cypher vs Sugar 459 (grys-vok) : Missile Rain!

    Incredible execution of half cancel CW for endless volley of missiles (and also very tiring on the hands). The dodging by the cypher player is equally as impressive. Each successive dodge is only a few frames from death.

    japanese specineff vs neoKEN (apharmd B) : Bicycle Kick, GOAAAALL!

  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I miss playing with you all....wish I had a t.v for my 360!
  18. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    That Missile Rain vid is insane! [​IMG]

    Thanks for sharing as always.
  19. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Message me when you can so we can play. I play almost daily lol.
  20. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Great vids as always. Where the hell do you get all those old VG remixes? In particular the Devil Crash one on the missile rain video?

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