Virtual On thread: videos, discussion, etc

Discussion in 'General' started by neoKEN, May 11, 2011.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    After spending some more time with the Hori Twin Sticks EX, and doing the proper research, I can honestly say that they are leagues better than the Saturn VOOM sticks. It requires alot less effort to press the buttons, the stick movement is a lot less stiff, and the stick microswitches are smoother and less noisy. And since the turbo buttons are bigger, it's just easier to use.

    ...with that being said, I decided that I will mod my VOOM stick to try and bring it up closer to the feel of the EX sticks.

    So far, I've dremeled out parts of the grips to make room for a mini micorswitch. Also dremeled out a rectangle in the PCB to hold a SW-68 switch from a Sanwa OBSF pushbutton. My goal is to replace the switches with Sanwa stuff, while keeping it easy to replace a bad switch.


    I'll update as I get the work and some parts in.
    neoKEN, cobratron and Chanchai like this.
  2. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Did a ton of research over the past week. I was originally going to put the Saturn VOOM grips on those import sticks you are looking at as they are based of Seimitsu's LSX-57 flight sticks.

    Scroll to the bottom of the page to look at the Seimitsu LSX-57:

    Here's a post on Shoryuken on possible stick alternatives:

    And Darkasul's custom twin-sticks project using the import sticks:
    complexz likes this.
  4. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ah hah! thanks man, I might be able to get into some virtual on yet thanks to these sticks. Not sure when I can get started but it's always fun to have a new project.
  5. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Given the specs, price, and the fact that these are real arcade parts, I would definitely suggest buying a pair. In fact, I'm going to buy a pair! Fantastic find!! It looks more durable than the Saturn and Dreamcast VO twinsticks.

    Darksakul mention that he replace the microswitches on the twin flight stick mod. Which microswitches should I get and how many? Any extra arcade push buttons? Since I will be ordering from Paradise, I want them shipped together.
  6. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Added the submini leaf switch to the grips... much easier to press. No longer will have sore fingers pressing the triggers as the leaf switch is much easier to press, and much smoother.


    neoKEN likes this.
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    With the release of the Model 2 collection just announced by Sega which was covered in the other thread...

    comes another chance to get a VO Stick in the same vein as the VOOT and VO4 sticks... this time, a OMG version.

    A PS3 and XBox 360 version...

    complexz likes this.
  8. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    holy crap! I mean even with the re release I probably cannot afford one... but awesome a ps3 version exists and I didn't know virtual on was on that model2 collection!

    I have been planning to at least build a ghetto VO stick setup so I am happy I have something in HD to use it on now.
  9. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Dude, I bought those sticks from Paradise arcade, but they don't fit the Saturn grips like I thought they would. I can sell them to you cheap.
    complexz likes this.
  10. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    oh realllyyy..... totally interested man, I was thinking about grabbing them in a week or so anyway! feel free to drop me a PM with any deets!

    thanks alot sir

    EDIT: oh yes also out of curiousity, how do they feel anyway? are the up to the task of some hardcore virtual on play? I am absolutely far from hardcore and interested regardless, just curious for impressions from someone who actually plays the games.
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    LOL not going to lie... I am considering keeping this as is. POVERTY VIRTUAL ON! it's been a long time since I used a ghetto ass frankenstein of a joystick....feels good to be back.
    hseiken1 likes this.
  12. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Jesse, glad you got the sticks. That was fast, I really thought it was gonna take a bit longer.

    LOL, what the hell are you using for the base? Are the electronics already done? I need to get up off my ass and finish my modded Saturn sticks.
  13. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    yeah it surprised me when they arrived so quickly also!

    electronics are not quite done as I had to head out shortly after getting that far, but I'm going to finish wiring em up today. The box is just a old mail crate lol, I will definitely make a nice base for them eventually but for the moment I just wanna play some games :)

    EDIT: electronics finally done, weirdest issue I've ever seen with a joystick took me forever to figure out, for some reason on my right stick any button press would trigger both buttons, so I couldn't dash withought shooting if using the right stick for example. I searched every connection for a bridge and everything was perfect! took the joystick itself apart to see if there was a bridge in the connection in there.... again... perfect.... but while it was apart, it worked! so I screwed it back together..... buttons are connected together again WTFF!?!?!?! eventually I noticed one of the screws in the base of the stick is long while the other stick has 2 short screws in the base, I can only assume the long screw some how stripped both wires and connected them together within the joysticks shaft as leaving the screw in only partially results in it working perfectly but screwing it all the way in causes the problem.....gotta say that takes the cake for random ass issues to have with a joystick.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Marz was HORRIBLE =(
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    umm.... hmm... err... yeah.
  17. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Marz is terrible, but I wouldn't mind having a digital version. VOOM is definitely worth rebuying. Hopefully it will have 2 players splitscreen!
    Chanchai likes this.
  18. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    Men Doru (dordray) vs raiden : V Lasers!

    Japanese match between a Raiden and Dordray player. Men Doru is the #1 Dordray player in Japan. Raiden's dual lasers shoot parallel to each other, but there is a trick to make them come out in a V shape hence V Lasers. After a dash attack, throw out a laser. The timing is incredibly strict, but somehow the Raiden player is able to do it all the time!
    Chanchai likes this.
  19. neoKEN

    neoKEN Well-Known Member

    bal-bados vs neoKEN (blue bal-bados) : Chance Shrimp Combo!

    2nd round: Pyramid Trap
    3rd round: Shrimp Combo finish.

    BAL vs BAL is my favorite mirror matchup. A lot of action, demanding on speedy input. This BAL player is a very famous Japanese player, known for his high success with pyramid traps (See 2nd round). The 3rd round, there was an opening and I finish him off with a Shrimp Combo. Win with style:p :D
    Chanchai likes this.
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    The good news: Well... you can always create a Japanese PSN account (assuming you have PS3) and buy Japanese PSN cards...

    The bad news: ...

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