WCG 2008 Asian Championship

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are pretty good~ But I think they are better than the videos presented. So Myke, u need to be careful!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Btw, do u know the name list for each country??
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No I don't, but I've been trying to find out! I don't think all countries have had their qualifiers yet. For example, HK has their qualifier on Aug 3rd.
  3. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    myke! your nitaku game better be on point for this! >=O

  4. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    Yes I do. My gamertag is also "scytherage".

    There's one VF5 machine in Glorietta, Makati here, but it's for an older revision (i think Version B.)
  5. MinusCA

    MinusCA Member

    the DoA4 player Wugga is playing for New Zealand
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone figured out the name list yet?
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I've updated the first post with the names we know of so far, which is not many!

    Maybe buyaodawo81 (tetra) can find out about players from other countries, if they're coming at all?
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Myke!!
    In fact there is something wrong about Taiwanese player, but they are trying to figure out who is gonna to participate this event.. I'll let u know if I have the information.

    Btw, would u mind if I give my friends ur tag? And how about danny??
    The reason is I think maybe all of u can practice a little bit, u know something like to figure out which level of the opponents.

    Finally, do u have all the players' tags?? I just try to help everyone practice as much as they can.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    one more question, is that Round Time Limit 60 Seconds??
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    dennis, sure you can give them my tag, but I don't think the connection will be very good to Australia. I'm happy to try it out though.

    As for the time limit, they've corrected the official site rules so it now says 45 seconds. I'll update the main post here.
  11. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Personal bet that Malaysia wouldnt send anyone for VF5.

    Taiwan is in a mess like what dennis said. They are more like "picking" the player to go rather than having a qualifier for VF5.

    India usually sends someone who doesnt really play the game(?) At least for the past 2 years its been like this for DOA -_- So I cant imagine anyone who is playing VF5 over there

    Not sure about Thailand, China and Vietnam. They always send someone decent though.

    We are thinking of renting a chalet. Where we can stay and play VF5 all night long. Trying to find one still... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hey buyaodawo81,
    how do u know that stuff?? I'm so curious~
    I feel sorry but that is true, and Taiwanese are trying to fix this problem.....

    Now, the Taiwan player was the 3rd of VF3 World Champ, however, he is not good at VF5 at all...
    Some really good Taiwanese VF player are trying to against this thing happen, coz we have a really good player which is more accurate to represent for TW!!!

    Btw, buyaodawo81,
    if u have some information further, please let me know. I will try to deliver these to TW since I think just a few players browsing VFDC there....
  13. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    I joined WCG for the past 3 years for DOA.

    So I know a few pple here and there. Mostly those pple who I can understand-_-

    Thats why I dont have any contacts with Vietnam. Cos they dont speak english/chinese/japanese.

    My taiwan friend was talking to me on MSN a few days ago. He told me about how there wasnt any sponsors for VF5 there. So most likely VF5 taiwan player will only get to go to Asia WCG and not to the World one at germany.

    Since for Asia WCG, Singapore Organizers are paying for everything. While WCG World Finals, local organizers have to pay for their own players.

    Hope you guys can resolve all this issues and just have a small qualifiers in a room with 1 360 or something /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    From the player brochure I've received, all WCG entrants will be accomodated at:

    Downtown East (Costa Sands Resort) - Players' Village
    Website: http://www.downtowneast.com.sg
    Address: 1 Pasir Ris Close, Singapore 519599

    The Tournament Venue is located at:

    Suntec Singapore Hall 402, 403
    Website: http://www.suntecsingapore.com
    Address: 1 Raffles Boulevard, Suntec City, Singapore 039593

    Looking on the map, it seems the resort is pretty far from the venue. However, it is stated that every morning and evening, shuttle buses will be provided to ferry the players to and fro from the tournament venue.

    It would be great if we can organise something just for the VF players. But if we do, you'll just need to consider the location with the above in mind, and any transportation constraints.
  15. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Yea its always the same place. But Singaporeans are not entitled to stay there.

    Anyway, we are having great difficulties finding a place lol. It is national day for us.

    Its easy to get to Suntec just take a cab. 4 person sharing a cab is cheap.
  16. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Uh oh, loose lips sink ships.

    Anyway, I hope, if not already, this matter is sorted out beforehand. I think you don't pay for that accomodation.
  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim Member

    Buyaodawo, I suggest holding a VF dinner outing on Aug 9th and 10th if we can't get a place to meet to play VF. We can always do it at the local arcade scenes.. doubt they will want to play on a .. ahem Ver B cabinet. We should plan for that.
  18. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Erm... Ya that will be pointless to play on Ver B. Especially asking pple who only played Ver C -_-;

    Just chatting will be too boring for gamers... The best is still to chat while waiting for your turn to play. Its a once in a life time thing to get to play against so many countries.
  19. MinusCA

    MinusCA Member

    Here are the Groups:
    Group A
    China PR
    Korea Republic

    Group B

    Group C
    Hong Kong SAR
    New Zealand

    Group D

    Top 2 from each group advance, good luck to all players
  20. LuCieD

    LuCieD Active Member

    Buyaodawo81, so you are tetra?
    hey, Im the same dude that represent DOA past years from Indonesia. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    anyway, Can I change the group? lol

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