WCG 2009 Grand Final Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    I played against Fuudo and lost then Shinz and lost again.

    Almost beat shinz. We went to the last round and I lost. Screw up on some inputs = dead. Shinz picked Jacky instead of Akira. I didnt play against ANY jacky for the past year. Which makes it a crazy match for me. Forgotten like everything. I could beat his Akira easily cos of Danny's helpful training!

    After Gama won Flash, I pretty much gave up cos I really expect Shinz to win. And only top 2 will move up. I was like randomly playing at that point of time already. Points didnt really matter to me [​IMG]

    At this point of time its gonna probably be, 1st Fuudo, 2nd Rico, 3rd Shinz. I am the only person who managed to win Fuudo twice in a row. Rico lost 10-1 with his Lei Fei. Unless he pull some special strategy up. Fuudo gonna take this one. Fuudo is a nice person really. Hope he wins, he deserves to!
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    CORRECTION~! i got 5 on fuudo! [​IMG]

    and gama's kage play threw me off at the tournament. during casuals tho, i was owning him 14 - 0. so i dunno wtf happened [​IMG] really caught me by surprise.

    my match vs shinz was down to the wire. i guessed correctly on what he was gonna do as a final attack but i fuckin reacted too early and lost!!!! cant wait to see this replay. it was fucking incredible.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like both of you had closed matches with ShinZ!!! Cool!!
    Well, based on what Tetra described above, I think Fuudo will take this easy money with no threat:) Of course he deserves this too~
  4. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    oh yeah...

    fuudo's offense, defense, spacing, and reaction speed is unparalleled. he's super humble, super nice, and fun to hang out with! it saddens me that we don't have any players in the states with such caliber. we will never achieve his level. his level is just fucking inspirational. my reaction speed alone has improved within a matter of 2 days. this is truly an experience i will never forget...

  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    It's too bad you were training with Akira but ShinZ already switched his main since VF4. During every official tournaments, he barely used Akira.(Of course he's still good at Akira, and pretty much all the characters.)

    The 1st. place is guaranteed almost, but 2nd and 3rd is not.
    If you saw what they did back to the WCG Korea this year, shit happened!!
  6. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Why does korea send 2 players to WCG for vf let alone in separate brackets. That shit is really wack!
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Sponsors word has some weight.
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    I thought it was down to whoever was hosting. Didn't Germany get like two or three places last year ?

    Maybe next year they could do a team tournament or something. Now that would be sick... [​IMG]
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I hate to say that but sponsors do have the weight and this kind of situation happened before, such as in separate brackets or don't commit the champ due to some international issue...

    If what I remember is correct, each country allowed to send two players but the 2nd. spot need to pay by himself. Maybe ShinZ relaizes that he has more chance to earn the extra money so he participate this year.
  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that it's entirely up to the local WCG sponsors to choose their players and the funding. If WCG Canada wanted to fund a second player, then they could have sent a second player. WCG International doesn't care, really - the funding is entirely in the country's hands.

    Korea has two players because Korea has 2 players. It's nothing complicated. It's highly likely that his trip is subsidized by WCG Korea. Last year Germany had 3 - and I'm assuming it was Germany given the option to fill up the brackets to make the numbers work out nicely (4 groups of 6, etc). Who knows, if VF is in WCG next year, the Grand Finals are in Los Angeles and perhaps there'll be more than 1 US spot too.

    There's quite a few people who could be here but their local sponsors did not have the funds to send people to China for all games. I was talking to the New Zealand team management and they actually paid out of pocket to subsidize their team's travel costs since their sponsors did not have the cash this year.

    re Korea in different brackets - there's an official page on WCG.com that describes the rules regarding bracket creation. I believe there's a section on players from the same country being separated - it says something like "if a player from the same country is drawn in the same bracket, the draw is redone, bla bla".

    Overall, with the bracketing the way it was done, the top 3 players are in the semi finals - this is no surprise. Very rarely in any sport or gaming event does the final 4 truly contain the top 4 competitors; it's the nature of competition.

    I've had a blast and it's been really inspiring to play against players like Fuudo, ShinZ and Rikojjang, to be honest. On top of that, the opportunity to have a mini gathering with stprock, Rayne, Tetra, Flash, etc., has been awesome.

    Fingers crossed VF is included next year. With a potential 2 medals for Korea in VF this year, it very well could be.
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Did you guys record any matches up there?
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Semi final results updated in first post.

    Final: ShinZ vs Fuudo

    3rd place play off: Rikojjang vs stprock
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Finals results updated in first post.

    1st - Fuudo
    2nd - ShinZ
    3rd - Rikojjang
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Hopefully we can get the videos asap~
    Thanks for the results post Myke~
  16. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I guess I should ask Foodo to get something to drink for me in this winter hehe.
  17. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    WCG 2010 Games Voting!
    Please vote for VF5 and an other than tekken 6 or street fighter IV because EVERYONE will vote for T6/SFIV...

    WCG 2010 Title Selection!

    i voted as second for dragonball ROFL.

  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Any info on that guy [​IMG]

    I'm asking because it looks to me like he's a PGR4 player sent for a free trip to China just because he happened to be at the mall the random day assigned for the VF5 qualifiers.
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    any footage from this event and does anyone know if Tetra ever got a chance to interview Shinz or Fuudo?


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