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What happens to girls on message boards?

Discussion in 'General' started by PompeyFraz, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. LobeliaM72

    LobeliaM72 Well-Known Member

    I used to. In my defense, though, I was much younger at the time. Lately, I don't tend to say much of anything when I play video games, especially fighters.
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Fuck just saw the pics and my eyes burn /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Couldn't you just have picked out a picture from google and paste it in?

    Just jokin /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif seriously though what I meant to say is well I guess you've proven your a girl /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif Actually no I don't believe it still I need more proof then pics, that could have been your friend for all I know and you were the cat.
  3. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Exactly, and some chicks don't think they are on uneven playing field, but rather that they deserve special treatment for being some sort of rare species. lol screw that. You have a good attitude though, keep it up =) Oh and nice matches in Garou (I too wish it was released on the PSN T.T).
  4. LobeliaM72

    LobeliaM72 Well-Known Member

    The only time I've ever met a "girl gamer" that I could stand was this girl named Tunesha. She's pretty much the girl gamer stereotype, minus the "I deserve special treatment" mantra, but she's very good at the games she plays, and she's a great sport. She's also criminally adorable. She has that powderpuff hairstyle that makes tiny skinny black girls look a little bit younger than they are, but it's so cute.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I just finish somking a shit load of sensi today. And I came across this thread. It reminded on how fucking retarded nerds get when they see female gamers in general. There were dudes about to start fapping when the DOA clan chicks showed up to WCG Fight Night in NYC. It fucked my head up the way this fools were reacting, seriously, it was 80 degrees in the NY with half naked New York females roaming the streets, and these maggots are going crazy over some mediocre looking females? I don't GIVE A FUCK IF THEY PLAY GAMES OR NOT, I'M PIPING WHAT LOOKS GOOD TO THE GOD, NAH MEAN!

    Oh shit Lobelia Prime, you got Samus in your Sig, nice. That's my baby girl right there. You know she's the fucking Janye Mansfield of video games, right? I fucking love that dead women. Diana Dors is another one.....Damn, females are to skinny this days....
  6. LobeliaM72

    LobeliaM72 Well-Known Member

    Samus Aran is the best action heroine of all time. Lara Croft can blow a fat cock(since that's all she's good for anyway).
  7. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I don't think shes even good for that, shes like those valley girls that nibble around the "prize" then actually getting down to business. I hate you, Lobelia. I'm of to play Metroid Prime, then jump into Super Metroid on VC. Damn, this sensi got me going.
  8. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Talking big isn't that much better than nerd lust.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    I hate to tell you this given that Violet is in fact female, she's not the only one of VFDC. I know two personally that visit
    VFDC reguarly. One of them wants to stay incognito, and I respect that so I won't reveal her, I think some of the other old time VFDC people know who she is (I think), the other one is my
    girl she's on VFDC reguarly mostly just reading posts and the wikis, she's not into posting but she enjoys all the wild sh#$ that she reads on here. when PSN gets a VF you'll see her tag as SUGI_PAI she's been a fan of VF and VFDC for at least 5 years maybe a little longer.

    Heck, most of the cats in our little Dojo wives, or girl friends play VF (at least casually) (that's a requirement to be in the dojo /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Bring Ur own gal) and some of them check out VFDC anonymously. You should not assume there are no girls on this message board simply because they don't come out and announce the fact. Like someone wrote in a previous post, what difference does it make what gender they are. Our community is too small to
    be picky. As long as they got skillz or are willing to get some skillz or just like the game at a casual level we should be glad
    they're down with VF.

    I try not to offend anyone in my posts if I can help it regardless of gender. Like I said I know two females that are on VFDC fairly reguarly and a few who browse anonymously from time to time.
  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Women should stick to hoovering around the house and cooking. They are so useless at Virtual Fighter!!!
  11. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3

    <object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/_SXNAtwYMBw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_SXNAtwYMBw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>[/quote]
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Wiigina is better!


    I'd post pics but it'd be naughty
  13. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    I really hope you're kidding.

    And that Shii thing is sort of crossing the line, because of the sheer amount of 'get in the kitchen and/or suck my cock' jokes.
    I have a Wii, albeit I only play RE:UC, HotD:O, TvC and Castlevania: Judgment on it. MarioKart and Smash got boring.
  14. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    Wow, if I was a cat, I'm really good at typing. And playing Garou. For a cat.

    ... You really are just begging for timestamps. Or some camwhoring. Not gonna happen. x33333

    Oh... and that kitty might be dead. My mom threw it outside after I moved out, because she's a horrible person. Thanks for reminding me.
  15. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You'll have to excuse Matt. He hasn't been the same since the "suitcase incident".
  16. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    Suitcase incident?
  17. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Yes. Since then, Matt has....changed. And not for the better.
  18. Violet

    Violet Well-Known Member

    Well, yes, I got that part.
    But what was the suitcase incident?
  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It was just one of those crazy things that happens when you're away from home and going to play VF.

    However, we haven't even begun to scratch the surface. Stuff like the "Twenty Quid Cake" incident or the repeated "Ticket Error" incidents. That said, Matt wasn't involved in those.

    It was pretty good cake though.
  20. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    I heard Matt did the Baltimora immediately after the suitcase incident.

    Note: I'm still not quite sure what the 'suitcase incident' is.
    We just like trying to piss Matt off.

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