what improvements will the 360 version have

Discussion in 'Console' started by 420Gamer4Life, May 10, 2007.

  1. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    If you think about it 420, it would be better to have either Ver B for the 360 or a patch for the PS3.

    For a start, version C doesn't contain fireballs, they are just balance adjustments to an already balanced game.

    Secondly, if there are two different versions of a game in the same country you end up with the problem of which version do you learn?

    And also which version does Evo use, go with the majority (xbox) and shit on the dedicated.

    If you're a fan of VF and hope that VF5 can kick start a big scene in the states it's far more important for synchronisation than getting the latest version.

    Just my opinion.
  2. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Man you have a hard on for the 360...
  3. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    One thing to bare in mind, is that they won't be able to update the PS3 version to C without upgrading the AI in both Arcade and Quest mode, because the attack patterns will be based on invalid data.

    Probably not a massive deal because they will have done the work for the XBOX version if that is the case.

    One major argument I think for having version B on the XBOX is the fact that the revenue generated by the Japanese arcade players learning how to play version C will become redundant if they have access to a perfect version for $100.
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Not really, since the AI now is already based on "invalid data", since it's Evo's AI cut and pasted. When the AI tries to do evade attack it does OM. It only does Kage's 3P, not 3PP and so on, and so on.
  5. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Hehe, fair play.
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I don't buy this argument for the average fan. The fact is that PS3 owners got VF5 months before 360 owners did. Most PS3 VF5 players aren't really going to be that upset that the 360 VF5 is a different version (if it even is) because...they probably won't ever even know. A casual gamer who picked up VF5 is not going to care if the 360 gets version C. This really only affects the fighting game, and VF community.

    As for PS3 getting version C I would not count on it. My bet would be that the PS3 and 360 will eventually get a release of VF5:Evolution down the road.
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    The fact is, that most ps3 owners do not even own vf5. Most don't care or have even really heard about it. The people that care about version can probably be all found here.
  8. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    saddly that's so true
  9. PaiGow

    PaiGow Active Member

    Not surprising considering that WHACK commercial. That commercial is extreme garbage. If I hadnt played VF4Evo, I probably would have skipped this one too and just d/l T5DR.

    I'm glad I didnt >:)
  10. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    the big problem is that arcades in japan are still popular and that is a great way to advertise. the other thing is all these kids are so spoiled with online gaming. dont get me wrong i love playing online games but i also remember a time when there was no online gaming and games still were fun to play. for example i remember when super nintendo first got SF2. i went nuts looking for that game and played the hell out of it. sorry but some of you kids are so spoiled with the whole online gaming thing. just cause a game is offline doesnt mean it sucks. those of you who want VF5 online so bad are the ones who have never experienced what its like to play someone in person. for me its much fun playing a friend in person. plus you can see there faces when they lose. so it does suck that VF5 is getting slammed for not being online but i guess if youve never really played it and dont understand how 1 frame can decide a match then i dont think you should have a say anyhow. put it this way no offense to DOA4 fans (heck i even play the DOA games) but for a fighting game purists who prefer gameplay, character balance over graphics and online play VF5 tops all 3D fighters bar none.
  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    sorry paigow i wouldve bought this game even if all the VF commercials where whack. why because ive been playing VF since the first one came out in arcades. not only is the VF series my favorite fighting franchise it might be my favorite games that are released. i love playing my friends on VF games. if you can imagine arcades are all over japan and people even play them on the way to work. sometimes thats all the time you have to play games if your busy working. so thats a big reason why VF5 is so much more popular in japan. the japanese understand just because a game isnt online doesnt mean it sucks. i love online gameing but some of you cant live without it. i remember when there was no online gaming. some of you guys are so spoiled. oh yea forgot i need to pick up pans labyrinth today. if any of you here any new info on the 360 version of VF5 let me know id appreciate it thanks
  12. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    The premier 3D fighting franchise finally journeys to Xbox - and it's looking its best
    Words: Christian Nutt
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    Before you launch into this preview, don't miss our EXCLUSIVE developer video interview or our tour of the most competitive Virtua Fighter 5 arcade in Tokyo - click here. Get informed!

    By now, PlayStation 3 gamers have had their hands on the superb Virtua Fighter 5 for over two months - and we can attest, it's a fantastic fighter on that platform. Guess what? The first glimpses we've had of the 360 version, thanks to a trip to developer AM2's headquarters in Tokyo, suggest that the game is going to be just as good - if not better - on the Xbox 360.

    Unfortunately, the tight-lipped developers aren't ready to release details on most of the enhancements. As we expected, true online play on Xbox Live is off the table, since VF5 requires one-sixtieth of a second precision to deliver the fastest and most balanced fighting gameplay known to man. Current network performance simply cannot live up to that. We do know that the game will be receiving some tweaks over the PS3 version, including better anti-aliasing - to make the graphics look smoother. The game will also get analog control - the arcade version, of course, doesn't use it, but the unresponsive Xbox 360 D-pad makes it a must.
    Big Screen, Main Screen
  13. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    go check gameradar.com. or is the whole world lying. i told the when a game gets released later on another system it usually gets little touch ups or extra content but i know some of you are still going to say no its lies all lies until i hear it from sega. its confirmed that the game is at least supporting the analog and is suppose to run slightly smoother. its not a big deal but if youve waited a long time for this game it helps. its not that im a 360 fanboy its just that im not a sony fanboy. both of these systems deserve to have this game. some of you just dont want VF5 to be on 360. its only going to give VF more exposure. lets face it if the sale of this game are really poor why would they keep releasing it here in the states? i own a PS3 and boo hoo if some of you are still crying over the whole losing VF5 as an exclusive. oh well get over it. good im glad everyone with a PS3 and 360 will have this game. why are some of you so mad about the 360 getting this game get over it.
  14. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Dude, who are you talking to? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    420, give it a rest, seriously because:
    1. You're giving nothing but speculation and claiming it all to be confirmed
    2. Even the stuff you're showing is relatively old, and anyone interested in this post has probably read it
    3. The only thing you're trying to truthfully accomplish is getting the stupid title to change from "journeyman" to "pooh-bah" or something like that hence posting five times in a row.
    4. For the love of God give us paragraphs!
  16. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Hear, hear!
  17. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Damn it I love your avatar!!! SWEEP THE LEG!!! CLASSIC!!! But yeah I think everyone here is sick of hearing about what is or isn?t going to be in the 360 version. Im just happy that this will make scene bigger.
  18. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    whoa first of all destro you suck on tengu boobs and play with your gi joes in the nude. in fact i bet destro's up your arse in a condom. for the rest of you quit hating aren we hear to talk about VF. i apologize if i dont take the time to make my posts perfect but this isnt a term paper. if you dont like my posts and my topics well then why are you still reading them and commenting? some of you need to get a life. you know maybe meet a girl. instead you guys choose to hold hands. if you dont like my topics and posts dont read them. oh wait you hate them so much you have too. anyway if any of you want to talk about the topic instead of acting like little bitches and talking shit go right ahead. you guys that are talking all this smack are so tough when you guys are online i guarantee you guys wouldnt be talking to me like that in person. oh yea the rest of you are cool. so if you guys dont like the topic or posts dont respond. its not a big deal its like some of you like making yourselves mad. anyway if any of arent bitter lets talk about how cool it is that VF5 is going to going to be released again and possibly with polished graphics and additional content.
  19. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    this coming from someone who writes 5x more than me and is fully prepared to bust a nut as soon as his post count gets high enough to get to the next level...

    We WANT to talk about how cool it will be, once we get actual confirmation. Anticipation is one thing, and speculation is another. Sites are saying "Wouldn't it be cool if...?" all the time, and remember, VF sales aren't half as high in the states as it is in Japan, not to mention they didn't even bother to release Final Tuned last time.

    Why would those of us who have seen the exact OPPOSITE of what you're saying occur, follow your unjustified jerking session?

    Sure, SOME developers reward that kind of wait, but how many times has Sega done it?
  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Everybody was kung-fu fighting, HOOH!

    Those cats were fast as lightning

    In fact it was a lil bit frightening, HOOH!

    But they moved with expert timing.

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