What is Jeff's equalizer?

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by Aeon, May 21, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    From 1/60, the elbow data for Aoi and Lau are verified for ver.A only:

    Lau's [6][P]:
    exe: 14
    hit: 1
    recovery: 38
    frame difference (grd, hit, counter): -4, 0, +6

    Aoi's [6][P]:
    exe: 14
    hit: 3
    recovery: 39
    frame difference (grd, hit, counter): -5, -1, +5
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Where do they "verify" this stuff?
    Just curious.

    I'd really need to use Lau to tell. I guess the obvious difference is [6][P][P] isn't throw counterable on block - Aoi's is. That pressure alone tends to throw the "what if's" out there.
  3. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    They verified it with machines?

    Lau's [6][P][P] is mid, high. Aoi's [6][P][P] is mid, mid. I think its only fair for it to be at least throw counterable.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    G-cancellable helps as well I suppose.

    Stats I'd really like to know is the window you have to NOT throw out the second [P], and do another elbow. I'm convinced Lau's window is much shorter. You can continously see Lau throwing out a [6][P] - it just doesn't work w/ AOi. Logic tells me it's recovery, but that doesn't seem right.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:

    Stats I'd really like to know is the window you have to NOT throw out the second [P], and do another elbow. I'm convinced Lau's window is much shorter. You can continously see Lau throwing out a [6][P] - it just doesn't work w/ AOi. Logic tells me it's recovery, but that doesn't seem right.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you check the 1/60 site, it actually has frame information for combo input.

    For Lau's elbow-palm, [6][P][P], it's listed as: 6(7)P(25)P

    This means you have a maximum of 7 frames from the [6] input to enter a [P] to register an elbow. If you input [P] one frame too late (i.e. on the 8th frame) you'll just get a standing punch. Similarly, you have a maximum of 25 frames after the elbow to enter the [P] for the Palm.

    For Aoi's [6][P][P], it's: 6(5)P(38)P

    In comparison to Lau, she has more time to delay the 2nd input.
  6. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    The earliest opportunity for another elbow is right after you recover from the first elbow, there is no other way around this. The only difference between the 2 elbows is the delayability(?) of the second move. Aoi can wait for 38f before unleashing the second part of [6][P][P] but Lau's window is only 25f.

    When you guard cancel the second part(hit G after the elbow), the only difference is just 1f because Aoi recovers at -5 while Lau recovers at -4.
  7. Homer

    Homer Member

    What da hell r u talking bout you sound like a geek talking bout his new computer to is friends /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yes, I'm a geek. I also like to help people and have a decent sense of humor, but I'm touchy and have a low tolerance for people fucking with me.

    You will find that VF has a lot of geeky stuff in it, if geeky stuff like numbers and whatnot turns you off, maybe try another site.
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Alucard - I didn't see your post. That's the information I wanted to know. I talk about Lau's abusable elbows, and some people fire back with, "Well, what about Aoi's". It's just not abusable in the same fashion, now is it. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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