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What new FPSes are you guys playing?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sharp7, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Red Orch. 2
  2. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    None tbh. Used to play a lot of Halo CE, 2 & 3 back in the day though. I always valued the old school type of fps where you start with a good balanced weapon, stuff spawn out on the map, and you actually have health. The "frag on sight" formula never really appealed to me. I like the fact that in games like Quake, if someone comes from behind it doesn't mean certain death. If you are better you can turn around and outplay them, wich seems fair. The map control aspect also changes drastically with cleverly placed weapons and powerups on the maps.

    Co-op Ghost Recon was also one of my favorites. On the current gen consoles a great (but overlooked) game is Shadowrun. Great competitive fps wich is like counter-strike but with magic spells and guns and stuff. Love Shadowrun.
  3. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    Quakelive (basically Quake 3 Arena free to play with a few upgrades and playable in a browser)

    Fast. Faster. Fastest. Tribes: Ascend!

    Next to VF5 these are about the only games i have currently time for.

    But i wouldn´t spurn a good deathmatch in UT99, UT2k4, Voyager: Elite Force or Counterstrike 1.6

    Seems hard to get the latters nowadays though. :-(
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Transformers FOC
  5. Hutcho

    Hutcho Member

    Gears Of War 3

    Mass Effect 3


    Did play COD/MW3 but got boring when i got 10th prestige
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Yeah, while I was really interested in DayZ, I had considerable trouble figuring out the controls for the janky Arma 2 engine. Hopefully it goes stand alone before I give it another try!

    While Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is a TPS, I still think it looks spectacular. The prequel was perhaps a bit under-appreciated, imo. The way the game redoesthe TF universe again seems like a great idea at this point, given how mediocre the Michael Bay reboot is. These games are far more faithful to the original TV show, that's for sure.

    Another series of FPS I suggest are the STALKER games, in particular Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat. The first is a bit rough around the edges, but totally serviceable by mods if it's off-putting. The second is a bit more of a sandbox/less of a story to tell, and there are fewer "scary" underground parts, but the setting is a bit more faithfully modeled on the area around Chernobyl. The combat mechanics in Call of Pripyat are much better as well. Both games have this great post-Soviet mysterious abandoned buildings inhabited by mutants and mercenaries thing going on. The game also has a system with some halting (but still interesting) attempts at creating procedurally generated interactions between NPCs - meaning you'll regularly see the various factions, mutants, etc. fighting it out as you're on your way, and you can choose to intervene or even loot the NPCs that don't make it!

    Here are some images I took of Call of Pripyat with the HUD off: click
  7. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Ya I have STALKER, I played some of it and it was great (Modded the graphics and bag size). As far as single player FPS goes stalker is really up there!

    I'm surprised transformers is so good. Is it competitive? I might try it out next big sale.

    I've heard great things about quakelive too! Awesome that its browser based!

    Gonna try out tribes I finally got it downloaded (shitty college internet).
  8. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Well, Fall of Cybertron's SP got a little repetitive, the PC port had this weird issue of being locked at 30fps, but the story/universe reboot in it is great if you're even a casual fan of Transformers. I like the look of the game too, since the Unreal engine 3/glossy/neon look actually suits a bunch of robots fighting a big war.

    No idea about the multiplayer, it got abandoned pretty quick for some reason. I'll try to get on the demo again later today.
  9. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    I've been switching between Battlefield 3, and MW3, but I've been play a lot of MW3.
  10. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    I've been switching between Battlefield 3, and MW3, but I've been play a lot of MW3.
  11. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I'm just waiting to get into Planetside 2 beta.
    FPS game with a few thousands of players per server.
    Kinda old official presentation of the game.

    Kinda less old E3 footage from random players, commented by Total Biscuit.
  12. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Wow planet side seems like a monumental accomplishment.

    I tried warsow and it seems REALLY GOOD. If you like quake I highly recommend.
  13. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    as a battlefield player, you KNOW im gonna be ALL over planetside 2. been waiting on that beta for too long [​IMG]
  14. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Ya should be on PAYDAY. Great PSN/PC game
  15. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I've never played BF, but played PS1 and have been waiting for PS2 since a few weeks before the rumors were ... made official?
    I can't remember the verb.
    So, I feel your pain. Luckily the wait should be almost over, entry into closed beta is a matter of days or weeks depending on our luck. [​IMG]
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    speaking of waiting for PS2, this video is quite nice

  17. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    None, but I'll most likely be getting Borderlands 2. Any other PC dudes getting it?
  18. Northofself

    Northofself Member

    I'm drooling over the new Tribes, but don't really have the time, money, or computer for it. :(
  19. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised that this last PS2 video is serious, it looks very much like a parody, but I've checked the comments on youtube and I was wrong.

    Hey that's nice.

    I never played Tribes before Ascend, and yet I'm in the same boat as most(?) vocal veterans. The Spinfusors are extremely fun to use, but completely worthless. There's no reason not to use a generic rifle. So you have to choose between fun that is mostly unique to Tribes, or power with something that you can find in any other FPS.
  20. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I dunno I played tribes and was getting top scores in my server just using spinfusors. Just figure out where an enemy is going to land, shoot there, and do a shitton of damage. Then switch to the shotgun to finish them off. (I played scout if you couldn't tell lol)

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