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What's your raw reaction speed? Test inside

Discussion in 'General' started by MAXIMUM, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. LDbob

    LDbob Member


    I feel I really must take a break from working (working, working, working.. too much..), and reply in this thread!

    Just some ramblings written down over the day..

    Reactions --> You may notice, that people with good reactions on these types of online-tests, dont neccessarily have good reactions "in game" - and vice versa.
    I believe, that this is because, sometimes, players dont focus on the right things while "in-game".
    Like for instance, every time you attack with a move, you could/should know if it is a MC or not; this is because you could/should be looking at, or at least be aware of, what your opponent is doing - if he is doing a move, and you have just pressed a button, you will know that the next hit from either side will be MC (or sometimes mC) no matter what.

    Doing this, you can possibly "hit confirm", with some success, the deadly twin pistons of Heihachi in Tekken (df+LP, RP), or Law's various strings that can combo into a flip kick on CH (ex. d+RK, LK). If you do not pay attention on the opponents status, and only look for the "yellow flash" or the hit effect, there is no way you can do this type of confirm.
    In sf3: third strike, you might be able to make up the whole difference between a "competent" player and a "skilled" player by just using this type of confirm for a little bit in various situations.

    I'm sorry I don't know any extreme examples of this for Virtua Fighter, but in VF it can be important to do this every single punch, every single hit, every single evade - which is hard.

    Which brings us to an other point:

    VF slow game? --> VF is a very, very fast game. I think someone mentioned Marvel2. Maybe, marvel2 is faster - for blocking and for changing direction of play/option quickly. You certainly need to have a certain amount of reactions to be able to even block in that game.
    But in general, I believe 3d games (Tekken and VF) are initially faster and harder, as far as it comes to reaction speed and the importance of it, than the general 2d game (3s, GG, cvs2).

    As someone said, you can't really block most of the moves on reaction in 3s anyway, so simple game play in 3s is not very reaction intense.
    However, the focus you dont use to block attacks on reaction in 3s, can instead be put on reacting to other things. to be continued -->

    continuing --> In 3s it is generally easy to break a dash in throw, but its often not so bad to fail, while in tekken it is maybe as easy, but much more neccessary to break almost every throw. Meanwhile, it is of extreme importance in 3s to not miss-confirm a super on block, while in tekken if your whiffpunish was a bit too late, its usually not a big problem.

    In VF, it can be a very big problem if you are a little bit late to react even in easy situations: TEG after whiffing your own throw, or not noticing that you were eating a P as MC rather than mC, and that is why I think that VF, initially, has the highest reaction-speed "requirements threshold" of the few games discussed, but this difference later becomes unrelevant when the skill level rises.

    Because, really, in every fighting game, most people can reach the threshold where they have "enough" reaction speed in order to play the game at a high level, while no one no matter how fast he is, can reach the upper limits of where even faster reaction speeds will become irrelevant. Thus, the level of reaction speed required will not be a big factor in how hard the game is to play.

    So, to get on topic, if you guys who are satisfied with your scores in this game can translate all of that focus and speed into your fighting game, that is where the challenge is..

    Oh, and a last point. Someone mentioned pereferial vision and how its faster... I sometimes play, while looking somewhere different from the screen, or not focusing the eyes.. this is just to get a faster reaction with whiff punish in tekken tag tournament, and it truly worked BUT.. you will not be able to react as accurately.. which is why this trick will be hard to use in real game, as oppossed to in this test.

    And someone also mentioned its faster to react to sound than light.. and I can only concurr and add that it is a VERY, VERY large difference between reaction to the different stimulis.. which is why it is so bad playing half circular throw-characters against an opponent sitting beside you, and also the reason I do not play king in tekken since we do not have a back to back setup in sweden ^^


    EDIT: To threadmaker: 221 ms is not bad.. you dont have to take my word for it, but I believe that if I tried the game I would get a worse score than you, but I dont feel that hinders me a bit in game play. If you have trouble reacting to things in VF.. train it!
  2. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    fun site, averaged 220 after 10 clicks, put my face like an inch from the screen, averaged 199, that really helps
  3. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Hey bob give me your msn. Skatan gave it to me but he isnt sure if its that one.

    And also, according to arcadia, average human reaction is 0.15~0.2 secs. They did a test online. Didnt mention how/where.
  4. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    274.4 average of 5 tries
  5. Vickers

    Vickers New Member

    233 on second try, a friend of mine however got 180 or something stupid (damn fps nuts).
  6. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    169.8 on 5 clicks

    Edit: Also I'm with Bob on everything he wrote.
    Having good reactions -can- help you but it all comes down to how well you can focus those reactions to help you in game.
    Knowing what to focus on and when is basically the key to learning how to react to things faster, that is why the longer you play a game for the slower it feels like it's going compared to when you first started learning it.

    To back that fact up I can block lows that are between 20-23 frames on reaction with a high percentage in DOA4, however, I have a much, much, lower percentage of doing it in VF.
  7. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I guess the highest propers in the world, are in order.

    That's fast stuff.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Apparently getting older has not dulled my reflexes as such, like my previous try proved (185,2 on 5 clicks, 50 clicks averaging at 194 or something), but I have found I have real tough time now finding the required concentration. Its like my mind wanders more than ever during play. I also cant keep up the concentration for long, so long vs sessions and long streaks normally dont happen to me.

    The WCG trip and playing against people there made me realize (and be reminded) the importance of reflexes ingame - and speed of adaptation that players like Itazan showed.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Indeed, I have found that as well /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
    Even at my heyday one persistent problem that I had was inputting throwescapes after my move got evaded, Im still not fast enough to react to that situation (even harder now with 0f throws). But in theory you could buffer a throw escape after nearly every move in VF, just in preparation that your move would get evaded. The timing is different whether the move hits or is blocked though. If the move whiffs then the blockstunperiod when opponent cant input a throw is skipped (throw escape window start and finish is counted from the moment throw starts). There can be huge difference. If the move is blocked you need to input the TE basically second time though if you want both chances covered. Because TE inputted with whiffed move timing would not be registered in block scenario due to throw starting that much later due to blockstun.

    Well, you could say that was my example of how you can "circumvent" the need for superfast reaction in this case, Im sure really good players do these kind of things in VF.

    Me, I cant even tell counterhit from the flash /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
    I only react to the floatheight, and judge combo and stance after that.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Oh, and a last point. Someone mentioned pereferial vision and how its faster... I sometimes play, while looking somewhere different from the screen, or not focusing the eyes.. this is just to get a faster reaction with whiff punish in tekken tag tournament, and it truly worked BUT.. you will not be able to react as accurately.. which is why this trick will be hard to use in real game, as oppossed to in this test.

    Periferal vision being faster to react to IS true, I found it myself back when I practised Aikido. However, Like I said I dont think its that useful when playing a game like VF where you also have to separate different scenarios very quickly.
  10. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

    210.2 first 5 clicks
  11. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    [​IMG] man im freakin slow now 323.8 in 5 clicks. my bad if i revive this thread just curious of my reaction speed using arcade stick as controller on ps3. it isnt fear hurting my game its slow execution when reading and reacting.
  12. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    What!? Numbers man you ain't that old, your reaction should definitely be better than 323 lol. I just averaged 228 which is good to see, since thats about what I averaged long long ago when I was hooked on CS and used to do these tests a lot lol. So at least I know I'm not getting slower... yet.
  13. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    is like the thing with catching the ruler.
  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    My average was 222.4 [​IMG]
  15. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I got 240-250 over a couple of goes.

    That makes me feel slightly better lol, what I got wasn't awesomely fast.

    I wonder what Fuudo/Chibita/Koedo's reaction times are?
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Average of 201.8, is that good?
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    On PS3 using his arcade stick, it says so in his post [​IMG]
  19. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    i got 240-250 IM ABOVE AVERAGE :*(

    edit- Wait nevermind, i just did it again and got like 180-210 rofl!

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