Where's B1 and IMF

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by CrewTW, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member


    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif poop

    I like these posts. Entertains me a lot.
    I wish Shang's shit-talk was half as cool as this.
  2. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Do u seriously think that for a split second, ur newest stunt is gonna help ppl change their mind n decide ' OMG CREW IS RIGHT!'?

    Absolutley not, which is quite sad. The last time I wrote something along the same lines it was more than 1 year or more ago and in reference to B1 and IMF. This is the reason I brought up the thread. They simply lost interest.

    Its great some people want to play for fun. But what about those that want cut throat competition and outright ego tripping or flaming? The kind originally exhibited and pushed down by B1?

    Vithdos is correct. In a comminity like ours Rivalry is what makes us stronger. If not the competative interest for "fun" can only last a year or two. At the end you wont be able to last with the 5 on that list. Sure you can be a member of the community though. That deserves respect too, creed, GD, DRE and others who help out; but it has nothing to do with the competative nature of the scene which I am calling out on.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myself and Danny are 'recruiting' like yourself.
    The difference is, as serious as Danny and myself are abt the game, we realise, at the end of the day, it is up to the individual.[/b]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup but if they only have one choice you don't present them with the competition they crave. Then there are players who are in it for the glory! It's a fighting game. They are here to show people they can kick ass and be #1.

    Incidentally we recently played Netron and Raider, when asked how they got so good in a shorrt amount of time they replied the cutthroat competition found in Shanghai.

    You see I feel like I do have a right to "judge" all the players on that list have openly complained to me that the lack of competition they have has hurt thier games.

    I built something here in NYC, a scene that works, a type of competition that works in the USA. In the years i've been playing I saw one scene in vf3 and another in 4. I feel like I know one forumla that works; and NYC is proof.

    All the talk about how there are so many people and players is only part of the equation. You see without me there would have been no Evo machine at CTF, hence no CTF crew. Without me we never would have met Kazu, no machine. Without me we never would have met Kyasao which led to a whole next level of things for the community. The most important thing is without the attitude I have about building a scene in NYC, with all the players we have, we wouldn't have one.

    If I quit and the right infrastructure isn't in place for people to take over my prediction is in 2005 there will be no FT NYC scene.

    If this community doesn't shape up and do less policing around it will never go beyond playing for fun. Which as I said there is nothing wrong with that but your missing the potential.

    Freddie I love you too man. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  3. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Thank god I live in Socal.

    Best group of guys and lady that I know... not one
    " a hole" among them.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:

    <font color="red">Me, </font><font color="orange">me, </font><font color="yellow">me, </font><font color="pink">me, </font>not to mention <font color="white">me, </font>and, in case you forgot, I'll remind you about <font color="orange">me </font>again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like that you contribute to the NYC scene by providing an Evo machine and what not. I think you insult your friends by claiming NYC wouldn't exist without you. I bet it would be different without you. But I'm pretty sure it wouldn't evaporate.

    I like to contribute to the SoCal scene by opening up my house and promoting get-togethers. I think my skills amount to "someone different to play against." But I don't think I can take credit for the SoCal scene because it wouldn't exist without all the other people around here that play VF. I imagine if I burned my house, crushed my VF discs, and killed myself, there would still be a SoCal scene.

    I think the SoCal crew works hard to be pleasant with each other. You can call that politically correct if you want. I think it has more to do with treating people how you want to be treated and teaching by example. I really like it when brand new players show up at SoCal get togethers and come away feeling accepted in our ever expanding and changing group. I really like that SoCal veterans come all the way out to my place on a regular basis. I don't feel I can thank them enough.

    SoCal skill levels still manage to increase noticeably despite us all having fun while we play VF.

    Like LPC73 says: "Thank god I live in Socal."

    Andy, I think you do well to add drama to VFDC. I certainly wanted to post in this thread after reading it.

    Oh, and thank you for reminding me...

    I miss Blonde_one and IMF. I wish they were still around.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Oh I do not present them a cut throat environment? That's why it isn't thriving?

    I am sorry.

    I play this game because I so enjoy playing the game.
    Being a kick ass, being able to declare myself as #1 is far from my mind.

    It is not in my nature to crush someone n walk away feeling ' WOW I AM SO SU GEH! SUUUU GAYYYYY! '

    (p.s there is only one guy that I will crush n repeatedly crush n actually feel no qualms about it. This is because he likes to beat up noobs and feel good abt himself. and yes, because I can crush him so easily..I do it just to let him know the taste of his own medicine)

    (hi hi SG ppl, I am not referring to any of u. But danny should know who I am talking abt. lol)

    Andy, you should also know that there are two sides to every coin.

    Do you honestly think that Danny n myself did not ever presented players with a 'cut throat' environment as you mentioned?

    Some players thrive on this sorta of environment.

    Others DON'T!

    you have to approach each individual differently, something that you have repeatedly over the years failed to understand.


    Perhaps I've changed due to the aussie-ness in me.
    Maybe you should spend some time down under with me.

    Yes, I know you still love me.
    anyway, I might as well let you know now, I am coming in december. Make sure u have a bed for me in ur living room ! XD
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Me

    So as long as we are on the "keeping the flame alive" theme....why not maryland/D.C...I've tried to put together multiple gatherings that MOST people have not gotten off their ass to come to, I've had to play with just one or two people since vf3 days and everytime money and time have permitted, I have been to gatherings and get togethers. Some other people here, such as my friend Wessely played against no one, just playing vf to try and improve without anybody....when Sumeragi came into the scene, we would play for about 4-6 hours a night...when life came calling, of course that dwindled a bit...but hell, what can you do? There are so many places that keep the flaim alive, not just NYC, TO, Florida, SoCal...but all the little towns n shit that have people playing and trying to get better that no one in their stuck up world will visit just because they are not on the same level or whatever other excuse; good or not, that they profer.
    Maybe with FT, we will see the NYC peeps traveling out a bit more?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    You're probably right, rivalries, preferably (but not necessarily) friendly ones can help a scene grow but I don't know about your attitude though. You didn't have to name the thread : Where's B1 and IMF but I guess that sounds more dramatic than : Rivalries thread ; Your opinion on rivalries ;... You pretty much knew what type of reactions you were going to get out of your first post before even posting. I think more ppl would've agreed with you had you not been so politically incorrect about it but atleast you're honest and straight forward, I like that. But it doesn't seem like everyone else here does. NY has a good scene that's good, and it's nice of you for giving out the blueprint to building a good scene (I guess) but you could've been a little more humble with the way you expressed yourself. You came off more like an arrogant ass than someone trying to help the NAVF scene, but you probably don't give a fuck, I'm assuming ofcourse. Also, you can be as competitive as you want but if you ain't playing for good cash or something valuable than in my book you're playing for fun. Which I think, I hope most ppl here do (talking about playing competitivly but for fun ofcourse). The contrary would be sad and pathetic imo.

    Trash talking and bragging is cool but I don't think the NAVF scene is ready for that yet, not enough hardcore players who don't play for ''fun''. You risk scaring ppl away more than getting them interesred, atleast that's my theory. As for B1 and IMF, since this is what this thread is supposedly about, you've got to realise that ppl have responsibilities some greater than others, some less. High level VF demands alot of time and dedication, you can play a videogame seriously for only so long until some of your responsibilites and other shit going on in your life, stressful or not catches up to you. I'm not trying to talk for them or defend them, I'm just guessing that's why they've stop playing, or maybe now they've just gone back to playing the game just for fun.

    Hold up...... Why da fuck am I being politically correct here ? Fuck New York, fuck Bad Boy, fuck Puffy, fuck Biggie... THUG LIFE !!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  8. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Yeah! Me too! So start polishing your sticks buttons! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  9. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well its 2003, Wheres B1 and IMF?

    Told Ya So.

    Not everyone has staying power. 2-2 1/2 years once VF isn't so fresh anymore....

    Well maybe FT....

    PFFF definately not deserving to be longterm hardcore.

    Much respect to the players like Shota, Ice, Myke, Sumeragi, a few TO guys, Emil etc. who took it to the very end or close of a 4+ year long journey with little to no competition; I personally probably wouldn't without being with the NYC'ers.

    In these days where MORE people play VF4 than 3, with more information, more movies, there seems to be less hardcore players.

    I feel for cappo, shou and maddy the top 3 in the country that have stayed competative without alot of proper competition arond them. I'd be seriously owned if they practiced weekly with us; definately honorary team nyc'ers

    As for IMF and B1.....Who are they again?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last time i saw andy was at NYG3.....that was 4 months after i started playing the game. Since then I've not seen andy travel "ONCE" to any VF event, let alone attend his own NYC events. Staying power? I've been to NYC 3 times, Korea once w/ a stop in Japan and Tit5. I'm happy where i left VF, on my shelf. Whenever you feel like coming to FL andy, just let me know...we can clear up a few things regarding VF and your theories /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  10. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member


    (couldn't resist the hype)

    Sad to say I haven't met Andy in the last four tourny / Meet's in the last half a year arond NY / NJ / Boston. I guess I gotta go to the CTF to play 'the best' hehe.
  11. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Hey blondie nice to see ya posting here, even if it's just to flame andy, at least you still read the boards once and a while. Tell everyone I say what's up!
  12. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    well reply to two people...

    [ QUOTE ]
    "I'm happy where i left VF, on my shelf. "

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well if leaving VF gathering dust, not playing with IMF and the others who cared for a little while makes you happy so be it.

    Reply to Namflow...

    Well he posted to flame me back. I told you flames and rivalries are NEEDED. The scene needs this. I could care less about B1's record because he quit.

    His boy Jedi complained to me he has no one to play...how about B1 getting up and playing with them or IMF?

    B1 has a fanboy's staying power. When the game is something new and hsa lots of people playing he can goto events goto Korea etc. but how long did that last? a year? 2 years? Not even. I guessed he would quit cause I've seen it in the past and I see it in B1/IMF.

    Back to B1...

    The both of you quit the way I said it would happen. End of Story. You said FUCK ME...I said fuck you cause without NYC you wont have any other scene who cares enough about getting good to give you competition a few years down the line.

    You said FL was the new hotness...you didn't need NYC...you guys were happy on VFDC...no more flames with me...

    Where are you today...? Your team?

    And thanks for proving my point...

    You havent posted anything except a FLAME!

    Thanks BOY!

    Have I proved to enough people that my "philosophy" may actually be true and BENEFIT the scene?

    Man 6/7 years of ACTIVELY building the scene has shown me one method of getting the scene going and has also shown me who sticks around in the long run.

    The people who have something to prove, who have a very high goal, who have rivalries, who build competition or seek competition

    or the people who care about the community and contribute information/resources/knowledge....these are the people who stick around since the USA community is so small.

    The people who push the vets around for a little while, get close to the NICE vfdc mods...these people are fanboys who quit like B1.

    Its fair to say in North America that other than LLAN (Owen) and his TO crew, ME and the NYC boys are the only active groups that consist of alot of the SAME original people.

    Its sad that on VFDC people dont try to emulate one of the styles to build a scene, one based on extreme rivalries/goals/win %'s and one on hard work and love for the game.

    To me both are good but there is no excuse that MORE people play VF4 than VF3 yet there is less competition.

    If VFDC were to change there is a shot that there would be more VF4 players with or without ME and NYC. For along time I avoided VFDC and nothing has improved.

    There is no excuse for this....blame VFDC...Blame Zerochan....blame the people who quit and come back only to flame.


    Note the comments above are MY opinion and are not associated with TeamNYC, CrewNYC, CTFCrew.
  13. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:
    Its sad that on VFDC people dont try to emulate one of the styles to build a scene...there is no excuse that MORE people play VF4 than VF3 yet there is less competition.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    VF is not popular in the US. Period. No one is going to "build a scene" for VF when they have the much more accessable and popular games that already have 10x the scene that VF does. You have an unpopular game, that is hard to learn, and has little flashiness compared to other games. Comine this with the fact that people already play other games and are biased toward them. With FT probably getting no US release (and even if it does, if it's any lower scale then Evo's release then it really won't matter anyway), and TK5 hype building, VF popularity is going nowhere but down until VF5.
  14. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:
    Well he posted to flame me back. I told you flames and rivalries are NEEDED. The scene needs this. I could care less about B1's record because he quit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, coz there's only one right way to do things. Building a scene based on civility, mutual respect, perhaps even *gasp* attempting to be polite to others is something that can't be done, can it? I mean, you can't have a rivalry without flaming, can you?

    I guess that means I've been doin my rivalries all wrong.
  15. MadAoi

    MadAoi Member

    Now, I don't really know what all this is about, and I really don't want to get involved. But I would like to ask you a question.
    May I ask why you quit VF? My guess would be either lack of time, or you got tired of all the b.s. going on in the community.
    I'm not taking sides or anything and I'm asking out of curiosity. I've spent a few days reading a lot of the flame-threads (I usually skip them) and to me it seems like people would get sick of all this crap (and it seems to have been going on for quite some time).
  16. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    People just get busy.
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hey, chiglet, remember Maryland!!! I've kept the flaime here since VF2!! Ben And Phil before he went to az where the scene here, hardcore.
  18. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:

    Well he posted to flame me back. I told you flames and rivalries are NEEDED...

    Have I proved to enough people that my "philosophy" may actually be true and BENEFIT the scene?

    Its sad that on VFDC people dont try to emulate one of the styles to build a scene, one based on extreme rivalries/goals/win %'s and one on hard work and love for the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it is obvious that the NYC scene has thrived not because of flames/rivalries but because of the number of people that live in NYC, having an arcade that has the game, and of course the gatherings for outside people to come and play. You are delirious if you think that it was the flames that was necessary...

    The reason most others havn't been able to "emulate" your success is because they lack the means to create an environment around them like the one in NYC (not talking about the flames)...

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:
    To me both are good but there is no excuse that MORE people play VF4 than VF3 yet there is less competition.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's the reason, and its not an excuse. Considerably less arcades have VF4/evo than VF3... During VF3 days we had to drive an hour to find an arcade that had the game... During VF4 times, the closest machine to us up in Rochester was in another country... The game in arcades fosters competition and interest, but it is clear that even if VF4 has sold more home units, the downfall of arcades and limited release of VF4 is the reason there is less competition...

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:
    B1 has a fanboy's staying power. When the game is something new and hsa lots of people playing he can goto events goto Korea etc. but how long did that last? a year? 2 years? Not even. I guessed he would quit cause I've seen it in the past and I see it in B1/IMF.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok maybe I missed something from your old post All About Blonde One where you talk about what a great player he is going to be to where you said he was going to stop playing...

    And to compare his interest in the game to the "lots of other" people that bought VF4 when it came out for PS2 is just wrong... He and IMF displayed a level of interest and dedication far beyond a casual player... If not you and I wouldn't be talking about them now, end of story...

  19. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Lemme repeat something if it's not painfully obvious.

    YOU were not around in VF3 days. You didn't see what happened. If what you say is TRUE we should have less VF4 players in NYC than VF3.

    We had 5 or more VF3 machines in NYC with people playing. We have 1 Evo machine that is .50 at CTF 1 for $1 at Laser Parl. WE HAVE MORE PEOPLE playing vf4 with less machines. Dont trick yourself into thinking we have lots of people so there is a scene to make yourself happy. Cause if that was true in VF3 our scene would have been huge.

    What kept us together and the scene alive was the hard work of a few people and the philosophies that we play by.

    I've been here 6/7 years. I've seen way more than you. Its the attitude of mod's on VFDC and pathetic scene in the USA. People aren't as tough as they used to be in VF3. The scene doesn't have it's Emil (A REAL BASTARD that I loved who screamed B......bbbbbb.......bodycheck, Rich, ICE, even the OLD shang was far worse in his old flames etc.. The worst we have now is SHOU.

    And your explanation why MORE people play vf4 yet there are less people who play than in VF3 days makes no sense cause BOTH scenes really took off when the games came out at home.

    Just look at the TRAFFIC at vfdc if you need any proof. What does that have to do with the number of Arcade machines or downfall of VF? VFDC has 10 times the traffic of the VF3 days.

    What's your explanation for that Alex? Why are there SO many people who play yet less hardcore comp?

    And YEAH you must have MISSED the entire mess about B1 and IMF not needing NYC and them stating they are the NEW hotness. I used to stick up for them and I would have till this day when they were fine with ME and NOT with VFDC, I told em good cause they'll stick around.

    The thread you brought up was BEFORE anyone liked them on VFDC. Thanks for defending me Alex. I love it.

    It was that way with many VF3 players who were not well liked on VFDC but stayed playing till the very end of VF3 and it is the same way now.

    Now where is your excuse for B1 quitting? I stayed out of it for years. No flames from me. No NYC involvement cause they said they didn't want or need me to be involved.

    If you really care about the scene; don't bite the hand that feeds you. (Boston's Shang/Jerky, TO's LLAN or ME)

    Cause like B1 and IMF if you dont have the MEANS (time, energy, commitment, money) to support your scene then you are full of hot air to build a scene or make claims in the first place.

    Where is the FL HOTNESS you so loved and so admired on VFDC?

  20. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CrewTW said:
    VFDC has 10 times the traffic of the VF3 days.

    [/ QUOTE ]

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