who are the best brad players that u guys know of?

Discussion in 'Brad' started by mrdj, May 10, 2008.

  1. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Man thats tough. I'll keep trying till I get it.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  3. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Interesting. I wonder how long it would've taken me to realize that on my own lol. Thanks man.
  4. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

  5. Wynstonian

    Wynstonian Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    shinn akira my name is wynstonian and im a brad player who is despretly trying to get better, my gamertag on xbl is wynstonian if you have a mic that would be great. or if you wanna send someone else instead of your self thats fine also.you and this brad player are the two best i've seen heres a link of one his fights.
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Hahaha, lmao!

    Shinn, there's a lot of people that I want to play online and you're one of them. Hopefully, if you like, we can play and hopefully get a good connection when I finally get on XBL. I can tell that there's a lot I can learn from you.
  7. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

  8. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Looks like Shinn_Akira is a big deal with Brad, would like to play him as well. The best Brad I've played online so far has been Blahzie, by far. Any other Brad's that want to get some player matches just send me friend invites and we'll get some games online.

    During the VF meetup in SoCal, Renzo and Tonyfamilia were top guys, do you guys play online? Send me friend requests if you do.
  9. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Lol, I ranked up! Shinn Akira, went from saying "gg" after he kicked my ass to "gg, nice brad" after he kicked my ass. :p I'm going for the gold ladies and gentleman.

    Yo PineTree, good matches the other day, you had some nice set-ups I hadn't encountered before. Good luck with your match against Shinn Akira. Lemme know how you do.
  10. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Ippo: Yea good games, we went back and forth with the wins, nice to play another brad player. We should get some more games sometime.

    Shink Akira: Finally got some games with you. HOLY SHIT man...everyone was right. I've never seen a brad like that, I was no match! I sent you a PM already, but let me just say THE BEST brad I've ever played. I seriously got my ass handed to me and then some. It was cool that you gave me advice, especially on blocking, I admit I'm attack crazy, and have to learn to be patient. I hardly block, and obviously you took advantage and kicked my ass every which way.

    Your top tier elite man, seriously! I hope you weren't put off by my brad as i seemed weak and pathetic against you, haha. It seemed like i didn't even try, after your games i felt like i was such a crappy shit player. Ended up playing some other people which i beat pretty easy. For a sec I thought i completely lost it with brad, but no...Shinn Akira is just a plain badass with brad and killed me is all, haha.

    I know I'm no match for you, but whenever you want to play some more let me know, or if you want to teach someone your skills i'm your apprentice man! You give me inspiration to step up my game and continue to learn brad and not just stay the same. One day I'll give you a good match, one day...

    Tonyfamilia...gotta play this guy, enough said.
  11. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Ya they were good games bro. you have the right offensive tools, ya just need to know when to go on the defensive. and to learn brads data. what moves are safe and what arn't I will be more than happy to teach you, but only if you listen ;).
  12. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Yooo im a new brad player and IL LOVE TO challenge some of you pros.

    i've faced blahzie before, hes BEAST, but i haven't even seen any of you other guys o_O

    so basically
    I CHALLENGE YOU!!! bradvsbrad duel! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    i could use some pointers too since i never got critiqued before
  13. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Blahzie hands down.
  14. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Its a tough call. Blahzie and Shinn play differently. Personally I have more trouble against Shinn. They are both amazing players though and the best I have seen on XBL.
  15. Blahzie

    Blahzie Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Just wanna chime in to say thanks first of all for the props, but man, I'm tellin' you guys Shinn is easily the strongest Brad I've seen. Every time I fight him I look like a kyu.

    But yeah, when you play him, watch his setups and learn... watch how he reacts to you... I think this is how AM2 meant for Brad to be played. You'll get better just by playing him, even if you don't win a round (which you might not, hehe). But you do gotta listen... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Special shot out to tony who I just recently got to play against... very strong, attacking from different angles and using throws effectively... made me freeze up a lot (well, more than usual at least /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ).
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    I'll agree, Shin hands down. No offense Blahzie, but i like to think of Shin as Blahzie on crack...in a good way.

    When I played DrFamilia i didn't see anything there.....?
    But then maybe its just b/c he's adjusting to his stick, give me a stick and i'll go out there and drop matches to everybody, lol, so i guess i have nothing to judge him on.
  17. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Blahzie. is growing very nicley as a brad. he is adapting and adding new techniques, and setups. he still sways after a successful pk.... BLAHZIE DON'T DO THAT!!!!! you have advantage. no need for fancy. just either throw or attack. never sway. it is good if blocked but not when you get hit or CH.

    and marlo

    hmm. never have played you, i don't think.
  18. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    DrFamilia! i know also! only good brad player i play yet =D
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Thanks, but I can't hold a candle to ShinnAkira's Brad.
    I SUCK /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    But it's cool though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif right now I'm going through what you could call my "hazing" phase where most people will kick my ass regardless of their skill.
    But just like DaBadSeed told me "You have to get your ass kicked online first before you can get better." It's like a different game sometimes depending on lag. Plus I'm not good with the stick yet which makes it worse but I still have fun /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I haven't played a lot of people yet but ShinnAkira's Brad is the best I've played online yet. It's just wishful thinking but if I could play him offline and with the PS3 pad it would be so much more fun for me.
    Sometimes I'll see ShinnAkira coming at me with LD and I'll be certain that he's going to go for P+K, the guard staggering straight, so I'll be like "Ok, I'm going to Slip and catch him with a gut/head punch" I go to Slip and no Slip comes out O_O "ah, fuck".
    I'm still having problems with moves that require me to press all three buttons. That's why I don't even bother trying to OM during an online match. Inputs such as those I get them right about 60% of the time, not exactly what I'd call a "good Brad" XD

    I'm a pad player at heart just like ShinnAkira but I wont give up on the stick or map out my buttons. I'm going to plow through and continue attending the school of Hard Knocks.
    I would love to play ShinnAkira and do all of that crazy stuff I used to do on the PS3. His well-executed Long Ducking versus my crazy Phase Turning, that'd be kickass!

    For the record though, I'm not that good, my defense sucks but Renzo's Brad is really good though, calculating and precise. My Brad is wreckless and throws caution to the wind whenever possible /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    Maybe one day I'll step my game up and I'll be able to give you online warriors more fun-filled fights than what I can now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  20. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    To Blahzie who i played yesturday-

    The match i won, u should have tried to use a few quick moves such as P or 2P instead of freezing up as you did lol.

    You kicked my ass in the other matches though :p when you build momentum you do A LOT OF DAMAGE really fast with all those hard hitting moves and long combos o_O. You should try to put in a few more short combos or something cause your range game is i think a little weak IMO. Prob cause you either play it TOO SAFE (stand there blocking) or TOO dangerous (charge in for a powerful attack that gets CHed)

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