who are the best brad players that u guys know of?

Discussion in 'Brad' started by mrdj, May 10, 2008.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    I honestly think there has been some evolution of peoples skill with the chance to play online. I know what you mean about getting served when you first start. A lot of players have come a long way from where they started, I think I sure have.

    Shinn_Akira has the best Brad, it's not just you thinking that. I think part of it is how ridiculously good his movement is. When he uses Brad's movement options like that, he's very hard to hit and can surprise you with his constantly-changing options. If you're not watching closely or don't know which stance is which, you're not gonna know what's coming.

    Don't tech-roll against him either.

    If you don't find you've gotten much better after playing a lot of online games I will be surprised. I think it's a must, in the current-day VF playing field, to get really good. Just the amount of practice alone helps a ton.

    I find it interesting you're having trouble using moves with all three buttons. I found those moves so much easier on a stick with the big, arcade buttons. I use the top three buttons instead of the A button to block, but I don't think it should make a big difference. The stick skills will come faster than you think. Don't underestimate the power of dojo mode either, input displays are key to figuring out what you're not doing right.
  2. Blahzie

    Blahzie Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    First, I wanna say thanks to sensei Shinn for the advice, and after you mentioned it, I noticed that I do sway almost every damn time after pk... that crap only works against people who either freeze up after PK or go for a big move... So I'm trying different stuff after PK... 4p and P+K seem pretty good, but nobody seems to freeze up long enough for throw though...

    And thanks to Sharp 7, but I abhor 2p and only use i when I absolutely have to. Now that I sorta know how to deal with low punch, I still think it's entirely too good in ver. C, and when I use it I feel cheap. There's no sense of accomplishment if I win by just waiting for people to start attacking then throwing out 2p>quick attack or throw.

    Flashy stuff is a lot more fun (especially when buzzin :D), but I lose more than I should because of it.
  3. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    I played J6Commander's Brad last night and I have to say he might be better than Shinn_Akira.

    I think J6Commander is actually one of the most slept on players here period. He's really fucking good.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    He's alright with Lion though.I played him awhile ago and he gave me a little battle with his lion till i figured him out. Ran off 4 in a row and he broke out. Not even a good game or nothing after i said so. GernBurgs Im not done with your ass by Longshot. Link with me soon.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    i didnt find his cage tough, but who knows with only a handful of games
  6. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    I hate to do a shameless plug, but I have to agree about J6Commander. I played that guy in 12 straight matches and only won 3 of them.

    I posted each and every fight in the Video Forum.
  7. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

  8. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Wynstonian has upped his game tremendously since the last time I had played him. His Brad was so nice I just had to stop and watch for bit. Its nice to see players evolve so much over time. So yeah, keep an eye on him, if he keeps improving at this pace he's going to be an even more amazing player.
  9. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    Do any of these top Brad players blog about the learning process or improving their Brad game? I noticed that Konjou's got an Akira/Kage blog, and that's pretty good reading for someone like myself trying to figure out the basics and then shift into high gear with the more advanced stuff. Anything like this related specifically to Brad would be great.

  10. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Re: who are the best brad players that u guys know

    I would contribute to a larger effort if I thought it would actually help or work towards some goal or something. Right now there is only guy I "discuss" Brad with is Wyn. It doesn't sound like a bad idea just not a practical one.
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.

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