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Why fighting games suck

Discussion in 'General' started by Seidon, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    <span style="font-size: 20pt">@Myke</span>, I'm civilized I don't say no to 'please'. But a few points of clarification are in order before I close my opinion on the matter.

    First my lack of physical stamina, and personal limitations
    were presented as examples in hopes of clarifiying a
    point. They were not presented as the major subject
    matter of this thread. Neither were they presented to
    invoke care, or engender sympathy. To the extent
    that there is rational discussion, the point of it
    was to get to the bottom of "Why fighting games suck"

    Second Many searches for the truth begin with gross
    generalization. We simply hope that it moves beyond
    that. Hence we present instances, data, examples,
    anecdotes to try to further refine the generalization

    Third On a message board dedicated to the fighting genre
    with so many members that play other genres of
    of video games, its natural from time to time for
    someone to begin a comparison however fruitless
    that comparison will end up. Most gamers are
    excited about the games they play and will discuss
    the merits (regardless to whether it makes sense
    or not). In this particular instance FPS were
    introduced within the context of
    "why fighting games suck" So its was a logical
    departure from there to where we are now.

    Fourth One of the useful metrics of a website is how many
    hits/views it gets. A web site that has no hits
    or views has very little value. You would be well
    served to see how many hits this thread has created
    for your web site.

    Fifth SHUT THE FUCK UP is not only rude, but inappropriate
    for the medium we're currently in. I'm not talking
    therefore SHUT UP is the wrong verb. I assume you
    mean to cease posting on this matter. A PM to me
    asking me to cease posting would have sufficed.
    But the approached you used was should I say

    Sixth You're not in a position to get personal with me.
    For your sake, that's a good thing. As I said,
    if you had a problem with any of my posts you could
    have PM'ed me expressed your concerns and that would
    have been that.

    If you're personally not interested in the thread,
    and you stated that you've never read so much bullshit
    in your life, why read the thread? Why not just
    let us ignorant folks continue on with a futile
    discussion. Especially since non of it was really
    directed at you. Nothing inappropriate was being
    posted so you didn't have to waste your time
    reading the bullshit. If you disagree with what
    I have to say, then make your case like anyone else.
    If you think the argument is beneath you, then
    move and don't bother.

    I think we've had this conversation 5 or so years ago. I'm old enough to be your father. So you please,., show some respect.

    You want to lower the hits and views of this website? You want to lower the activity that this website sees? Okay my friend, consider it done [​IMG]
  2. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but You type as if your still in 'lame ass grade school' and yet expect people to take your argument seriously?

  3. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    If Masterpo is truly old enough to be Myke's father, I genuinely feel sorry for him as it's crystal clear that he has been pissing his life away to the point of no return. He is obviously a man who struggled with low self-esteem for long.

    Clearly for a long time he has struggled to compensate for his low self-esteem not only through Eastern Kung Fu mumbo-jumbo, but also VIDEO GAMES and ONLINE TROLLING. (The sad part is that he only achieved expertise for the last of the list.) Through these efforts he only succeeded in digging himself deeper into his delusion, like the characters in Inception who (*minor spoiler*) dug themselves into Limbo.
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Hey pops, go cut the crab grass in the lawn instead of arguing over video games... or does that require too much stamina? Kinda sad that a fat old kung-fu master can only fend off one group of ninjas.

  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    unperturbed by logic
    common sense
    sense of shame
    more drivel
    post views
    post counts
    word counts
    Count Fucking Chocula
    cereal's gone
    why's my milk brown?
    gotta end it
    brevity is the soul of wit it
    so I says
    to the barkeep
    I says
    or Bangkok Necktie?
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    wtf is this shit? Honestly. I bet the guy who wrote that article is laughing his ass off. Games need physical training? Oh jebus. Masterpo, your kung fu does not work here.
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    fighting games suck
    thread lock before september
    VF5FS hype
  8. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    We're all really bored.
    Some of us make pointless threads.
    Me love you long time.
  9. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Haikus are fun, but
    Don't write any more, because
    You'll get called a troll.
  10. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Do I look like Feck?
    No I dont. I build houses.
    I'm not a loser.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    That is really mean.
    Say "sorry" to Feck now, or
    You'll hurt his feelings.
  12. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Ash I was joking.
    I actually like to
    hang on doors also.

    Beligerent Feck
    is really not a loser.
    A double haiku.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The poor Feck shivers
    Enveloped heartache soars
    Need to swing on doors
  14. leaveit2me

    leaveit2me Active Member

    see this is what im talking about...seems like most people just hating. Everybody just piling on masterpo for his alleged silly statements but nobody addresses all the absurd BS from the other posters. niggas saying that muscle memory isnt a skill and no one jumps on that?!?! thats just weak. i guess pro bowlers throw 13 strikes every time they bowl, since they learned the mechanics to roll a strike 20 years ago. same reason no one ever misses free throws. sooooo lame! We got cats saying that fatigue plays no part in gaming?!?!? WTF?! Seriously...nobody here realizes that fatigue plays into ANY physical activity. cmon, guess yall can just play piano for 80 hours straight, i mean even typing hurts after a while. And no one has anything to say about this nonsense? masterpo has caught Myke in a blatant contridiction(he even posted the quote), yet everybody seems to ignore it. i aint trying to hear that yall missed it, cause i been n this forum long enough to know that yall smarter than that. which only leaves dick riding and hating for why nobody mentions it. eveyone seems to agree with the assumption that chess is harder than checkers, so why does that "apples and oranges" comparison fly while none of the others do? as a matter of fact, not one person seems to disagree with any of my several "apples to oranges" comparison. but yall notice my language arts shortcomings, and choose to post on that instead.

    again, stop hatin

    and cuz, im pretty sure that i said i have to do both before i can give an opinion. and i haven't played goh, or disarmed bombs, or performed surgery. that much is clearly stated in my quote that u used...so i guess u did not really give much thought to it. i aint say shit about number of variables or anything like that. i just stated that after spending time with both u can "feel" it. no quantitative difinitive proof exists, cause u can't really PROVE that anything is true, u can really only proove falsehood. can anyone prove that F=MA? no, but u can tell that it works.

    Masterpo has eloquently posted 7 pieces of evidence to support his argument, can anybody dispute them rationally? if so please do... if not, then stop hatin
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Boop boop, boopboopboop, boopy boopidety boop!
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Dude i really don't know you in all but Seriously...................................... shut the Hell up and apply this energy to Dojo along with Master Po's Weak Ass. What i Said it!! Cry two tears in a bucket Fuck it... We can take it to ring.
  18. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Lock Thread? Feck tried to.
    He said that it does 'not work'.
    Hmm, kinda like Feck.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    So what, you think scientists just pulled this equation out of their asses? Please don't use science as an example when you know nothing about it.

    Oh, and don't use philosophy either. If your point is that there is no definitive as everything is built upon faith of your senses, that's fine. Maybe i should just ignore you for the rest of pseudo-time as you might not even exist.

  20. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member



    Are you serious? No one can prove this? Wow.

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