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Why is everybody playing 2D fighting games?

Discussion in 'General' started by IvorB, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Not far enough. Any and all capcom Marvel games are either unbalanced or plain broken. Xmen:COTA and MSH are both riddled with infinites.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I hate to break it to you, but if the game is full of:

    2)spammable moves/options and/or
    3)terribly balanced roster with nigh-unusable characters

    then it's a game with bad design.

    Not that you can't get something good from it. You can make something fun out of it. You can maybe find deep strategy within it. But you are playing the game outside how it was intended to be played when it was created. That's bad game design.

    Also, NONE of those games you listed see any play, let alone 'alot'. The exception would be MvC2, and that's stretching it, because I honestly see more people playing still playing the more obscure VSav than MvC2.

    Not to mention that Mike Z didn't 'copy' MvC2 for Skullgirls. Saying that is totally misleading. He examined the game, amongst many others (UMvC3,CvS2,old VS games, GG, Melty,SF and more), and copied the ELEMENTS of what he liked, as well as adding elements and changes of his own, which resulted in the Skullgirls engine (which, of course, is NOT a copy and paste hack of the MvC2 engine).

    All this is getting away from the point that what you have been saying has no correllation to why 2D (Capcom) games are actually more popular than 3d. You are literally talking about things that have nothing to do with anything of the subject. Instead, it's like you are a Capcom/SRK/Illuminati evangelist trying to justify everything they have ever done, which is completely removed from the original point, and frankly, totally off-topic (*hinthintnudge*).

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Also, this.
    BlueLink, ShinyBrentford and Tricky like this.
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Honestly I think MVC3/SF4 is the twilight books of fighting games. I don't know why something so bad be so popular, but everyone seems to love it.

    All right now I'm just hating. I hope you guys enjoy divekick.
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    You forget to mention VF there :p
    Virtua Fighter: Ringout -> 1993
    :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

    Diamond Lau FTW
    nou, Tricky and ShinyBrentford like this.
  6. d3v

    d3v Active Member

    Except even the devs have admitted to the fact that the know that the players never really play their games the way they originally want them to. Mike Z has stated that his philosophy is to assume that whatever mechanics he implements will be broken by the players.

    As Seth once said in an interview (regarding infinite combos).
    Heck alot of former fighting game players turned developers because they were attracted to the idea of emergent gameplay. Just read this bit from our interview with former MvC2 player Nathan Vella of Capybara Games.
    Last I checked, 3rd Strike still had a healthy scene and we have a good crop of players (MOV, Kuroda, Kokujin, etc.) dedicated to the game. Also, 3rd also was a regular at SBO. VSav only gets more play in MvC2 in Japan. Outside of Japan, VSav is pretty niche.
    It copies enough of the important bits. A free combo system, undizzies (as of the beta), double snap infinites on assists that are not affected by IPS (confirmed by Mike Z as working as intended).
    I thought it was obvious that I'm saying that people like 2D since the systems tend to be freer and more conducive to emergent play. Not only are there more posibilities for seemingly powerful and abusive stuff, but the communities culture has become one that appreciates the freedom that the ability to find these things implies. At least from my experience, the latter doesn't seem to apply much to 3D communities.

    Also, this freedom that leads to sometimes abusive stuff also appeals to two things. One is what (MvC2 vet) Fanatiq described as "bloodlust" within the FGC. As players, there's just something about the ability to do a 100% combo into near guaranteed incoming mixup that appeals to the more reptilian part of our brains. At the same time, as spectators, percieved imbalances appeal to our need to see the underdogs win.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm confused by the entirety of this post. Are you making the argument that 2d fighters are popular because they're broken? Sure, people love the idea of being able to pull off a 100% combo, but that's only because they aren't the ones eating it.

    And just because Mike Z is a lazy programmer doesn't mean he's right. If it's broke, fix it. Emergent gameplay is one thing, but a broken system is something totally different. That's why you see fixes or patches for later iterations of games that fix certain things.
  8. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    It's true all fighters take skill just different types of skill, I don't think he was trolling though Vfdc is good people but some on here are just clueless, for example I saw a guy in the shoutbox the other day complaining about jump ins on wake up in AE, I don't think he understood the safejump mechanics of the game and just assumed it was bad gameplay.

    Another VFer I know (not on Vfdc) is conviced that Juri is overpowered because of my very lame zoning & meter building strategy, I remember feeling bad about having to explain to him that 1) she's an average character and 2) I'm not even that good with her

    I'm better at 2D fighters than 3D but find 3D fighters more relaxing and fun, 2D games can get so salty it ain't even funny especially Injustice & Mahvel, those games could probably start real fights, I just wanna enjoy some fun matches without the post match death threats haha
  9. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Y would I want to play a cartoonish animated game when I got vf,doa,tekken,soulcalibur now those are real fighting games that require skill when 2d games all u got to do is button mash and u can do a 50 hit combo that's the difference and that's y more people or should I say kids play 2d so go ahead an stick to ur kof,sf,And whatever other cartoon u play
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Because they can be fun. And at the end of the day that's the ultimate aim. A lot of people say any kind of video game is for children. I disagree with that and the sentiment of your post.
    daRockReaper likes this.
  11. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Just because the are hand drawn or the look cartoonish, it doesn't mean that they are only for children. Most of them are great games and without them, we wouldn't have got 3D fighters like VF or SC. 2D fighters play differently but they are enjoyable as much as the 3D ones.

    All fighting games, from best to worst, require skills to play them at high level.
  12. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Let me correct u on that Mr thinks he knows if it wasn't for vf there won't be as many fighting games like there are so u might want to reinstate that theory all fighting games stem from vf fyi.
  13. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    haha wow good to know VF players can be as ignorant about SF as SF players are about VF.
  14. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Lmao bro I defend vf to death who wanna war
  15. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    Do you guys remember that old fighting game back in the day where it was a dude in a red karate uniform and a dude in the white karate uniform? I use to play that at Godfathers Pizza back in the day:cool: .What was the name of that game? Remember in the movie Boodsport, Frank Dux and Jackson were playing it.

    I think that was the first fighting game ever.
  16. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    karate champ. I don't think it was the first but it was definitely one of em :) cool shit
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    One thing to think about is that scrubs don't want a balanced system, they want something they can abuse to beat other scrubs. They don't think they can win fighting "fair". Players like us who actually welcome the challenge are a minority.

    I think this is one reason why tekken with its 'abusable bs at scrub-level' shit like tenstrings and lots of mid-low or low-mid strings is more popular than VF.
  18. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Thank u I that's what I'm saying 3d separates the men from the boys
  19. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Especially vf
  20. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I am a 2d fighter dood and I happen to love MVC2 so maybe I can shed some light on this crap. MVC2 is broken, and sorta popular because it's broken.... if you are a stickler to the idea that balance and how closely it plays to the developers intent dictates the quality of the game, then the game is absolute shit. On paper the game is insanely unbalanced, a small handful of characters playable in a game of 56.... so how can it be balanced? because single character vs single character matchups are not how the game works! every team of 3 is essentially a completely different character and among the teams with the strongest dynamics there is a large amount of variety in the way they are used to fight each other.

    You have a crazy amount of possibilities at your disposal when creating strategies due to the game's broken nature. It's like a arms race trying to figure out a effective trick and learn to counter the opponents trick. Tons of room for creativity!

    so yeah, MVC2 is badly designed, totally, fucking awesome game though.

    I won't bother defending ALL 2d fighters as I hate most of the newer ones, it's why I am playing nothing but VF nowdays :) but acting like 2d games are scrubby shit for the lowest common denominator who are too ignorant to play VF is just silliness.

    The answer to why they are more popular has been expressed pretty well in here by other people and I agree with most of the comments... The purpose of this post is not to say they are broken so they are popular, it is to clear up the misunderstanding of why people can enjoy a game with the reputation of being unbalanced.

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