Why was blast closed?

Discussion in 'General' started by Shadowdean, Feb 16, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest


    That's exactly what we did. Take a look at http://www.rumblecity.net . There was once a link there to Rumble's replacement. Now it was replaced by "Shame to those that betray that spirit." Yes, shame to those who betray the spirit indeed. Shame on you, Ice. That message was most obviously directed and Tendo City and me for running it. By accusing me and abstractica of shaming and betraying the spirit of the cities, and by effectively stopping any uninformed nurb members from coming to the new boards, there is only one man who has betrayed our spirit.

    That man is Jeffrey Yuwono.

    If you don't want us in your house, fine. Don't stop us from being in our own.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    That's the funny thing... Blast is not dead. It just doesn't need nurb. None of us wants Blast back in it's previous form. Everybody is happier at my K2 forum. I would put the url if you don't believe me but I would hate to take another chunk out of 'mommy' and all...

    This is a quote from an email I sent to someone regarding the issue, simple cause I am too tired to type my points out again.

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Have you visited K2? I think you should... then you might see what I am talking about. For one thing, everyone, and I mean an unprecedented amount of Blasters have abandoned ship quite quickly, which surprised even me. There was no hanging around as in Tendo, everyone basically left as soon as they had my link to go to. Our traffic at K2 has grown at an astounding rate. In a week we have 100 registered members. We have Blasters that haven't been there for ages posting like mad in K2. We have Blasters that were largely lurkers posting like mad. There were some people at Random who were involved in an embroiled and bitter ?rivalry? for lack of a better term ( I was pretty much at the centre of it), well that is all forgiven and we are united once again, because of the new forum. I have been keeping an eye on the server stats and it is unbelievable. Our page views are holding steady at around 2500 per day, we are getting an average of 35000 hits per day. I am not so sure that moving everyone back would be a good idea at this point. Trust me, I have never seen the like of this... I think as much as we all love Blast that there was a need to start fresh. I have had feedback from several members that K2 feels like the Blast of days gone by that everyone loved so much...


    The thing that bothers me about all this is simple. I did not appreciate having condeming and untrue things implied about me regarding my trying to keep the community together. I did not appreciate having the responsibility of nurb cites demise laid at my door. I offered to host the Cities on my server. I was not trying to 'steal' members. I didn't want to stick with a forum that was dying and from all accounts long gone even as it still breathed. Especially not to a server that was not even open for business.

    ~ana, sigh

    I do not want a flame war or anything... I think this should all be dropped. Ice, if you would like to do something nice for the Rumbers who admired you so much you should put their link up. It is a link, what is that hurting?? Would it kill you? Don't bother doing one to K2 cause I really couldn't care any less about it. But the Rumblers don't need to be snubbed like that.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by abstractica on 2/19/01 05:30 AM.</FONT></P>
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    I am going to respond to as many points made here on this thread, but if I forget anything, that's tough.

    I'm going to say this once and I'm not going to say it again. I do not have the time or the patience to deal with all this petty issue.

    RE: Blast City's offspring

    Yes, the comment was partially directed at ana but it was directed at many others as well. Chanchai, I was considering passing the Cities to someone else, and a consortium backed by Ultima Online Guild--an established presence--was my first choice. However, when it became clear this was what I had in mind, administrators of the Cities' offspring, such as ana, began vociferously lobbying for their own version of the Cities (K2 in ana's case, which as you can see she is still doing right now here at VFDC) instead of putting selfish reasons aside and giving their support to whatever infrastructure I would eventually choose for the Cities. It was then that I realized that it was too late; the sites that have sprung off the Cities are not going to give up easily and even if I did choose a successor as the "official" sequel to the Cities most of these bastard sites would continue to compete. That was the point when I decided there was no point of continuing things. Obviously ana and K2 are not the only people responsible, but ana is a great example. Just look at her here.

    RE: Respect

    ana is right: a community doesn't "need" NURB to continue on. In the last few days I have allowed any form of posting on the Cities...including the spamming of these offspring sites. I gave ample opportunity for the members in the Cities to decide where they were going to go after the Cities closed. I even allowed some of the Choujins to proclaim Weltall's Tendo City (Tendo City, by the way, was Rumble City's original name before I decided to change it to Rumble City) to be the official successor at rumblecity.net. However, on the day the Cities closed--my birthday--I put up a page at rumblecity.net that was meant to act as a tombstone and a final goodbye. It was meant to be a solemn acknowledgement that the Cities of old was gone forever. Lo and behold several days later I see the most blatant and disrespectful form of spamming on that tombstone page. My permission was NOT asked and I was completely unaware of what had transpired. Someone--probably a previous Choujin whom I had given my trust and password to--logged into the rumblecity.net server and deliberately changed my orbituary to some kind of a cheap commercial. All I can feel for whoever was responsible for the grafitti is utter disgust. Yes, shame on you for betraying that memory and for betraying my trust.

    Weltall, ana, my advice to both of you is to forget about NURB and to get on with your lives. You can spend time in a better fashion by attending to your message boards than posting here bitching and moaning about how selfish I am and how unattentative I am to your needs.

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Bah!

    I find it amazing how I once respected ice-9, but now that I know his TRUE self, I take all that respect back. And yes, Ice, shame on you.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Is there some reason you push everything on ana? Lemme fill you in on a few things, seeing as you appear to have a complete lack of what's going on. There are only two 'bastard' sites. They are Tendo City and K2. Both places are completely supported by all members. Both are run by people who actually give a damn about them. There is no competition between our sites anymore. Each site recognizes the other. We picked up the shards of your broken crown and made something new from it. Let me tell you something. The spirit of Rumble City is in Tendo City, and the Spirit of Blast City is in K2. I know, because I frequent both. You do not have that spirit. You have the eviscerated shell of the body that the spirit once inhabited. Don't you understand, it is the MEMBERS that are the spirit of a forum? You, Ice, obviously did not care about us. I don't really know the motives behind what you did and I frankly do not care. The simple fact is, Tendo and K2 are the emulators of Rumble and Blast. Admittedly, they are not perfect, and I do not pretend they are. I would rather we were still at Nurb. But you made it clear you only wanted that until you were ready to close it. It is also clear that for some reason, you feel animosity towards myself and even moreso abstractica for caring about our communities. You wanted the spirit of the cities to stay dead. But we all care about the spirit to much to let it die. If you want to pile the blame on her, then you gotta give me the same, because I care as much as she does. Not like you'd be breaking our hearts anyway. You can only do that once, you know.

    If you didn't want this to happen, you should have been honest with us, and told us in December that you had no intention of letting us stay. You probably hoped we would disperse by the time the cities reopened. You lied to us, Ice. You decieved us. Your once-loyal members know it. You want to feel disgust that we played around with your little funeral? Trust me, you don't know disgust. You can't deal with yourself.

    You sir, are unworthy of belonging to our communities. You are not welcome at either. I know I can speak for K2 on this matter.
  6. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    OMG!! this is PATHETIC, spirit this spirit
    that,lol. dude, so you already found another
    forum to post, and still bitching?! ITS A FUCKING
    MSG BOARD!! move on. so it was closed, move on.

    and abstractica might go to a hospital cause of
    stress from all this forum crap?! is this
    correct? if so, that its PATHETIC!! tough life
    isn't it? geez...

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    This has nothing to do with you, you sheep.
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    hehe, you know am right don't ya. truth hurts,

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Seriously, Ice-9 has no reason to feel he owes anything to anyone on the boards. I think Blast City was a great place, but not something I need to get emotional about. People have opinions, give it a rest, we seem to have professional hyprocrites lurking. Some people need to get outside and see the sunlight, at least that's something worth getting attached to.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Hey piccolo, Fuck you. That comes from the bottom of my heart. FUCK YOU!!!
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    What people are mad about is not the fact that Ice-9 closed the Cities. We are mad at the deceitful way in which he did so. Why couldn't he tell us in December that he had no intention of bringing the Cities back. Then he tells us that he is willing to let someone else take control of them. When this doesn't happen he blames it on the people who kept the place alive. Ana and Weltall are two of the most valued members of their respective boards and without them it the entire place could have gone under. Ana was a great mod at BC forever and Weltall provided a place for RC to meet for the two months it was down.

    We all have places to go now and I don't understand what Ice-9 has against these places. I put up a link to the place where former Rumblers are meeting and Ice-9 took it down. I see no harm in letting those who are out of the loop know where we are. We just wanted to keep the community together.

    Yes it is a bit much to be doing this for a message board but the Cities were a great place to be to get away from the real world every once in a while and Ice-9 seems to have tried everything possible to prevent us from staying together as a community. Luckily, it didn't work.
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    some coward (with no name, no less) said:

    "Hey piccolo, Fuck you. That comes from the bottom of my heart. FUCK YOU!!!"

    yes, i know the truth hurts. since i can see that it really got into you (mission acomplished! lol.)

    now i do not tolarate ppl cursing me out on the web or in the street, i take that shit as if you were in front of me, so the logical thing to do after someone curses you out is to fuck him up real good and that's what i intend to do to you you little whore.
    so if you live in new york then i invite you to say that to my face. oh, and dont worry about me chicken out and say shit like "oh sorry dude i was just kidding, you know how's the web i didnt really mean it". fuck no, i will get some stress out on you, I wanna break somebody's arm so bad is not even funny, god i love that cracking noise.
    just cmo'n bitch and get your ass to new york and lets meet up to have a "talk". so back what you say pussy. never fuck with me.

    im waiting....

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    It has nothing to do with us.
    This is a VFboard.
    Bring ur childish brain elsewhere

    God, do not tell me this place is gonna end up like SRK.com

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    My last thoughts on this topic:

    - I had every intention of re-opening the Cities on the 1st of February back when I closed it in December. If you remember, due to hosting issues I was forced to close the Cities anyway and move servers. I don't know if you realize this, but some people actually go on holiday during the winter. You know, do cheesy stuff like visit family back home where there is no Internet connection to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. Thus I thought it would be best to delay opening the Cities until much later, i.e. February 1. It was late in January when I realized that I should give the place up rather than drag things on. Think of Muhammad Ali when he was pushing 50.

    - "I see no harm in letting those who are out of the loop know where we are." Had you kept ME in the loop, yes, me the owner of the Cities and the stupid guy who pays the bills for rumblecity.net I may have considered putting the link up on the front page. But what you did was totally inexcusable and extremely unethical.

    - Get your story straight. It's not like:

    I close the place -> I blame people

    It's more like:

    Several blocks in the community won't support my chosen successor -> I close the place down

    Get it?

    I advise everyone with a chip on their shoulder regarding this matter to calm down and look at this from a fresh perspective. Seriously. Close the computer, step out of the house and go watch a movie or something. Go bowling or play pool. Relax. Then get on with your life and focus on making the message boards that you are committed to that much better.

    It'll make your life happier, it'll make me happier and it will certainly make everyone here's life a lot more pleasant as well.

    ice-9<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 2/20/01 04:20 AM.</FONT></P>
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    ::pisses pants in absolute terror... or is is laughter::

    Note to self: Stay clear of NY Elementary Schools.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    HAHA, and just when you thought people couldn't get MORE immature. Dude in your own words it's a DAMN messageboard. You shouldn't tell people to move on, if you stagnate yourself.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: I take it back

    Elementary? I would have thought Nursary, with those grammer skills and all.
  18. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    hah! you are preety much saying what i knew you were gonna say, "its a msg board, i didnt mean it". it might be a msg board but for me cursing is real, or are you the type of person that considers cursing someone on the net "safe" cause the other person at the other end can't touch you?. i'm just asking that guy to back up what he said, dont hide behind the web. and don't hide more by calling me a kid, why dont you come here and find out how elementary i can be. yeah keep laughing, you're safe in your home dont worry. i am being serious here, you cursed me out, i challenge you to say that in front of me, now what? are you scared? if so then just say it and apologize. go ahead and say some stupid shit to make yourself feel better. the point is no matter what my intelligent level is you just cant face me can't you. i know you'll never admit that you cant.

    so whats next then, gonna say "you can't even spell,lol" as your next hiding sentence? i knew a pussy was talking.

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  19. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: I take it back

    LOL, damm i knew it. haha you DID come with the "you can't spell" comeback, so typical of someone trying to avoid confrontation.

    let me get this straight, you actually spell check stuff you write on a msg board, shit i bet you do that in irc too. geez

    keep the flames coming! (and to anonymous: i aint joking, back it up in real life, how bout E3 show eh?)

    <font color=red>PICCOLO</font color=red>
  20. AnimeJoe

    AnimeJoe Active Member

    Re: I take it back

    ice-9 made alot of excellent points and one can only hope that all of the people that are whining and moaning about the fate of the Nurb Cities to just get over themselves and get on with their lives. I would have fully supported whatever successor ice-9 chose, but quite a few other members already had it in their minds that they weren't going back to BC because of some of the past non-sense issues and heated arguments there. The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy cause now some are trying to blame the Cities for *problems* they actually contributed to...

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