Why'd you choose your main character?

Discussion in 'General' started by Pinokkio, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Nah, actually it's more like I have his honor and straight up attitude personality type. You know he has that focused mental attitude. That's how I usually am when I am really determined to succeed at something, whether it's sports or videogames or school studies. I sort of get into this trance of mental awareness and get intense. I especially like his taunt where he raises his fist in the air and says Yosha!!! If you want to see it just hold p+g after winning a match and he will do the same victory pose always. Come to think of it, if you hold p+g after winning a match with any character they will do the same victory pose. I think this is like their main taunt or something. Go ahead and try it for yourselve's guys, if this has been already posted then sorry I didn't know.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Akira_PH said:

    Plus I have a persona that's similar to Akira's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, you were programmed by the same guy that wrote his code? That must piss off your parents.

    Seriously, I started liking Akira after seeing someone perform reversals in VF2. Not to mention the Jeffrey stage coconut dropping Yoho. Didn't pick him up till VF3, though.
  3. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Akira_PH said:

    Nah, actually it's more like I have his honor and straight up attitude personality type. You know he has that focused mental attitude. That's how I usually am when I am really determined to succeed at something, whether it's sports or videogames or school studies. I sort of get into this trance of mental awareness and get intense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thas very humble of u......
  4. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Painty_J said:

    They actually made defensive stance better in evo and pulled out alot of the moves that didnt make much sense from her stance. Evo's DS Vanessa is actually defensive and useful, and Evo's OS Vanessa is more offensive than her ver.c incarnation.

    In short, Vanessa sucked rotten garden hoses in VF4. In Evo they actually made her fun to play /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Better? They took throws away, took away her parry kicks knee sabaki (come on! you telling me that wasn't useful?) and done slight negative adjustments to existing moves (bar the side kick which was better I think.).
    Defensive stance wasn't better in evo imho.
    It doesn't matter much, in terms of VF's high standards the whole game just didn't make the grade.
  5. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Madin said:
    took away her parry kicks knee sabaki

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All they did to Defensive stance was change her [2]+[K][P] string and move a couple throws to the other stance, but Vanessa is overall way better in Evo due to Offensive stance stuff.
  6. i chose brad because... his moves are pretty simple and his combos are really storng.. and he is pretty fast so yea
  7. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I chose pikachu because he's the main character of the show and nobody can win against the good guys. But my side character Akira is the only reason vf should be played. Cuz he's very metro and his muscles are in all the right places. + his style rocks teh box in terms of pwnablity
  8. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:Vanessa is overall way better in Evo due to Offensive stance stuff.

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    she actually has an offense stance now thats more than just her defensive stance with a few frames of animation shaved off /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    My Friend Lau Chan

    I started playing Lau in VF3 because I could do his[9][K] [P][P][P][2][K] float and I found it very satisfying. And I thought he looked cool.

    I really wish that I had my current input skills with Lau's VF 3 moves. Nowadays I like to do Lau's lifting palm in the middle of a rush and I didn't know how to do that in VF3 days. If I could do that now and it worked as a mid that floated on counter and was unpunishable after block...

    I also like to evade and do[3][2][3][P][P]+[K] for the automatic float on mC. That would have kicked even more ass back in vf3 cuz it would connect on dodged low kicks, etc, though I don't remember if the [P]+[K] part was automatic on mC like it is in Ver.C and Evo...

    And I don't like how[6][P][4][6][P] became [6][P][P] and was weakened, or how the useful [4][6][6][P] was turned into the useless [P]+[K].

    Don't get me wrong, I understand why they changed Lau. I did play against a couple dominant Lau players in Taiwan and realized how unfun and overwhelming it could be. I suppose he is a more complex character now, if less powerful.

    Anyway, Lau and Jeffrey were my favorites in VF3 and still are now.
  10. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    Re: My Friend Lau Chan

    I started off playing as Sarah for a number of reasons:

    1. She's a girl. I am too.
    2. I look something like her.
    3. She looks like Samus without her suit.

    I grew to love her because of all her fun fun kicks and Flamingo. After Sarah I decided I wanted more characters and started playing Pai. I developed some bad habits too, but I'm working around them and getting better with her.

    So after Pai and Sarah, I worked on Vanessa, then Aoi, never really getting into them as deeply. I moved on to the guys, started off with Jacky, and ended up with my widdle Brad-bear.

    I cannot describe the love I feel for Brad. He is an amazing character. With him I just flow. Not to mention he is DEAD SEXY. Once I went through training with him and really taught myself how to use his ducking/swayback/slipping moves, we bonded. I got him up to 3rd dan the first day I started playing him, and his current record is 102 wins/20 losses. He has taught me how to be a better player, most definitely. Once I get Brad to an acceptable level, I think I will take on a bigger challenge--like Akira.

    God help me. I think I am going to have to get rid of the pad for him.

    Anyway, true favorites are Sarah, Pai, and now Brad. Hopefully will be adding new people to the mix. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. Allyourbase

    Allyourbase Well-Known Member

    I picked Kage because I wanted to learn about real ultimate power (i.e. flipping out and killing people for no reason).

    It was good for a bit, but then I needed to learn something new, so I picked Lion. His style is a little more finesse than others, which suits me fine.
  12. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    X_itz_raphael_X said:

    i chose brad because... his moves are pretty simple and his combos are really storng.. and he is pretty fast so yea

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well you've got attitude! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    Most people find Brad not fast and his moves not being too simple. I too fill that category. I chose Brad because he was so rare so I decided to try him out and hey I liked him! Now that I've gained some experience on him I can say that he needs improving... FT Brad is wonderful, but too bad we can't get it. But Brad is, nonetheless, a great character and his slippings can be used sleazily and to perform various tricks that makes your opponent hold his breath /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif. My second character is Kage, chose him to fill Brad's flaws /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  13. I picked up Aoi for a few reasons:

    1. Defensive game (the main thing i stress in a fighting game)

    2. Most ot fhe videos I have seen show her most times getting owned. (interesting how people don't use her reversals; if they can recognize where to block, why not reverse the move)

    3. Interesting offense (most moves aren't useless or leave you at a large disavantage)

    4. Very deep character (just dont understand why she never seems to win in any tournaments)

    Overall Aoi matches my style perfectly. I have tried picking up Pai or Vanessa because of quality defense. If someone has a recommendation on a good defensive character to use please speak up.
  14. CarpeNoctumXIII

    CarpeNoctumXIII Well-Known Member

    I chose Goh because of his looks(badass) and because he played nothing like I expected him to. For some reason I thought he was going to be a combo machine, and it turns out he isn't.
  15. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Madin said:
    took away her parry kicks knee sabaki

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All they did to Defensive stance was change her [2]+[K][P] string and move a couple throws to the other stance, but Vanessa is overall way better in Evo due to Offensive stance stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Bad english on my part, but what do you expect im a Londoner.
    Parry high kick could sabaki knee in VF4.
    60 seconds of research would tell you that they did more than just change the combo you mentioned but thats immaterial. Apart from rightly correcting my terrible english, my statement that Vanessa's defensive stance was weakened (which oddly you've confirmed), and that shes more balanced because of the beefed up offensive stance (which is in one of my post), I don't see the point of the defend vanessa bandwagon.
  16. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Aoi_version_one... I disagree with everything in your post. I'm not even going to post any arguments, just read a point in your post - and I take the opposite stance.

    Edit - And wow samus-aran, regged in 2004 and that was just your second post - that's what I like seeing!
  17. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    Vanity, don't start with me. I've read some of your posts before and I didn't like your attitude. However, I will tell you why I haven't posted more--because I lost interest in VF, and now am completely addicted to it. Mmmkay? Glad we could come to an understanding.

    Aoi_version_one, I just started messing around with Aoi again today and I really like her; she's very different from what I usually play.

    Allyourbase, I love you. Here's to real ultimate power.
  18. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    NONONO - you've got it all wrong!

    It's a good thing to be a lurker on these forums for the most part and occasionally ask questions and participate in discussions like this. (And let experts like myself answer questions when need be - I KID, I KID /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [there's 3 fucking smiley faces here, I better not get flamed for this perfectly timed joke. I mean, I'm really in a rut here, since if I acknowledge it's a joke, it's no longer funny, but if i don't, I'm going to get flamed pretty badly])

    But, I must say - I did laugh when I read this line:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vanity, don't start with me. I've read some of your posts before and I didn't like your attitude.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uh oh, someone doesn't like my attitude - give me a break /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  19. SamusAran

    SamusAran Member

    Well, I have to admit your post made me laugh so it's fine for you to laugh at mine.

    But really I don't see why you think Aoi is bad, or Brad is hard to use. If you practice enough it makes up for character weaknesses--you find ways around them.
  20. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Oh jeez, well when I said everything - I don't mean everything. No character in the game is truly "bad", but most people will tell you that goh is probably the "worst" because he just has the most limited options. (Ironically he's probably my best character - guess I need competition).

    And... I don't know where I said brad is hard to use... all I know is that I'm not that great with him, and since his slipping is all messed up and presents all these "indefinite frame scenarios" (yes I just made this term up), I think he's probably one of the harder chars to pick up.

    This is further emphasised by the fact that he plays such a highly improvisational game, and it's very difficult to truly hone this against a computer opponent. (Although... this technically applies to everyone - but it's just been moreso the case with me and brad).

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