Why'd you choose your main character?

Discussion in 'General' started by Pinokkio, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. Taim_Meich

    Taim_Meich Member

    This is my first VF, and I chose Goh, since I've practiced Judo many years, and I like to use characters who use Judo, but usually their throws are not exactly very realistic (i.e., Goro Daimon's 632146C throw from KOF).

    I like to use him, and I like the fact that he isn't a string character, and that he can throw in any situation (enemy standing, crouching, downed, and even from some hits). However, It feels really bad when, after one month of practice, learning through the tutorial and then some faqs here, and spending hours on quest mode, my brother who has not played VF picks Lei Fei for the first time and beats me like 12 - 2 or so.

    Anyway, I think I'm getting better, now I can pull off his shoulder ram very quickly, which helps a lot, and I don't abuse his [1][K]+[G] that much. However, I'm getting the tendency of continuing the stuns he does with several moves with his [2][P]+[K]+[G], since the CPU rarely escapes it. Well, that and generally doing followup throws, whether they be after a stun or against downed opponents. I guess that will be quite bad when I play against a good human player >_<

    Any advice?
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    If you need help with Goh, make a specific thread for it with as specific questions as you can. Against a human player it's generally better to do combos after the stuns (I'm guessing you mean crumbles) and guaranteed damage in general since he only has two directions of crouchthrow. You can find the combos in combosearch in the game.

    You might find the following documents good (unless you've read them already):


  3. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Taim_Meich said:
    and I don't abuse his [1][K]+[G] that much.

    [/ QUOTE ] Yeah there would be your problem, thinking that anything in this game is abusive. And then an even bigger problem, thinking anything goh has is even remotely abusive. And then your biggest problem, thinking his [1][K]+[G] is abusive.

    Anyways, as far as i'm concerned the easiest way to learn the game is as such.

    A: learn to do big damage combos (this will get you through the first few arcades with ease, with every character)

    B: learn to poke (knowing which attacks are safe and when it's best to use them)

    C: understand frame advantage disadvantage which ties in with knowing when to do combos and incoroporating throws into your game. in fact understanding frame advantage and disadvantage will be your revelation in this game and will be your first step to never losing against someone who doesn't understand the concept.
    http://virtuafighter.com/view.php?section=vf4&file=vf4ft_frames_guide.html such a perfect article on it.

    D: learn to defend against strings

    E: learn advanced defense.

    just keep practicing execution and attack on disadvantage sparingly. essentially, two big things you need to do if you're going to advance at all.
  4. Taim_Meich

    Taim_Meich Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
    (I'm guessing you mean crumbles)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep, you're guessing right. Specifically, I was talking about the [4][6][K], [6][K], [1][K] and [4][P] counterattacks, and the [4][6][P]+[K] attack. The big damage that the throws provide tempts me too much xD. I know how to do all the basic combos after those, though, and use them also, but I tend to rely on the big damage throws >_<

    [ QUOTE ]
    vanity said:
    Yeah there would be your problem, thinking that anything in this game is abusive. And then an even bigger problem, thinking anything goh has is even remotely abusive. And then your biggest problem, thinking his [1][K]+[G] is abusive.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't meant that, really. What I mean is that before, I overused [1][K]+[G] a lot, and now I overuse it less. I know it's not abusive, but at first it seems his best low attack, plus it knocks down quite often, so I tend to rely on it too much. I know mixing is essential, and I think I make good use of Goh's arsenal, but I still have big mistakes like that one.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice. I'll make a thread asking for more help, but I'll take my time to make it clear and hitting specific topics. Oh, and yes, I read those two faqs thoroughly, as well as the "VF4 for Tekken players" (I'm not a Tekken player, but I was much more familiar to Tekken than to VF), and some others.
  5. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Welcome Taim_Meich,

    Before you create a new thread, may I recommend that you use the “search†function first? You may find that the info you seek is contained in an older thread. The phrasing may not be as you would’ve put it but the answers may be there nonetheless.

    Good luck.
  6. IronFists

    IronFists Member

    I chose Jacky 'cause he's stylish, got the awesome smartalic mouth, and plus, i'm really really really really good with him. ABSOLUTELY i'm tourney level.
  7. TBK

    TBK Member

    i like using lau because im really good with him. what is his fighting style?
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    When I first played the game I played Lion and all I only did a few of his moves and never took the game seriously until I play VF4 and that is when I picked up on Pai and she became the first person I took seriously. I would turn them around and stun them continually and I would get pummelled until I found out how to really use her in VF4 Evolution and I would learn to her full defensive abilities and alter her set ups so they are harder to guess at by doing things like turning them around just to set them up for a throw even if they don't recover or do a low leg sweep after a stun or throw or using the turn around throws just to ring people out without doing the swallow kicks after them. These tactics along with her reversals and low throws I take full advantage of people that play turtle too much or get too predictable (Akira and his elbows and knees) are things I have no trouble catching and stopping them cold making over aggressive people with predictable knees, and elbows suffer. Akira has always been the easiest one to read and is the guy I catch most often with Pai's reversals. They became the staple of my Pai's game I didn't focus on her offense but her defense and sneaky set ups. I use Aoi and Vanessa the about the same but Pai will always be my best overall and I can't wait to play VF5 and see how good that version of Pai really is. I have good skills with others too and can play every character alittle with the exception of Akira a guy I can't play at all.
  9. TBK

    TBK Member

    if i played you shadow master you would probably kill me because i use the[P][P][P][K] too much. i need to find out new moves but its the only way i can win.
  10. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Track said:

    if i played you shadow master you would probably kill me because i use the[P][P][P][K] too much. i need to find out new moves but its the only way i can win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The best way to stop that is a simple a ducking[P] into her [2_][6] [P] pop up that would leave you open for a countless number of juggles Pai could use whenever she wants or I could just block the [P][P][P][K] combo and throw you afterwards you wouldn't be able to stop the throw since I do such a great job of mixing up throws. I can only hope I do play you so you can see the errors of your ways and think of ways around. You will get beat up alot but you will learn to actually play your character right. We all had to learn that way at some point so who do you use?
  11. TBK

    TBK Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    shadowmaster said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Track said:

    if i played you shadow master you would probably kill me because i use the[P][P][P][K] too much. i need to find out new moves but its the only way i can win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The best way to stop that is a simple a ducking[P] into her [2_][6] [P] pop up that would leave you open for a countless number of juggles Pai could use whenever she wants or I could just block the [P][P][P][K] combo and throw you afterwards you wouldn't be able to stop the throw since I do such a great job of mixing up throws. I can only hope I do play you so you can see the errors of your ways and think of ways around. You will get beat up alot but you will learn to actually play your character right. We all had to learn that way at some point so who do you use?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I use Lau and im at the beginner level so i have to figure out his game and how i can use juggles and other stuff like that.
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [ QUOTE ]
    Track said:

    i like using lau... what is his fighting style?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Koen-ken, fist of the Park. (wrong kanji)

    [ QUOTE ]
    shadowmaster said:
    ...can play every character alittle with the exception of Akira a guy I can't play at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You should learn him. It might change your perspective.
    (condensed version)
    I started off with Sarah because she played a lot like Tekken's Lee. Then I moved to Vanessa (DS only), but I got frustrated with her reversals. After being bombarded with all the technical aspects of VF I moved to Jeffry exclusively where I remained for a year.

    Jeffry fit the bill of the character I wanted to play (good throw game [with walls or edges only], great damage, strong single hits [less strings]). So I played the shit out of the "simple" character, but I felt something was missing. That something was a punch that wasn't sabaki'ed. Jeffry has shit defense [other than block and some evasive attacks] and is too unsafe. I mean, I like playing "low-tier," I stuck with SC3's Rock and still play SC2's Asta, but at least you have GI in that game. I'm a patient player, but an opponent playing safe with 12-14 frame moves and being unable to shit is really aggravating.

    Then came Akira.

    So I was watching VF5 matches and picked a match with Akira vs. Jeffry. I watched half of it until my head started throbbing (a preexisting headache), so I look away from the screen, close my eyes and pinch my temples. Then I heard the most beautiful sounds ever, *BOOM* AAAAAHHH *BOOM* *SABAKI* *BOOOM* "JUU NEN HAYAI N DA YOOOOOOO!~"

    I was a little hesitant at first but the simple allure of every attack booming was worth at least a second glance (think raccoons and shiny objects). Instead of getting pissed off about being unable to do his knee, SPoD and etc I decided to just stick with him, practicing all of his just frames (still suck with DLC), and all the combos my crappy buffering abilities allowed for.

    After 500 (really more) games and trying to go back to Jeffry... impossible. Soon after I started learning Wolf, relearning Vanessa (DS only), and within this week Goh (I just hope you can give VF5 Goh and Oni-style horn.). I noticed a pattern: Shorter but more tactical movelists, sabakis and/or reversals, anti-2p tools, and 4 directions for throws. Sure Jeffry has a more "flowing movelist" [Wolf vs. Jeffry thread], but he lacked damage with defense [sabaki/reversal].

    Give him a try, besides, he has reverse a lot too.

    D-E-F-E-N-S-E *falls off of a pier*
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have Warrior rank Wolf Character I love the damage his throws and attacks do. I plan to use Jeffery as well. I don't have to be as technique because they have more power then Pai and their throws wipe the enemy away and they hit so much harder. That is why I feel the best male character is Lei Fei he is like the complete package and I love his poses too. The warrior rank Lei Fei I have rocks as well. I love being able to over power people sometimes instead of just having to trick them and deceive them with set up throws and what not that I have to do with Pai to make up for her lack of overpowering moves.
  14. TBK

    TBK Member

    i had a warrior rank with goh when i had virtua fighter evo but then it broke and the store didnt have any /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif so now i have virtua fighter 4 and im trying to learn new people.
  15. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [ QUOTE ]
    Track said:

    i had a warrior rank with goh when i had virtua fighter evo but then it broke and the store didnt have any /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif so now i have virtua fighter 4 and im trying to learn new people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i finished quest mode with a 4th dan wolf and a 3rd dan goh~~

    so now i just mess around with goh, i think they spoiled him after EVO, i dont like his play style anymore~~ so i only use goh in evo /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  17. TBK

    TBK Member

    I love using wolf even though im not good with him. im in to wrestling so i know alot of moves that he uses im also looking forward to using el blaze.
  18. I choose Kage because i always seem to go for the ninjas in fighting games, plus he's got really good moves and he's the most easiest character (i think), basically everything about him /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  19. TBK

    TBK Member

    yea i love kage too and im good with him /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  20. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Track said:

    yea i love kage too and im good with him /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know that Kage is a great character. I play him some myself and even though I don't really get too involved in him just yet. I feel he is one of the most unpredictable and random people in the game based on the moves he really has and unfortunately most of his moves are used very much that truely use the full array attack he has based on what the game and videos I have seen shown. I still feel that he has so much more then that. When I play him myself seriously I will use the power I speak of. I am sure that you experts of Kage know of what I mean referring to Kage's true power aside from the Ten Foot Toss and his special stances.

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