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Will Hardcore Gamers Save the day?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think there is a difference between being hardcore versus the quality/complexity of a game. I always took hardcore by the dictionary definition:

    1. of or denoting the hard, central core or part of something. 2. absolute.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I wasn't directing this just at you, kind of at the whole thread.

    Until someone decides to define hardcore and the thread decides it's accurate this argument is going nowhere fast.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Akai- you're always on point dude /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Hardcore gaming is a way of life. Its an attitude that gamers have towards gaming. A lot of times hardcore gamers have similar
    outlooks on life. You're right it is partly the amount of time they put into a game(s). But its also the meaning that the game
    has to them and their own self image and the image of others. Hardcore gamers experience part of their lives/existence through the game. The game, the culture surrounding it, the adrenaline rush from playing it, the friends and enemies made during the process of it are all intregal parts of the hardcore gamer's world and you cannot really separate a hardcore gamer and his game because there is a somewhat of a symbiotic relationship there.

    Now, there are certain games and gaming cultures that appeal to the hardcore gamers and there are others that do not. (I can't comment on the Wii here because I don't have one and don't really
    personally know any Wii players)[/size]

    In this current economic down turn, the casual gamer can opt not
    to buy any games anytime soon. The casual gamer can opt not to replace a broken console or stick because gaming is not very high
    on their radar in the first place. In this economic down turn
    buying some game is probably the last thing that casual gamers think about.

    On the other hand, If the hardcore gamer can't buy the game, or replace the console, or fix the stick because the enconomy is bad, He/She is gonna feel pain! The hardcore gamer will find a way to buy VF5 R even if he/she don't have a job. Casual gamer
    would pass. The hardest of the hardcore will let some of the bills go, to buy the game, they'll F'up in school to the play the game, they often mess up relationships in their lives over the game. In some cases they break the law to get access to the game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

    So I agree that the gamer that is willing to spend the money will save the day. But I think that is going to be the hardcore gamer
    that will find the money from somewhere and not the casual gamer.
    So I hope that game publishers recognize that if anybody is going
    to save the day it will be the hardcore folks.

    I hope that if they have to make a choice between releasing titles that only appeal to casual gamers or releasing titles that only appeal to hardcore gamers, that they pick the XXX over the X /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Oh, but you do.
    No. They are a mere fraction of the total player base. Will we lose the most fickle of the casual? Yes, will we keep our cool guy harcore? Yes. Are either of these extreme important compared to what's in the middle? Not even close.
    Okie dokie.
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    h <span style='font-size: 26pt'>X</span> c

    cant uncross these bars

    and I do blame the system, a control input method that is so inaccurate as to not give consistently repeatable results (wii waggle) is incompatible with real video games. Might as well play chutes and ladders.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    With all due respect Dark Vincent are you hardcore gamer? In no means am i trying to put you down or belittle you but a FPS and fighting games to me are the same in general.At the End of the Day im trying to kill you any which way lol! Now granted i took me months to learn how to control FPS's with 2 thumbstick(Blame Outrigger on Dreamcast for this one. All Game gamers alike should've gave this a chance.)

    What you said to me is the difference between a hardcore gamer and a gamer (Lets throw casual out because a casual gamer don't exist.To buy a game period at 60 a wop means your a gamer).
    Hardcore gamers wouldn't' have gave up. Because to play a FPS is to play a TPS (IE Gears and Resident evil 5.)
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I thought Masterpo hit the nail on the head. A hardcore gamer is a person who puts a priority on gaming in their lives. They dedicate a larger portion of their free time to gaming than others and derive more enjoyment from it as well, I imagine. If you put a lot of time and energy into gaming (whatever your game of choice is), physically and mentally, I would say you are in the realm of "hardcore."

    When I got RRoD, I couldn't wait for them to repair it, it caused me "pain". I waited like 1 or 2 days and just went out and bought an Elite, not only to upgrade my system, but to be able to play again as well.

    I don't think being hardcore or not has anything to do with being cool or whatever; it's probably exactly the opposite.

    KoD also nailed it by pointing out the the control scheme for Wii is too inaccurate to every be really "hard core." How can you truly play a really deep, complex and demanding game (like VF) with an extremely inaccurate control system? It's basically impossible in my mind...
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You know there is such a thing as a hardcore JRPG player or ARPG and those don't require precise inputs. Not all Wii games require the use of the motion sensor.

    Just as a poll how many of you guys labeling "the wii as uber casual no hope for real games" actually own and play wii games?

    I have a wii and 360 so consider my opinion on the matter pretty nutral.
  9. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I own a wii game (fire emblem) that makes no use of waggle, and is undeniably a "hard core" game. All it really uses is the dpad & 2 buttons, it could have just as easily been made on the gamecube (or 8 bit nes [oh wait, it was also made on the 8 bit nes]). But that's not the kind of game that's making the wii successful in the market, it's utter shit like wii play, wii sports, wii fit.

    It's not a question of needing precise inputs, it's a question of accurately repeatable inputs. If 5% of the time you tried to push the attack button in fire emblem, it used a healing item instead, the game would be unplayable. Wii boxing, for instance, is way, way worse than 95% accurate. Sure, its something amusing to do with friends, but it's not a skill based game in the same sense as chess or vf.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I don't have one. But I'm not necessarily passing judgment on the console. If Sega were to release VF 5R on the Wii and no other console the odds are that I'd probably have to at least seriously consider buying one. But I would have to think about it for at least a minute. As I said I don't personally know anyone who has a Wii, but from what I've heard about the primary customer base for the Wii, it sounds like a box for casual gamers.

    Now, some game publishers hoping to cash in on the hype and the fad-like-hysteria over the Wii might start releasing games (or watering down games)[/size] for the Wii that would traditionally be marketed to hardcore gamers hoping that they might sell more product. In that case you have
    a clash of cultures. The marketing that pulls the casual gamer in tends to look a little different than what pulls in hardcore gamers. Also there is the performance issue. Sure I have stuff that runs on my PSP but the PS3 version of it is a whole different ball game. It would probably be very tricky to make a
    Wii experience identical to a PS3 or 360 experience. Whereas a casual gamer might not be able to tell the difference, hardcore peeps will know.

    I just hope the game publishers can wipe the $$$ out of their eyes long enough to realize that they can rely on the hardcore gamers year-in-year-out and that casual gamers will be on to some new fad next year perhaps the:


    And when it comes to cutting titles for the 2009-2011 line-up or
    cutting development teams, or cutting back on game features that
    they apply the cuts to the casual gaming stuff and leave our
    !@#$ intact /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  11. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Oh, I think you took my "gave up" in a different context. By "I tried" I mean "I played it, but never really got into it". I played FPS back when Counterstrike was the "new big thing" with my friends in Lans and such, it was ok, but it just didn't catch me like fighting games did. I never bothered going much further because it wasn't the genre I liked or cared about. Yes I played FPS and TPSs after and before that (for example the Resistance series on the PS3, the old Duke Nukem games, Uncharted, RE4, etc) but mostly as single-player experiences (which are fun and challenging too sometimes). If I go into competitive/versus mode, I won't be the "top score" guy nor do I aspire to be, I don't practice nearly as much.

    I hope that explains it a little bit better /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Guys I think it's better to think about games the same way as movies and books.

    A movie can be successfull without being extremely commercial. Of course to appeal to a vast number of people it's got to have some kind of qualities, but not every movie has to be Lord of the Rings or the Matrix or Mission Impossible.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I rescued an old lady's kitty cat out of a tree just last week
  14. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    So, which game is the Slumdog Millionare?
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Need for Speed.

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