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Will we see a North American release of VFEvo?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Catch22, Jan 20, 2003.

  1. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I agree that SOA is clueless on certain issues (they approved T4 after all), but I find it hard to believe they'd turn down Evo. There's too much potential $$$$ to be made.
  2. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Dre, I'm close baby, realy close /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    Anyway, I just thought of the possible things that would keep it from NA, or "just an announcement" of VF4evo to NA.

    One other possibility could be a multi platform release. Take this purely for entertainment value- some hush, hush money being dolled out?
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    well, I have it on pretty decent authority that it will see NA shores. Albeit with some "issues" (his words, his quotes).

    <font color="green"> what? </font color>
  4. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I see one particular thing that may be the major "issue."

    It's the Japanese arcades when you play QUEST mode. Too Japanesy? If it were to see a conversion, how would "the Powers that be" at Sega, be it SOA or SOJ or whatever "head-honcho" makes the calls, handle this. I'd like to see them leave every aspect of the Japanese version, and just convert the text.

    Though this would be a major SELLING point to the guys who actually know who these Japanese VF celebrities/gods are, we are in the minority, and the average American gamer joe shmoe would see this as just another thing- Probably. It's hard to judge how American Graphics whores really think nowadays.

    Worst case scenario is that they are playtesting it with these guys, and they giving it a thumbs down because of it being "old hat," which we know, is far from it.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Pah, quest mode is a joke annyway.
    No dancing Lei Fei.
    Heruru was deemed not l33t enough by AM2.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    What!? No Heruru? Oh well, I got Segaru /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Hey, Almaci, I just read your interview with Smilebit. AM2's coming up, right? C'mon man, tell us what you know. I'm sick of speculating. It's fun, to a certain extent. What's the real reason Evo's not comin' to the US? Because inquiring minds want to know.
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Who said its not coming? /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
    Wait for the interview, you wont find evo stuff there tough.
  9. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    i'm gonna see in mid-march if there is any more news about the NA release... usually Sega makes Japan to US translations in a month or two (unlike Namco who take half a year)..... anyway after March if we don't get a NA version of Evo, then i will mod my Ps2 and import the game.... [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]
  10. artillery

    artillery Member

    VF4 in the US became a Greatest Hits title didn't it? That's at least 400,000 copies sold...
  11. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    I just was checking that Gamespy site and they mention a perfect Xbox conversion?

    How uninformed are they, it is only for PS2. Look all this debate is weirding me out so I'm going to make a simple petition to release Evo in the states. /versus/images/icons/confused.gif

    But how should I phrase it? Should it be to Sony or Sega?
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member


    VFLEGEND Member

    Yep Virtua Fighter 4 is now a greatest hits! And so will Evoulution. Hopefully it will sell more.I just know that a sony game cant be a greatest hits until its out for at least 9 months and sells big! And from what i heard, Evolution is coming to PS2 and X Box. But i dont know what system first.

    VFLEGEND Member

    Look, just go to Gamespot.com right,and go to the ps2 section and under [V] of course, u will see Virtua Fighter Evolution. It shows the Japanese box to it, as well as info u should consider reading.Check it out!
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Look, just go to Gamespot.com right,and go to the ps2 section and under [V] of course, u will see Virtua Fighter Evolution. It shows the Japanese box to it, as well as info u should consider reading.Check it out!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Look the Dreamcast aint dead im telling you, just go to DDirect and you will see that chocomarker for instance was just released and that KoF 2k2 is on its way, see there are still games for the DC coming out HERE.
  16. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member


    What's the word on the NA release? Go, or no go?

    Also, what's the *wink, wink* inside word on how Sammys merger with Sega will affect the big wigs' descisions?

    I hear the head honcho of Sammy will be the head honcho of the whole shebang... and with sega in the red for all these years, I'm worried that our fave games will be in danger of not getting the r&d they used to get. I remember when VF was debuted with the latest Model boards, and basically was a technical tour de force in terms of what was currently offered. Seeing VF3 in action all those years ago for the first time was mind blowing... ooops, got off topic.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Mweh we will see.
    Sammy head honcho will head the company yes but Sega will have the majority in the merger(56/44) and Sega´s most recent downgrading of the profit forecast for the fiscal year (theyre gonna make something like a 1 million dollar profit for this fiscal year) is becouse they deliberatly pushed back some finished games so they can add it to next fiscal year.
    Merger should benefit both companies since Sammy has the cash but isnt really known outside of Japan and Sega is a recognised brand but doesnt have that much cash(apart from the warchest they have in CSK shares)
  18. Wiley

    Wiley Member

    Perhaps a problem with Evo would be that soft-core players would simply view it as a mere "update" to VF4, and not a new game unto itself.

    However, the fact that VF4 is a greatest hit should be taken into consideration as well...

    But I wonder how many of those people who bought VF4 (who aren't really big into fighters) are willing to drop $50 on a game they think is so similar to one they already own?
  19. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about American gamers avoiding Evo because it's so similar to VF4. Remember that it's the recognizable brand-name that sells: Madden, Tony Hawk, Mario, Zelda. Mortal Kombat 5 sold a million copies because, well, it's "Mortal Kombat."

    Are people willing to pay full price for a new game that's so similar to the one they bought last year? Of course they are! Trust me, this will work to Sega's advantage.

    Of course, the ideal thing would be for Sega to release Evo on all three consoles, but that isn't likely to ever happen.
  20. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Daniel Thomas said:

    I wouldn't worry about American gamers avoiding Evo because it's so similar to VF4. Remember that it's the recognizable brand-name that sells: Madden, Tony Hawk, Mario, Zelda. Mortal Kombat 5 sold a million copies because, well, it's "Mortal Kombat."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A recognizable brand name? I beg to differ. In fact, unjustly so, it has been viewed as an inferior brand by the CASUAL AMERICAN GAMER, or just about every Playstation owning dude who bought one over the Saturn. Tekken owned the U.S. gamer prior to VF4, and it is only now that the U.S. has awoken, really, to VF.

    But has it become a positive brand name in the minds of US gamers as a whole, meaning that VF will sell on name alone? Time will see.

    What drove VF4 sales were the positive spin reviewers gave, comparing it to this "grapevine" message they got that- yeah, VF is supposedly superior to Tekken since it's so popular in Japan, and watching them play gives me the hibby jeebees; cause the magazine dudes, from what I see and hear, can't play a lick.

    Remember also, the most recent VF prior to VF4 was VF3TB on DC; and it didn't sell that well.

    Whether VF has become a household name among US gamers since the incarnation on DC, has still, again, to be seen.

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