Wolf's Juggle List

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Unicorn, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I just did it like
    4P, P, 33P, 333P+K+G, 4K+G,K

    I use that 333P+K+G delayed 2P in two Goh combos and I've previously tested a couple of Vanessa combos that utilize it. The delay caused this way seems to consistently produce the wanted ground pounce so I'm happy with it.
    Unicorn likes this.
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Hey Wolf Content Manager(s), I've been playing a bit of Wolf (again) lately and noticed [P][K] (CH) combos are missing so I compiled everything I found (i.e. no 1fk, a lot of redundancies/shit you wouldn't do anyway, etc.). The one variable in these combos is range effecting the ability for [2][P] to connect.

    [P][K] (CH on 2nd hit) (nothing on TA?)
    ->[6][P][P] (56) EIo ELo AOo SAo SHo PAo LIo VAo LAo KAo LEo BRo GOo AKo JA JNo JEo
    ->[2][P] [6][P][P] (62) AOo SA PA LIc VA LAc LEc BR
    ->[2_][3][6][P] (46) EI AO SA SH PA LI VA LA KA LE BR GO AK JA JN JE WO
    ->[2][P] [2_][3][6][P] (52) AOo SA PA LIc VA LAc LEc BR JA JN
    ->[2][P] [4][K] (51) AOo SAo PAo VAo BRo
    ->[3][P] (41) EIo ELo AOo SAo PAo LIo VAo
    ->[2][P] [1][K] (46) AOo SA PA LIc VA LAc LEc BR
    ->[4][6][P] (47) EI EL AO SA SH PA LI VA AK JA JN
    ->[2][P] [4][6][P] (53) AOo SA PA LIc VA LAc LEc BR
    ->[2][P] [2_][3][P] (51) AOo SAo PAo LIc* VA* BRo*
    ->[6][P][+][K]* (46) EIo* SAo* SAo* LIo* VAo*

    *=Causes a "refloat" close to the ground. If no tech, [6][P][P] for additional damage.
    Mister likes this.
  3. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Thanks Sebo, i'll start to test them right away and update the combo section.


    As you can see, you put twice Sarah, in this combo. Does the typo substitute someone else or it's just a repetition?

    Also I find quite difficult to connect this combo vs Eileen, any tricks about the timing?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    That SAo X2 is silly repetition on my part.

    As for EI, slight delay is needed (maybe for the others).

    Also for the refloat-if-no-tech after [6][P][+][K] [2][P] [6][P][P] (78)/[4][6][P] (69, more carry) Works on EI VA
    Just [6][P][P] SA LI

    After [2][P] [2_][3][P] [2][P] [6][P][P]/[4][6][P] Works on LI (on second thought, really inconsistent on VA in general, sometimes refloats in closed, sometimes [2][P] just whiffs)

    [6][P][P] on BR

    These last two combos are just super niche within an already niche category while being dependent on an opponent that doesn't/chooses not to tech.
    Mister likes this.

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