Wtf with all that abare madness on Xbl?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by HokutoNoCat, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Shinn_Akira

    Shinn_Akira Well-Known Member

    hey guys. just chimin in my 2 cents. to me and what i learned from itoshun, it seems that brad is best used as a random abare character. i think konjou nailed my play style pretty well. 70 offence 20 abare the rest spacing. i don't know but his damage payoff to me is worth attempting being abare.
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It's totally worth it, can't deny that. Only issue I had was not that the connection was not good when I had played you that long time ago, and that didn't really sit well with me cause I didn't know a thing about Brad at the time either so it was a bad taste in my mouth.

    EDIT: When connection aint up to par, I just completely throw everything about matches away. I hate lag so much.
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i sometimes have difficulty curbing my abare style with my optimistic belief that i ALWAYS know what my opponent will go for next. Where this really kills me is against patient pokers such as certain excellent goh users. My reading is primarily, will my opponent high, low, circ, throw or mid. But somehow the mid poke only receives lip service and isn't really planned for. Then u follow that with iffy throw escaping both me based and lag based and i can get in trouble. Other time, i guess correct but suck at my inputs and eat huge damage on seemingly stupid abare, but in actuallity, had not i flubbed my input, i would be enjoying a win. And still, rarely, it comes together nicely and i am an offensive force of nature. lol. maybe not so much. My brother did recently call me, the "shinn akira of lei fei". My only real defense i would provide of my own style is this: I am trying to get better at defense. I am working hard at it. But many times i feel i am "trained" away from it, because when i try and go defensive i lose. When i try to read my opponents hard, i win more. It's a grind, but i love the game, and someday i will be defensively solid. And lastly, i think my defensive play is deceptively better than people want to give me credit for.
    Actually, i think many good "abare" players have deceptively better defense than people want to give credit for. Also i think there is a misconception between being abare, and being willing to accept fighting from a disadvantageous situation. Also a misconception between being abare, and attacking almost nonstop, but without giving up the advantage. Dabadseed is awesome at this. Constantly pumping out attack but not really taking on disadvantage accept when he wants to.
    Some play that looks abare, or by definition is abare, i would consider to be invisible disadvantage. If it's a 2 part delayable move, and u stop after the first part and throw out a new move, is that abare? technically, it is unsafe to attempt to punish, because delayed attack is still out there threatening MC.
    The game is so deep that it makes my head hurt sometimes, and gives me madface.
    And yet, sometimes we play someone who is nonstop abare--has probably NEVER been thrown, lol--and all my well thought it arguement is wasted.
    Personally, in player matches, if you really have a problem with something i do, let me know and i will play around it for u. Tfam and several others didn't like my 2p_3p and dm pk. I intentionally use it less, and have become much stronger for it. Maybe i dm pk, once every other fight now if that. I've developed the opinion dm pk is made to punish 2p. That's fair. If ur defense is 2p, i dm pk, and i win the battle of scrubby defensive technique : )
    I had a few setups my bro thought i used to much, so i reigned those in a little versus him, and am a little better for it.
    Ultimately, i want people to enjoy playing me. I won't get good if i'm just a cliff note in the bgs thread, and reduced to living on kyus. But that being said, i do play to win, and don't apologize for winning. I want to beat u 10 in a row. I love the double digit win streak.
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    DaBadSeed is good at the style he plays and he picks the correct characters for that style too. I can't play the characters he selects, and it might be the same for him too. imo there's characters that fit certain players and styles like gloves.

    And with all that, DaBadSeed rape me in the game on and offline ever since I got the shit.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I always find it funny when you start to punish an abare player they start to clam up and start playing a little more moral style. Then in my head I think "oh they're realized they can't always do that" but then I'm often proven wrong in that they at some random point int he match stop using I dunno, defensive techniques, in place for their previous abare style.

    I'm always so puzzled as to why and when they're going to revert to their previous attack every time play style even after they've been shown you can't do it all the time.

    I understand the concept of a good defense being a great offense but there a times when using good defense gives you more opportunities to use your awesome offense. It took me a while to get to that point myself. Main reason my defense has spiked.
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Word. Don't blame the players, blame the game. Behold my list of characters that don't need to use the guard button if they don't want to:

    Shun, Lei Fei, Kage, Aoi, Lion, Eileen, Akira, Pai.

    The verdict is still out on Blaze. And eating one to many somersault at nitaku sometimes temps me to put Jacky and Sarah in there too but that'd just make characters that need to be played morally a minority and that'd be sad.

    Lion is my alt btw. Guard button is just for flavor. GGs to KokutoNoCat /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  7. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Social Ruin's description of himself is pretty much what I would say about myself. Well said.

    The point my game has evolved into now is rather stupid tho.

    I'd rather evade a straight attack instead of guarding.

    I'd rather hop a low attack. Fatal when I guess wrong.
    (Tho I don't get the same thrill ducking high attacks... )

    I'd rather escape a throw instead of simply low punching and regaining the advantage.
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    (Tho I don't get the same thrill ducking high attacks... )

    LMAO, that is hilarious. really? U don't? good stuff. I agree, ducking highs is not really exiting.
    Funny thing, i told my brother that u play sarah like i play lei. I really did!!!!
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Can't believe Kage made your list, but Vanessa didn't make it. She should definitely be on there right behind Lei Fei. I think your list should go something more like this...

    Shun, Lei Fei, Aoi, Vanessa, Lion, Eileen, Pai, Goh, Kage. Since Akira is a one move wonder I really don't see how he made the list? Yeah he can kill fast, but I don't see him running around with guarding nowhere as much as these characters.
  10. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    Goh is also not based on strings but you put him in the list :p
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Konjou, Kage's in there because in addition to his various somersaults he has sonic roll, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif and an imba evade p+k.

    Akira is the one with the 13f mid, 13f mid, 14f mid, 14f mid, 14f mid, 14f high +frames floater & 16f magic move. I won't even go into the punch/elbow/kick/knee reversal thing.

    I wholeheartedly invite you to play vanessa without using the guard button.
  12. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Pai should be right behind Shun. I still think that lag is the cause of this. People abare so much that my latest trick is to do OM on advantage after I land a hit. People dont hit check they just run through thier moves until they are at a pretty decent disadvantage, and then they 2p or DMPK.
  13. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I really, really dont understand how you're having trouble with that. (Not to sound like a 3rd leg but I'm a tad bit curious.)
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I have to use defense with Akira, I don't think doing throw/mid mixups at advantage counts as abare either but whatevah.
  15. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    Attacking at advantage is ofc not abare...
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Anybody who thinks that Akira doesnt need defense has never played Akira. The truth is exactly opposite.
  17. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Sonic roll as abare? ffP+K+G and sommersault's are too risky and doesn't make up for the reward. If you're opponent TR/QR afterward, you're screwed.

    Especially after ffP+K+G, your opponent has guaranteed followups after they TR/QR after the hit. I would say that move makes most sense during end of round situations and not as an abare tool. In which, case everyone should expect it from Kage during the end of rounds. Although, I can see how this becomes safe online since lag screws up TR/QR etc...

    I would say Kage's best abare tool is 8 or 9K.

    It's a 13f mid attack that knocks down on hit and doesn't clash since it's a jumping attack. Even though it's -14 on guard, most people make the mistake of countering when Kage has already landed from the attack (too late).
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    IMO good abare tools are moves that are slippery and moves that eat attacks. Jacky and Sarah(with the exception of flamingo - in speed, but EVERY character has a damn flamingo raper that screws her risk reward up anyhow - like when me and Denkai was playing Lau vs Sarah and Lau's sabaki = 70pts) are sorely lacking when it comes to abare tools. Stuff that beats out fast mids(and P and 2P) at disadvantage are rediculous moves. Defensive sabaki, shoulders, etc. If at small disadvantage you can eat up fast mids, your opponent got to use slower riskier shit to maintain use of adv imo, like the case with the shoulder situation for Sarah(where the only moves that beat are guarantee punishable moves).

    You'd actually have to know the opponents character if they've got attacks that rapes the conventional responses. I basically only know my main anyway, so I find out new WTF stuff my opponent is doing every time I play.

    Also imo, this is the type of stuff that will come up when you play a character like Jacky or Sarah, and this is where you hit your first wall you gotta climb over. My Jacky is weak cause I don't know how to get past this stuff with him. My sarah I fight the hard matchups all day(plus she got random factor lol, which I don't have with my Jacky).
  19. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Oh, Kage's 3PP is good too since it ducks (more like sways away) from high attacks so it's great at small disadvantage when your opponent is most likely going to do a fast high attack.
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I agree, though it only stops highs though. It doesn't do something like beat out P, 2P, and 6P all at once.

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