XBL Gamer Tag: Australasia

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the compliment myke, although I have to agree with ken...

    lack of variance in opponents means that the game is not as enjoyable and interesting as it could or should be..

    you and ken are pretty much the only opponents I have, the others rarely play vf...

    just as well you and ken are much better than me otherwise the game would get boring much faster lol

    btw, yohannes is a regular player but hes a cable puller so... fuck him /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif

    one of my friends is extremely interested in vf5, but he cannot afford a new 360 atm unfortunately so hes looking for a used one.
  2. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Its gay to sit there in lobby mashing 'A' to join for 2-3mins before a game.

    i think i fell asleep hosting a game and woke up still hosting in ranking match.
  3. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    i dont get it, why do you have to mash "A"?

    btw, I'm kinda bored of Jeff and Kage and ur Shun looks sick.. is Shun difficult to learn/use?
  4. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    "No Opponents" found
    "Can't join game"
    "No Opponents" found
    "No Opponents" found
    "Can't join game"
    "No Opponents" found
    "No Opponents" found
  5. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Shun is pretty straight forward to execute moves. Hard to be tricky and fancy. Though its not always necessary. His distancing is tricky. He also lacks an elbow class attack. Medium/hard to excel.. fairly easy to learn to use.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    KtotheG - how can you be bored with those characters already? There's still so much for you to explore with them, but trying other characters out for fit can be a good idea too.

    ken - I don't find it that hard to find players (mainly in asia though) to play against, whether it be ranking or player matches. Obviously, due to the time difference, it gets easier later in the evening.
  7. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    I know that there is so much more, but I dont feel like I'm getting any better... + i obviously have the execution bottleneck known as the 360 controller.

    oh and learning someone else means that I would be better off against other players who use said character. ie, I learn shun, so next time I play a shun its easier for me to form a counter strategy so to speak.

    probably wont be playing much when gta4 comes out anyways lol
  8. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Diversity is good at around your skill level. Good to learn what works for all chars so you can feed that into the main character you want to focus on.

    Defensively its good to know how everyone else works so you know what to expect.
  9. strongasdeath

    strongasdeath Member

    Hey guys. Sorry for disappearing lately! I'm still here.

    I don't get a lot of time for games, and VF was consuming all of it so I took a bit of a break and checked out a few other games. Then, my XBox died and it took me a few weeks to send it in for repair. I should be getting it back in a few days.

    Hopefully I'll see you guys online again soon.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I know that I often get to play with KtotheG, CPS2, y45hiro on the odd occasion, but I was wondering if you guys play each other much? You're all at comparable skill levels so if you're not playing regularly then you should! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  11. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    yeah i play CPS2 when I can, and Db4D Rhyno, Exitwoundss and Wickn00b sometimes.

    But mostly they play other games rofl, so i dont get to play them much.

    but since they dont play much, they arent that much of a contest for me since tactics like 2P > knee work 90% of the time.
    but i'm no contest for myke or ken or eddie (but hes taking a break) so thats my situation... i'm a scrub
  12. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    Count me in for some games. I'm a shitty Lion player - got destroyed by Ken's Lei the other night, who reminded me of this forum.

    I dabbled in VF4 on PS2 a little, and joined the forum briefly back then - just managed to resurrect my account. Couldn't find anyone else to play with locally, so gave up before I got much good at the game. I'm giving VF another go on 360 - hopefully the online play will help me improve.

    Definitely interested in playing some of you online, and learning a few things - look for gamertag "VFD" if you fancy an easy win /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Good games, don't be afraid to ask questions or get criticism.

    If you ask i'll give it. If you have a microphone set that up and I can give commentary or real time advice on what to do vs me or what you're doing wrong.

    Thanks for the game though.
  14. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    I have a headset... only I don't use it very often. The reason for that is that I'm usually sat next to my wife while I'm playing, and have the sound turned down so that she can watch the telly /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I can normally chat on the weekend, though, if you fancy a game during the day some time. Otherwise, don't think me rude if you play me on a weeknight and I don't have the headset plugged in.

    As for criticism/advice - I'd definitely appreciate a few pointers. Having read some articles on this site, I'm already aware of a lot of stuff I need to work on - I've really only scratched the surface.

    I've got a handful of moves that I rely on too much, I don't really know how best to deal with an opponent on the ground (which I think is supposed to be one of Lion's best strengths?), and I almost never throw escape or evade.

    I'm going to go ahead and blame Quest mode for teaching me bad habits... I can get a fair way (in both VF4:Evo as well as VF5) with my play style, but against skilled players, it's a different story /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Playing against you, there was a bunch of stuff I didn't know how to deal with (and to be honest, I find Lei one of the hardest match-ups for me even against the AI - very confusing to watch). I think the best I did was to get about 40% of your health in one round, but it seemed like you were toying with me a bit, and could have stepped in and taken control at any time (which you did).

    I'm playing the game "for fun" rather than expecting to get up to competition level, but digging a bit deeper into the game's systems seems like a big part of the fun in itself.
  15. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Wasn't really toying with you.
    Normally when I repeat certain moves with little variation, its so you can figure a way to deal with it and I was probably chanting one of the 3 below in the microphone.

    I believe I was trying to teach you 3 things.
    1. Guard Low. I did like 8 low attacks and you refused to duck.
    2. Dodge. I did like the same move 20 times and you didn't evade
    3. Tech Roll. I bounced you on the ground like 5 times.

    Lion I think is a Poking Mid/Low character.
    Full circular mid attack. 6K+G
    Full circular low attack. 3K+G
    Crumple low attack. 43P

    Fast pounce. 8P (Hold: 7P) so it registers as a reverse jump should the opponent TR/QR so it doesn't become a failed pounce.
    66K followups on most knock down moves. If opponent doesn't techroll then pounce guaranteed.
    Off/On the ground type hits.
    -The attacks general encourage the opponent to TR/QR to allow you advantage on the attack when rising.

    Lion has a huge arsenal on effective Low attacks, probably more then any other character.

    Lacks an elbow.
    Doesn't have a canned mid-floater. 26P only works on Counter.

    Feel free to ask more.
  16. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    Crap. That's pretty embarrassing, huh?

    There's no excuse for me not guarding low or evading (though I find it almost impossible to tech roll online for some reason - no trouble in a local match, must be the timing).

    I'm not really in the habit of using either of the full circular attacks you mentioned - I'll have to work those in a bit more. 43P is a bit of a favourite - I probably use that one too much, if anything (along with 8K and 4K+G).

    I didn't know about 66K on a downed opponent - I normally just pounce or wait. That's definitely going to help. I also didn't know to hold 7P while pouncing - another good tip. That's a whole part of the game I don't really understand yet. Is the other down attack (I think it's 3P) ever worth using?
  17. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    Thanks for the games last night, Ken - and again, apologies for not using the mic.

    I'm obviously really shit at this, but I think I figured one or two things out from our session.

    I spent a bit of time trying to use the evade, but it worked almost never against you. You remember those few rounds where I just seemed to be standing there, twitching and getting hit? Yeah. So do you have any tips on when/how to use it? There's obviously something pretty basic that I'm just not getting.

    Also, when my opponent is tech rolling after being downed, what's my best option? 8K works against the AI... but not you, apparently /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    In any case, I had fun, and I did block a couple of low attacks, so let's call that progress, eh? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  18. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    You played well and I saw some improvements, especially Techrolling and a bit of defense.

    Remember me telling you about sticking to basics in terms of striking. You're fairly oblivious to the attack levels. If you observe the way I was playing note how I was just playing 50/50 Mid/Low vs you.


    It doesn't have to be fancy. Any move that connects is a good move.

    Towards the end, i was doing nothing but 2P.
    -8K beats 2P
    -I was demonstrating how the following is used:
    High Jab
    Low Jab
    Mid Kick
    Low kick
    -The above are the basic strikes in VF, every char can be played in a similar manner using those moves that fall in these categories.
  19. Coddfish

    Coddfish New Member

    Hey all,

    I'm new to these forums, got VF5 (my first VF) about a week ago, and found these forums and signed up the same day.
    I've mostly been fooling around with Quest and Dojo modes, getting a feel for the game, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

    Gamertag: DrunkenMurloc
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand

    Look forward to some matches and hopefully getting better at the game!
  20. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    G'day Coddfish - by all means add me to your friends list (Gamertag: VFD). I'll be easier pickings than some of these pros /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    What character do you use?

    The missus is off to the Opera tonight, so assuming that I get out of work at a reasonable hour, and my bulldog doesn't keep trying to chew on my joystick while I'm trying to play (which was making things almost impossible for me yesterday), I should be able to get some games in tonight.

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