XBL Gamer Tag: UK listing

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ElectricLeo, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. ChrisRed

    ChrisRed Member

    hi all, im an intermediate player, got a record of 50W/50L ranked. im a pai player however i have 0 players on my friends list who play this. im going to add a few of you to my friends list. if you play often in the evenings send me a request and im sure to accept it, thanks
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I hope you don't mind American players because I am willing to face you in some player matches, If you need any pointer you save replays of our matches to learn from them. I really love playing player matches even though I have decent position rank wise I am not big fan of the ranking match set up.
  3. ChrisRed

    ChrisRed Member

    sent u a request shadoolord /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    Sir Stiff One

    I'm just reposting this after the forum crash. Usually on late nights, always up for player matches when free.
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    If you want to spare against other really good pais I am not the best one Akai FC, Seven5suited, JCruz, DaBadseed, Llanfair, are all really good pai players as well you should look up Of this bunch based on my experience Akai FC is the best one but you can always ask them which one is better from their point of view as well. I doubt my pai is as good as their's consistently on a daily basis
  6. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    Gamertag is : TeeZed

    I've tried to use all of the chars, started with goh which wasn't so smart then went onto wolf. Now i've used everyone except eileen, kage, pai, and el blaze. The rest i've tried and know a few combos.

    Feel free to add me and we'll have a few games, im using akira at the moment, but i might get bored and swap to someone else. Usualy on late night at night ( The time when all the japs like to join when i host... Clever.) Used to hurl abuse at them for not being able to read a simple connection bar but my headset broke.
  7. MonkeyKingX

    MonkeyKingX Member

    Gamertag: Monkey King X

    im a bit addicted to using sarah, but i can roughly use kage, aoi, jacky, goh. if i had an arcade stick it wouldnt be as rough LOL and i would be able to be comftable with all characters, but i dont have one, and i dont mind cos im doing pretty good (thumbs up)
  8. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    Hy guys

    Gamertag: PompeyFraz

    Akira...always Akira
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Your gamertag seems familiar, hmmm.
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter


    The GamerTag is MarlyJay.

    I could be using anyone, just dont expect me to be any good /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    What ever happened to believing in your own ability if you post you must have some talent to play VF.
  12. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

    Hi m8. Yeah I remember playing u a few times and getting pasted if i remember rightly :p
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Not trying to be self depreciating or anything, just kinda new to this all.
    I realise i have a very long way to go and i do like the occational mess around with a char i don't know how to use. I do realise however, that however my matches go i'll learn something. And thus i post.
  14. tikgnat

    tikgnat Well-Known Member

    My Gamertag is 'p33king DUCK'

    Been playing VF since VF2 on Saturn, through all the subsequent versions .

    I'm a fairly decent Sarah player, but I have to admit, my belief in my VF pwnage took a serious dent when I went online when VF5 came out on 360.

    I'll add those two friends accounts, 'EGVF5' and 'VirtuaFighterUK'.

    I don't know how often people play this in the UK, when I go online I normally get matched up with Americans?
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    LI Hannibal LI
  16. BenjyBoy

    BenjyBoy Member

    Would be good to play some more uk players!
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I decide to compile a list of all the UK players who have listed their gamertags here.

    Username - Gamertag

    ElectricLeo Electric Leo

    ZeroEx Zeextremekid & XG0

    Steam Cold Steam

    Leonard_McCoy Leonard_McCoy

    Akairyu Medion Akairyu Medion

    Ollie X Ollie X

    GanKai Gan Kai

    MAXIMUM FreeScotland

    Faded FadedFilm

    LemmyIsTheGame LemmyIsTheGame

    3of19 Xx 3 of 19 xX


    Ash Kaiser Kaiser Driver

    MattFabb ses1mf1

    Guilty Gear Goh Gurtan 360

    Aja Rydeen49

    N nlemon geAra dOGa

    Jide d1lios

    Mr Question Mr Question

    Archangel NorburyMan

    DarkVoid2100 Dark Void2100

    Skywriter9 skywriter9

    Pinking kingpin619

    MadArc M4dArc

    WrenHong Wren hong

    James Turner Tornsky

    RagingSilver RagingSilver

    Skeletorxxxxx skeletor xxxxx

    1Dgaf IDg4f

    Calibrated Calibrated

    Martial Loh Martial Loh

    Mr Expert MrExpert optiUK

    Br0ken Engli5h Br0ken Engli5h

    JJP1984 J J Parker

    Zander 9 Totally Zander

    KneeNinja KneeNinja

    YuuKun YuuKunUK

    SegaZoom SegaZoom

    Rayne UK Rayne

    ThePrince iKap Killa

    Desk Beefcore

    Smoky LoisMustDie X

    ChunSeng geckolimus


    Belligerent Feck Belligerent Feck

    geewai_ho geewaiho and xFlamingoQueenx

    HOWL ii HOWL ii

    SnakeEater i Cr0w i

    SkateBKP Skate BKP

    _MG ReasonableTrout

    mlc PKGMLC

    Stiff Sir Stiff One

    Stalwartsamurai stalwartsamurai

    ToastCrumb ToastCrumb

    BK__ LONDONcrew BK

    FunkyNuts VF5UK and EU plz

    OddyKnocky Shindemiru

    ChrisRed Left4Dead08

    TeeZed TeeZed

    MonkyKingX Monkey King X

    PompeyFraz PompeyFraz

    Marlyjay MarlyJay

    TikGnat p33king DUCK

    BenjyBoy girlsluvcurls81

    Seidon Li Hannibal iL

    60 odd people. More than I thought.

    It would probably be a good idea to stick this list onto the the first post so that it's easier for people to get the gamertags without going through all the posts.
  18. MarkyBaby

    MarkyBaby Member

    forgot i even had an account here til it said my username was already in use...

    anyway only got a 360 and vf5 yesterday, gamertag Devlin81
  19. theEggbox

    theEggbox Member

    I signed up to this site specifically to say..

    Add me please!

    Gamertag: Eggbox 360


    Only came across this site after I saw it mentioned in someones motto.. nice to see some familiar names of people I've had the pleasure to fight against! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Looking forward to fighting more of you in the future! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    By the way hows this work? Do I just start randomly adding people or should I message them first orr..? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  20. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I'll send you both a request tonight.

    An easy way to get a hold of people is through other's friend lists.

    If you accept my request check my friend list, you'll find a fair few players.

    You can just start punting out requests if you want to.

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