Xbox Live Reputation

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by CHeetah, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    Lion drives me crazy because he's one of the characters that particularly exploits and illuminates my own weaknesses. I'd never rate someone down just for using Lion, I'd just assume it was me not knowing how to handle the character properly. But man... drives me crazy.
  2. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    yeah but you know whats funny?

    ive been having a hard time beating people with him, but now that i can beat people with Lion, they all avoid me for some reason.
  3. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    That assumes that the bad reppers are playing from the same perspective as you. It also assumes that they're semi rational. (Rather than say, completely pissed off that their PPPK string broke on your guard etc) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif For some types, winning is more important than getting better at the game.
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I have been put on avoid by 60% of players on XBL so far, 40%ish of which reported me as unsportsmanlike, and a another 20% reported me as quitting early or being too aggressive. I'm not sure I understand this, since I barely ever use the headset. Are the Japanese and random scrubs (possibly some from VFDC) on XBL that irritated by my style of play? I don't understand. The game determines the rules you must adapt to, not the players. Anything that happens after a match is irrelevant, like dead body combos and throws, because it doesn't mean anything. It's a video game, not real life: Therefore, "not liking" how someone plays isn't really an option if you want to be the best player you can be. Adapt or die, since it's all fun and games at the end of the day.
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have been at about 50% avoidance regardless of how hard I try and I don't really care because one thing is clear, if you play well and people know it they will want to play against you and recommend you regardless of how dirty you play unless you are a Japanese player that hates being pounced on but that is all on them. I used to have an avoidance rate as high as 67% but playing good matches and getting the GG's have reduced that number considerably to its current number and for short time it was a low as 40%. Overall I don't really care and I don't quit matches early unless my game disk or XBL connection dies on me all of a sudden and it does this daily at random times when I don't want it to happen.
  6. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    ive had the opposite experience since i switched to playing vf5.. my rep hovered at 50% for a long time because of Gears of War newbs .. when i started playing vf5 online i actually got prefered (or at least not avoided) more often than not and ive actually gained 5 or 6 percentage points..

    i dont disconnect from fights (ill leave a gears match in a heartbeat) and i dont talk unless the other person is either a friend, vfdc alum, or starts talking first.. saves time and energy trash talking and makes for a much better live experience..

    ive noticed ppl dont talk much when they're losing and the better players usually throw a good game out there before the match breaks up..


    the best way to avoid ppl without butchering their rep (if thats not your intention) is to use the player skill options.. the unskilled or too skilled avoidance doesnt affect their rep but it does supposedly help avoid future match ups..

    i dont really believe the rep system works because i constantly run into ppl ive avoided in Gears and Vf5 is so random i rarely see the same ppl 2 days in a row..
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Moderhated. Listening.
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Shout[!]boX speaks:

    [x] [seven5suited]...I actually found emx and played him, but he threw all the rounds

    [x] [seven5suited] said I was wasting his time, but I didn't understand why
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Right, and he will once he plays me today, lol.
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Basically what I've observed against most JP players and just awful ones is that I will play a few rounds, try to a certain extent, and then I will just stand there and block. Then they will cycle through the entire movelist and never to the best option, just token lows and the 3rd or 2nd choice throw, when online 0f throws are nearly impossible to break even if you can read when they're going to land (I can't worth a damn). They act like I'm either invincible or a total jackass because I just expect them to do the obvious, but instead I just sit there and let them ring me out since they insist on spamming bullshit and having it all blocked. I don't have time for that. I really do try some rounds and it usually turns out a fucking rape party because I just buffer like crazy, spam, and read them like a storybook since they're always trying to do the best possible aggressive options in response to my offense (property moves eat that shit for breakfast) and they rely on nitaku-style mixups instead of forcing a hit more subtly, so it really isn't hard to figure out what they're gonna do and deal with it, because the movement system in VF5 is totally different from VF4. Again, I really don't understand why they do what they do. Is it honor, or do they think I'm embarassed or ashamed to be rung out because they refused to do their best option when I'm just standing there doing nothing? I'm not doing anything special.
  11. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Time to do some ranting

    Now i am finally undersdanding what some of you guys mean...
    I am about sick and tired of getting messages about how im "cheating" or im "playing like a little bitch"
    it hurts cuz you guys claim to be serious players... gimme a fucking break.
    maybe i should put a disclaimer under my gamer motto saying "i will throw you out the ring every chance i get" or "i'll make sure you stay in the air for more than half a round "... or maybe... (this is the best...) "I'll make sure to avoid every attack possible and then proceed to drain your life" so i dont have to worry about you guys joining my room.

    i mean its heart breaking. ppl complaining that i turtle, use ringouts... THAT I JUGGLE? are you serious? thats a crime now?

    i didnt cry when Seed kept sundome spaming my life away...
    i didnt pitch a bitch when Slide kept making me whiff punches by merely standing in flamingo.
    Shit n if i were like half of you i would cry every time Denkai or Sugarman poke me n "run away"
    i mean shit im no pro player yet but as frustrating as that may seem i see what is defeating me and i work on fighting it. i dont complain n send them messages saying "STOP HITTING ME!!! THATS NOT FAAIIIIIRRRRR!!!!"

    if thinking before executing is too much of a problem for you maybe you should go to DOA n pick up Hayabusa or Kasumi (you'll get raped on there too but at least you know more than 3 combos :p) cuz i promise to abuse you every chance i get. i find that going easy on someone is hurting their game and their pride.(even when im practicing real time combos im gonna TRY to win... i mean thats the point)

    shouts to all the players that see great potential in me n proceed to beat it out of me every time they get an opportunity... i really appreciate it
    VF is a fun game n is supposed to be a learning experience.
    if you arent having fun, please play something else
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: Time to do some ranting

    Im very glad you posted this and I agree to say the least. Ive been called gay and nigger and a whole slew of names but I keep my composure. Big ups man.
  13. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    *thread needs list of names*
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    You didn't get the memo man? Juggles are banned from tournaments now. None of that cheap crap is allowed.
  15. Duck_King

    Duck_King Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    Yo! This is the Duck King! hehe.Don't change your game for anyone Yip! My feathers got ruffled the first time I played on live. I posted a rant on this site afterwards and found the experience to be rather theraputic. It just feels good to vent. You are absolutely right, if these people don't want to learn the game they have no business playing it in the firstplace.
    I played Unreal Tournament III online, got *BEEPED*-up repeatedly, but I didn't whine about it, I just suck at fps.These winny players on live should stop complaining and step-up their game.
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    "Poke and run away." i can hardly dash at all on a pad.
    Maybe I'm just getting senile.
  17. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    Dont worry about it man. If anyone is gonna go out of their way to send you messages like that, they aren't any good so dont worry about what they think.
  18. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Re: Time to do some ranting

    i was implying the run away part to jacky's shuffle
    u know, the one where he steps WAY the hell back
    n u not that old
  19. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    For some reason thats never happened to me. But that has to be irritating to get messages like that.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to do some ranting

    Keep playing your game Yip. I use everything giving to my character period. If i could Bite to get out of a hold then i'll do that too. To avoid the Racist comments and hate words after owning noobz or vets i just play without a headset or go in private chat with my cuzo BadSeed and kick Can-I-Bus verses back an forth laughing at players in Rank matches.

    Well then again My Hori stick got thrown so much around during the DOA4 era that the Headset don't work. So i'll use the pad on light player matches.

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