Yukio Sugino Interview about Sega's Philosophy

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 28, 2011.

By akai on Apr 28, 2011 at 12:28 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    [​IMG]"I want to get as many people around the world as possible interacting with the entertainment Sega produces." - Yukio Sugino, director of internal game development at Sega of Japan.

    "Our team members have spent long nights trying to make games as fun as they can get them, really valuable experiences. From my standpoint, seeing games like that go unnoticed by people is about the saddest thing I can think of. As a company, we need to bring our newest creations wherever they can go and show people the fun involved with them. This challenge of bring Sega-style play, Sega-style entertainment, Sega-style content to people worldwide is the road Sega needs to tackle going into the future."

    Translation of a Famitsu interview with Yukio Sugino from 1up.com. Additional information from that interview can be found in this link


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 28, 2011.

    1. MarlyJay
      Burning Rangers!! A game years ahead of it's time. Amazing game that deserves a sequel. Was there a version of Gunstar heroes on Saturn, or do you mean Guardian Heroes, which is another awesome game.

      Guardian heroes with 8 player online over live and PSN please [​IMG]
    2. Flyingguillotine
      Treasure was the developer for GSH weren't they? Awesome game.
      Yeah and that article was pure propaganda. They say that then just defecate lousy Sonic games on the world year after year. They basically force geniuses like Yu Suzuki to sit in his office sharpening pencils and give us poorly produced Marvel movie tie-in games. This is not the Sega I used to know.
    3. jinxhand
      Yeah both Guardian Heroes and Gunstar Heroes were made by Treasure... Their artwork and overall design was similar in both games... Out of the 2 though, Guardian Heroes was only on the Saturn, and later on the GBA... Gunstar Heroes was only on the Genesis and later XBLA and PSN... For such a great company with 2 good games under their belt I'm surprised they haven't attempted to continue either of the story lines for their games... Last I remember, they were working on a Tiny Toons game for PS2, but it was canx...
    4. Shidosha
      Tl;dr: "Sega Here, So yea, we're fucking up... Damn i miss the Dreamcast"
    5. masterpo
    6. Dennis0201
      They do release some good games such as yakuza, bayonetta, and more. But nothing relative with VF.
    7. QuickClaw
      Pretty much my thought's exactly. Although SEGA does indeed release some good titles today every now and then, the one's they SHOULD be releasing/remaking/reintroducing worldwide never see light. What are they waiting on?
    8. jerichompm
      Last bronx
      Guardian heroes
      Chu Chu Rocket
      Dynamite Deka 2
      Sega Rally
      Giant Gram 2000
      Virtua Striker 2
      Daytona usa

      Any of those on arcade live or ps3 would do good just Sega need to sort themselves out big time.
    9. masterpo
      believe it or not Sega's Viking Battle for Asguard was pretty good, I definitely would've like them to make more, it certainly was as good as Legends of Troy put out by Koei Canada.

      But Sega has lost so much credibility with me because of their handling of Virtua Fighter, when I buy a Sega game today, its totally by mistake. I bought the game b4 I realized who the developers were.
    10. Kiuju
      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">SEGA has MAJOR amounts of work to do. They've already damaged their reputation around the world, I don't see how being remiss about it does anything but make people like us even more disappointed.

      Release VF5:FS on consoles or STFU</div></div>

      How, they still have the regulars that do make them enough money to make more. Sonic for instance. They keep making them because they keep making money. I mean to say that their reputation is damaged because they won't release a game they can't guarantee will make them any money is nuts. Even if I agree with your sentiment it's nuts.

      They have other games coming down the pipeline from their other development houses. We'll see, but VF isn't their top franchise and it's pretty clear they have no intention to release it.

      I mean mortal kombat is out, mortal fucking kombat and it's supported by the fucking community for the most part. It's all over the damn place. Why is that you ask?
    11. Mooseking_Lion
      SoJ has been in a downward spiral ever since the fall of the Dreamcast.

      It's only in recent years that SEGA has found it's footing again. Say what you will about a metric-tonne of shitty Sonic titles, they generated the income that saw SEGA get out of the horrible economic situation post DC.

      Yet its current strengths come from what was traditionally SEGAs powerhouse, rarely on the DC did a first party produced title find it's way to greatness.

      SEGA's 2nd party production companies in Overworks and Sonic Team etc produced and made the A+ and innovative titles on the DC.

      Recently with arms outside Japan in Sumo Digital and now Platinum Studios, SEGA is starting to do what is best. Not having direct restrictions on game ideas and let the 2nd party do it's thing.

      We all know about the strong cult titles from Genesis through to DC but considering one that shone so brightly in Shining Force to be bled to the point it is now is proof enough that SoJ needs to re-energize its staff be firing just about anyone who hasn't proven their weight since the DC era and inject some outside bodies to rethink SEGA's wheel and it's relationship with the outside world.

      This last post by SoJ's Sugino just blatantly point's out the struggle that Japan has atthe moment of actually creating something new again, the creative engine of Japan seems dried up at the moment and the west is leading in invigoration and new idea's.

      Just look at any creator leaving a Japanese company and they'll point out a culture problem in Japanese development, would be best for all to let SoA handle a solid port of VF5:FS and reduce SoJ's decision making to Arcade specific business.

      A community driven 500 pages wasn't enough for SEGA to be clear on VF5:FS future with it's supporters but we all know that we would buy it and the rise of interest on SRK in seeing a traditional Hardcore fighter is growing with the posts pointing to VF5:FS.

      Capcom and the other fighters have flooded the market with entry level fighting games while I think VF being too hardcore for it's own good now shines greater as a strong title to stand out amongst the immanent tidal wave of shitty doujin fighters and B class money tie in fighting games.

      Apoint regional mouthpieces for VF and give Myke a paid position in it's marketing department for Community Manager, then just give us quarterly Item updates at a reasonable price.
    12. jerichompm
      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">SEGA has MAJOR amounts of work to do. They've already damaged their reputation around the world, I don't see how being remiss about it does anything but make people like us even more disappointed.

      Release VF5:FS on consoles or STFU</div></div>

      Psu makes more money then Sonic ever will £10-$10 per month people still play that game and after 4 years it still pushes upto 60,000-75.000 online per month sometimes 100,000 if theres an event thats money going to other projects that don't work like Sonic.

      If the online stats on VF5 really proved it's worth then i would say otherwise but when i put that game online lobbys are empty thats fact, even DOA4 has 18,000 playing monthly and that's an older game then VF5

      Sheer marketing Kiuju there's no question about it, Even if the game is rubbish or not that's something Sega lack in big time with America and Europe they have no connection with other players.

      For all it's worth how would they know that Chinese Korean's Americans or Europeans like VF in general they don't even put like 1 single arcade cabinet somewhere for each country remote to find out the answer, that's how dry they are about marketing research

      Sooner or later i'll just allow VF in general and put my time into something else i'm a bit bored watching matches on You tube what is possibly the greatest game made and we can't even touch it.

      And it's not the 1st time it's been done either VF4FT & VF5R also

      + also Kiuju the other reason some people are putting time into MK9 in America is a tournament is giving out $21,000 for 1st place prize, i mean money talks for most ain't it.

      Europe u might be lucky to win anything maybe a bus ride home or enough for dinner lol.

      Japan just play for pride and friendship
    13. Kiuju
      lol, have you played PSU?
    14. Plague
    15. Kiuju
      If Sega made a move like that, I would be surprised. That job sounds like a tall order. I'm sure it wouldn't be just for VF, but other Sega titles too.
    16. Berzerk
      On VF's online performance, I think the poor user interface for its online system has a lot to answer for. You can only fight one other person (you are locked to them until you leave the lobby), and you can only fight with the one character you've chosen.

      This is abysmal and it discourages players from going online. Its too much hassle to find other players and try different things in the game.

      A new release with a fully updated, feature-robust online mode to allow the community to grow will make a big impact, as would adding casual friendly story modes etc for single player.

      These are simple things that they can do which would improve the reception of a future VF release at little cost and the resurgent fighting community will do a lot of the word of mouth.
    17. jerichompm
      Of course i have, do u know how many people pay for that game and ain't online still trust many don't even turn off there account.

      SF4 learned from that and looked what happened since SSF4 is out booming since.
    18. akirasmash8
      It's really Sega's inability to market competitively that makes, VF especially, almost unknown in the majority of other places like here in the Philippines (no more VF arcades here!). But I still hope for the better, if not for the best, of this great game go further.
    19. Kiuju
      Not to troll, but PSU is one of the worst MMO experiences I have ever had. It's limited and outdated, honestly I am surprised it has done as reasonable as it has done. I have played since DC and BB. We'll see what pso2 does, so far it looks like more of the same.

      Back on subject VF VF VF VF.
    20. EmX
      Hell yeah. If Markman and Seth Killian can do it for their respective companies, then Sega can do it as well. Will they? Bahahaha no.

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